Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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No Pages: 2
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200 Ecclesiastical REPORTS, IN 1807, [ Of Tory. 1. r Number of Bcnelices. 23- c 5 Sz. § Tnree. One. 25. Three, 26. One. 27. One. 28. One. 29. One. Names of BENEFICES and DENOMINATIONS Number of PARISHES in each Benefice; Their pittance from each other; and the eftimated Extent of fucta as are contiguous. Bordwell Rectory, and the Vicarages of Kilcoan and Kilbride. The Parishes of Kil- and Kilbride are contiguous; that of coan Bordwell lies at a considerable distance; the extent of those that are contiguous is about one mile and a half broad, and two and half long. Rathsaran Rectory ; the estimated extent of
this Parish is about 1,200 acres. Union of Aghamacart, consisting of the Vicarages of Killeen, Cahir, and Aghama- cart. The Parishes are contiguous, no sign or trace of a bounds between them ; the whole contains 4,842 acres. Killermogh, Rectory and Vicarage. Durrow Rectory and Vicarage. Mayne, Prebend. 2. INCUMBENTS, Whether having Cure of Souls ; whether Refident; if Non- refulent, for what Caufe ; and by whom the Duties are difeharged. Revd Robt Alexander, Rector and Vicar; Incumbent has cure of fouls in all parts of his Benefice ; Incumbent resides at Ross ( within 2 miles of his Benefice) of which he serves
the occasional duties. Duties discharged by the Curate of the adjoining Parish. Revd Frans G. Despard, Rector; Duties discharged by the Rector; resides adjoining the church ; has cure of souls in all parts of his Be- nefice. Revd Oliver Flood, Vicar; In cumbent has cure of souls in all parts of his Benefice; resides in the Parish of Killeen ; duties dis- charged by the Incumbent and Curate. BENEFICES, When United, and by what Authority. These were united byj reason of their poverty. United time immemo- rial by the Bishop. Revd Edwd Price, Rector and Vicar ; Incumbent has cure of souls in all parts of his Benefice ; duties
discharged by the Incumbent, who resides in the parish. No Union. Revd John Stone, Vicar Encum- bent has cure of souls in all parts of his Benefice; resides in Glebe House in the parish ; duties dis- charged by Incumbent. No Union. Revd Richd Butler, Prebendary ; not resident; has cure of fouls; duties discharged by the Incum- bent. Castlane or Whitechurch Rectory and Revd Thos Maunsell, Rector and Vicarage: it contains about 1,170 acres, all Vicar; has cure of souls; resides contiguous. adjoining the parifh ; duties charged by the Incumbent. dif- ' > 9 . ! ) - . 1 I i
Oflbry.] FOR PROVINCE OF L E I x - s T K R . 201 4- 5- 6. 7- Numltcr of GLEBE HOUSES; CURATES LIVINGS CHURCHES; In what Parifh ;— whit Clc- he Lands ;— Salaries in Cafes of permitted of a Value too fniaii Wheth.- r in Repair, and Whether contiguous; or Non- Refidcnce of the tj cffi id Comfort in which how far removed from each other, anJ the Church, Incumbcnts, to the rariflici they ftanj. or Site of old Ch « rch. and whether Kefident or not. Incumhenti. No Church. OneChurch newly built, and nearly finished. On' Church, in the P . ri( t\ of Aghamacart, in good repair. 0> ie Chu ch in the paii. h, i. i g jod repair. One
Church, in the Pirifh of Durrow, in good repair. No Church. One Church in the Pariih, in good repair. No Glebe Houfe. No Glebe Land. No Glebe Houfe. About 113 acres of Glebe Land, contiguous to each other, and adjoining the church, No Glebe Houfe, there are 291 acres of Glebe Land, in 14 difr rent places. Some fpots £ a mile afunder, fome nearer; fome parts lie near the church, and fome farther from it. A Glebe Hou{ » lately built in the parifh ; there about 300 acres of Glebe Land about on-' mile alunder, 3 acres at a remote corner of the parilh ; the rell is in the centre of it: they are con- tiguous to the church. A Glebe
Honfe in the Parifh of Durrow, in good repair ; there are 18 acre; of Glebe Land in the parifh, and contiguous to the church. No Glebe Houfe ; a glebe of to acres. No Curate, No Curate. Curate at the yearly Salary of £- 60. who refidei. Under orders to build fince the laft Vifuation, held 17th Sept' 1806. D* No Curate. No Curate. No Curate. No Glebe Hou'e, the glebe being loft; but Incumbent hopes to be able to find out the bounds. 78. Under orders to build fmce the Jail Vifitation, held 1 7th Sepr 1E06. Curate. 3 *