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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland


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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland

Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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No Pages: 2
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ECCLESIASTICAL REPORT?, t s 1807, [ Leighlin i IN or BENEFICES and DENOMINATIONS; Number of PARISHES in each Benefice; T heir Diftance f< o n each och'rj ? nd The estimated Extent of fuch as are contiguous. Kilteban - - Rectory of. Stratford- upon- Slaney : A Perpetual Cure, with a district annexed, taken out of the Parish og Baltinglass. Union of URGLIN. Urglin Rectory of. Grangeforth - Rectory of. Contiguous: contents 3,040 acres. Killerick - Impropriate Cure of. Contiguous. Union of STRADBALLY. Stradbally Vicarage of. Moyanna Rectory of. Tullowmoy Rectory of. Kilclonbrook - Rectory of. Bailiquillane Rectory of. Timahoe, alias Tossey Vicarage. N. B. Bailiquillane is in the titles, but no such distinct Parish found. Contiguous : value £. 405.: contents 19,600 acres; much pafture. INCUMBENTS, Whether having Cure cf Souls; whether Relider. t ; if Nor- Refident, for what Caufc, and fay whom the Duties are difthargnl. Rev. Arthur Weldon; has cure of souls; resides within his parish, within two miles of the church. Rev. Mark Lister; has cure of souls; does not reside within his district, from want of accommoda- tion, but resides in the parish of Baltinglass, within two miles and a half of the church ; duties dis- charged by himself. Rev. Benjn Hobart; has cure of souls; does not reside, partly from want of accommodation, and partly as Surrogate of the diocese; he re- sides in Carlow, within miles of the parish church ; the duties dis- charged by himself. Rev. Nichs Foster ; has cure of souls ; resident in Glebe House ; duties discharged by himself and his assistant, Rev. Hy Morgan. Union of CARLOW. Carlow Rectory of. Killeskin Rectory of. Contiguous: contents 4,619 acres. Temple Peter - - - Rectory of. Rev. Dr. Falkiner; has cure of Epifcopally united, souls; resident in the town of Car- 1665, and ever fince ; the low; duties discharged by himself. lafc Union about 1780. 3- BENEFICES, When United, and by what Authoiity. No Union. No Union. Episcopally united ever since 1713. Killerick united Epis- copally, 1803. Stradbally and Moy- anna united by Act of Council, 1774. Tullowmoy and Balli- quillane united ever since Tossey, alias Timahoe, united Episcopally to Kil- clonbrook time immemo- rial. The fame united to Stradbally Epifcopally 1801. Tullowmoy and Balli- quillane united Epifco- pally to Stradbally 1791. Rev. Mr. Pasley; has cure of souls; non- resident, from the small- ness of the district, and want of ac- commodation ; engaged in an ef- fectual Cure in the parish of Kil tennel, in the Union of Lorum in this diocese ; occasional duties dis- charged by Rev. F. Trench. No Union. Ftrns.] FOR PROVINCE OF LF. INSTER. 191 Number of CHURCHES; Wbc. her in Repair, and in whiih I'l ifte. they Itand. The old Church lately taken down and rebuilt. One Church, in repair. One Church, in repair in the parifh of Urgiin. One Church in repair, in the parish of Strad- bally. One Church in repair, in the parish of Carlow. No Church. 5- C. L E K E HOUSES; In what Par. fb;— what C tit Lai: d!;— whether contiguous; or How far removed tiom each oihc, a id from the Churih, or Site of old Chun h. No Glebe Houfe. No Glebe. No Glebe Houfe. No Glebe. 6. CURATES SA'I.-'. E. inCaftsof permitted NoJi. Rclider. c- of tiie locum '•>. ntr, an I » h- ther RcrtJc t or nit. No Curate. No Curate AiEfhnt. No Glebe Iloufe, No Glebe. A Glebe House in the Parish of Stradbally. Two Glebe Lands; one containing 4 acres, on which the Glebe Houfc / lands; another containing 6 acres, at the diitance of half a mile. No Curate. No Glebe Houfe. Three Glebes in parish of Carlow. A. R. P. ift - - - - - - - - - 1. 1. 24. 2d - - - - - - - - - o. 1. 17. 3d - - - 1. 3. 8. The two latter in the town of Carlow, a mile frcm the firll. No Glebe Houfe. No Glebe. No Curate. LIVINGS of a V* lu'- m i'. n 1 I tu trfoid Co i. lort to the Incuir. bcn s. This Chape! ry, 1793) wes endowed iy Eail of Aldbo- •' ough, with lam'i producing f. 50 per mnum. Kiilerick, 2: 1 Im- propriate Cure, paid > y the Impropriator /'. 1K per annusi. Rev. Hamilton Morgan : resides in the town of strad bally; salary £. 75. Rev. F. Trench; lives in the adjoining parish; under- takes the occasional duties, which are so small that he ac cepts no retribution. September 30th i8c6. E. Leighlin & Ferns.
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