Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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No Pages: 2
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m iwi 10 J; : I v 1 9 6 E C C L E S I A S T I C A L R E P O R T S , I N 1 8 0 7, [ Offory. 1. Number of Benefices. 10. 2 ' S Z o One only. Names of BENEFICES and DENOMINATIONS; Number of PARISHES in each Benefice; Their Diftance from each other ; a tul the eftimated E: tent of fuch as are contiguous. INCUMBENTS, Whether h,. ving Cure of Souls; Whether E. efident; if Non- Refulent, for what C. iufe; and by whom the Duties Sre difcharged. Donoughmore ; Rectory and Vicarage ; about 1 \ mile long, and f broad ; lies ali to ether. Revd Thos de Lacy; Incumbent has cure of souls in all parts of his Benefice; not resident;
resides at the Archdeaconry of Meath; the duties are discharged by a Curate. II. 12. > 3- One only. One only. Three. 14. Three. Kildelgy Rectory. Dungarvan; Rectory and Vicarage. Union cf Kilfane ; consisting of the Rec tory of Kilfane, and Vicarages of Tulioherir and Blanchvellstown ; they are contiguous two miles and an half long, and one and a' ; ialf broad. This is the corps of the Arch- deaconry. Revd John Carey, Rector; has cure of souls in all parts of this Benefice. Revd Robt Shaw; Incumbent not resident, having had another Bene fice in the Diocese on which he resided. and from the smallness and circumstances of the
Parish of Dun- garvon not seeming to require re- sidence. Duties discharged by the neighbouring Curate. Has cure of fouls fice. in all parts of this Bene- Revd Paul Helsham ; Incumbent has cure os fouls in all parts of his benefice; not resident, being Vi- car- General of the Diocese of Ossory; duties performed by the Incumbent. 3- BENEFICES, When United, and by • what Authority. No Union. No Union. No Union. United by Ad of Council, cannot tell when. Union of THOMASTOWN; Consisting of the Redories and Vicarages of Thomastown, Collumkill, and Famagh church— They lie contiguous; they are about one mile and f
long by one and \ broad. ' 5- 17- Nine. Revd Alexander Hamilton A. M. Rector and Vicar ; Incumbent has cure of souls in all parts of his Bene- fice ; resides in the parish of Thomas- town; duties discharged by the In- cumbent. United lately by Ad of Council. Union of KNOCKTOPHER; Consisting of the Rectories and Vicarages of Knocktopher, Kilneddy, and Aghavilla, Kiltorkin, Dernahensy, Kilkeril, Kilkeasy, Kilmogany, and Donomagan. The above parishes are contiguous. Revd Hans Hamilton, A. M. Rector and Vicar; Incumbent has cure of souls in all parts of his Benefice ; resides in Glebe House in the parish of Knocktopher;
duties discharged by the Incumbent, with the assistance of his Curate. Five. One. Union of FIDDOWN ; Consisting of the Rectories of Fiddown, Bewly, and Tubrid, and the Rectories and Vicarages of Castlane and Tipperaghny. The above parishes are contiguous. United long fince by Ad of Council. Revd John Kearney, A. M. Rector and Vicar; duties discharged by the Incumbent, with the assistance of a Curate, who resides in the Union. There is cure of souls in all parts of the Union. United Council. by Ad of Kilmanagh Prebend. Revd Hans Caulfield, Preben- dary ; has cure of souls in all parts ot the Benefice; duties discharged
by the Incumbent. S
OfTory.] FOK PRON » ; CF. OF Lnystcn. 107 4- Number of C H U K 0 ttfc S ; 1 Whether in Repoir, anil in which Pariiht » tliey ftand. 5- GLEBE HOUSES; In what Paiifli i— what Glebe Lands ;— Whether contiguous; or how f. ir removed from each other, and the Church, or Site of old Church. 6 CURATES Salaries in Cafes of permitted Noii- Refid: nee of the Incambents, and whether Refident or nor. 7- I. IV1NGS of a Value too fm. sU to afford Comfcic to t|, e Incumbent*. Chtr h in the pari( h, in good repair. A Glebe Houfe in the parifh, and about 153 acres of contiguous Glebe Lands within I of a mile cf the church. A Curate, with
a Salary of ^. 75. per annum; not refi dent ; refides about or. e mile and 5 from the church. • No Church. — No Curate. Too fmall to afford comfort to the in- cumbent. No Church. No Glebe Houfe; there are 15 acres of Glebe, 10 in one fpot, and 5 in another, the 10 acres are near the fite of the old church. The neighbouring Curate gets £. 10. a yeaf allocation. Under orders to build fince the la; t Vifitation. held : 7th StfpU 1806. One Church, in the parifh of Kilfane, in good repair. A Glebe Haufe building in the parifh of K: l- fane ; a Glebe of 46 £ acres contiguous, and are within a quarter of a mile of the church. It varies, according to
cir- cumftances, from^. 90 to£. 6o. See. Sec. Na Curate. - One Church, in the parifh of Thomaflown, IU good repair. A Glebe Houfe building in the parifh of Thomas- rown about 18 acres of Glebe Land about i a " iile aiunder, about | of 2 mile from the church. No Curate. Curate's Salary varies, ac- cording to circutnftance?, from £. 50. to X- 90, Per annum. - There is a Church in the parifh of Knocktcphcr in good repair; another in the parifh of Kiimogan) in gocd repair. There is a Glebe Houfe in the parifh of , Knocktopher. There are 40A. 3R. 17P. of Glebe in the parifn of Knock topher, about 16 acres ad- joining the Glebe Houfe,
15 A. a mile from it, I5 occupied by the Curate at Kilifcorany; and three ftnall patches about the Town 01 Knockto- ' phrr. i The Curate ofKnocktopher has £. 90. per annum, and re- fides in the parifh of Knock- topher. 1 There is a Church in iheparifhof Fiddown; iu JCOJ repair. j No Glrbe Houfe; tfc? re are 13 acres of Glehc near the church, in the parilh of Fiddown, I A 2 R. 5 P. one mile and froci the church; the remaining glebes arc about 3 miles from the fhurch. The Curate of Fiddown hai Q. per annum, and rcfidet in the parifh of Fiddov/ n. Under orders to build finre the I'll Vifitation, he'd tho 17th Septr 1806. Church in the pari ft,
iu ^ oud repair. A Glebe Hc » " fe lately built, a glebe of about 301 A. 3 K. u f. coniigjoui to the cliuich. No Cerate. — 78. 3 D.