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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland


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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland

Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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E C C L E S I A S T I C A L R E P O R T S , I N 1 8 0 7, [ OFIBRY. 1. c e Six. Fifteen. Js. fmes of BENEFICES and DESOMIN AT IONS ; Number of PARISHES in each Benefice; Their Diftance from each other ; and the eftimated En: ciit of foeh as are contiguous. 2. INCUMBENTS, Whether having Cure of Souls ; whether Refident ; if Non- Refident, for what Caufe; and by whom the Duties ire difcharged. Union of CALLAN; Consisting of the Rectories and Vicarages of Callan, Tulloroan, Tullomain, Coolagh- more, Killaloe. and Ballycallan. The parishes are contiguous. The extent of the Union is about 10 miles from one extremity to the other. Union of BURNCHURCH; Consisting of the Vicarages of Burnchurch, Dumfart, Rectory of Kilfearow, Monastery or Abbey of Ierpoint, Vicarage of Ierpoint West, and the Vicaragcs of Ballylinch, Dunbelle. Grange of Kilree, Bawn or Black- now, Wool or Mollgrange, Blackrath Grange, Cloran, Garran, Mocktown, and Rathbin. The above parishes are interspersed through the County of Kilkenny ; the entire Union consists of 13,107 acres. The names of some of the parishes exist only in the In cumbent's titles and the Bishop's Visitation Books, as their situation is not known. The several parishes ought rather to be denominated Town Lands, as many of them are extremely small. Revd George Stevenson, Rector ; Incumbent. has cure of souls in all parts of his Benefice ; resides in the parish 0f Callan. Duties discharged by Incumbent, with the assistance of two Curates. Revd Richd Butler, Rector and Vicar; Incumbent has cure of souls in all parish of his Benefice ; recides in the city of Kilkenny, and with the assistanceof a Curate, discharges the duties of the Union. One Tafcoffin, Prebend. Revd Willm Johnston, A. M. Prebendary; there is cure of souls in all parts of this parish. Seven. Union of KELLS ; Confifling of the Vicarage of Kells, the Reftories and Vicarages of Earlftown, Ral- lytobin. Mallardfk'wn, the Redories cf Kilree. Stamararty and Anamolt. The Parifhes are all contiguous to each other; the eft. mated extent of the Unien is about 3 miles broad, and about tour in length. Two. Rathdowny Redtory and Vicarage Glafhare Redlory; the parifhes are conti guous: the two parifhes contain nearly 9,000 acres. Revd Thos Kemmis, Rector and Vicar; Incumbent has cure of souls in all parts of his Benefice; when resident, resides at the Glebe Houfe. Duties difcharged by the Curate. BENEFICES, When Unite 1, and by % what Authority. Immemorially united by Act of Council. The Union is of long standing, and by Act of Council. Cannot ascertain when the parishes were united, or by what authority. Revd Marcus Monck, Vicar of Rathdowny and Rector of Gla- share, not resident; Incumbent ; has cure of souls in all parts of his Benefice; Glebe House not being habitable, could not reside ; a new one to be built. United by Act of Cour. •- cil, but cannot tell when. Ossory FOR PROVINCE OF L E I N* S T F. R. 109 There are twoChurches : n gooc t pair, one in the parifl > t Lallan, and ano- ther in Ballycall. n No Church. A new one is at pre fern building in the parith ot Uurnchurch. 4- Number of CHURCHES; Whether in Repair, and in which Parilbe* they ftand. 5- CLEBE HOUSES; In what P. infliwhat Glebe Lands;— Whether contiguous; or how far removed from each other, and the Church, or Site of old Church. No Glebe Houfe. There arc a few fcattered acres of Glebe Land i miles diflant from the church. No Glebe Houfe. There is a glebe of abut 11 acres near the church ; no other glebe in the Union. One Church, in pirifh of Tafcoffin. the 6. CURATES Salaries in Cafes of permitted Non- Kefnlence of the Incumhents, and whether Refidcnt or not. There are two Curates, one, of Callan, who rcfides in the parish of Callan, and the other of Ballycallan, not resident; their Salary £. 75. per annum each. LIVING S of a Value too fmall to a ( ford Comfort to the Incumbents. One Curate, at the yearly salary of £. 75. who also re- sides in the city of Kilkenny. No Glebe Houfe or glebe. One Church, in the parifh of Kells, in good repair. Or. e Ch irch, in the parifh of Ruhdown, in good repair. A Glebe Houfe in the parifh of Kells, in good repair. There are 15 acres of glebe which lie fcattered in different parts of the Union; 21 acres are in the parifh of Kells; the glebe of Kells is near the church, the other glebes are not con- venient to the lite of any church. There is a raiferable Glebe Houfe, condemned, in the parifh of Rathdowny ; there are about 166 acres of Glebe Land, all in a circle ; they arc within { a mile of the church. Under Orders to build fince the lafl Vifitation, held 17th Sept. 1806. This Union would be better to be dif- united ; till then there will be perpe- tual Curates up* pointed. Curate refides near the parifh ; Salary £. 60. per annum. One Curate, with a Salary of £. 90. per annum, who re- fides in the parifh of Kells. One Curate, with a Salary of £. 90 per annum, who re- Under orders to build fince the lall fides in the parish of Rath- Vifitation, held 17th downy. Sept' 1806. t
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