Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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No Pages: 2
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E C C L E S I A S T I C A L R E P O R T S , I N 1807, £ Leighlin Sc V • '• '-• • - • .... - . — . . I. 2. INCUMBENTS, Whether having Cure of Souls ; whether RrfiJerjt; if Non- Refident, for what Coufc; and by whom the Duties are difchar^ ed. 3- BENEFICES, when United, and by what Authority. • f Number of Benefices. c 0 0 c 1 c u Q i Names of BENEFICES a- d DENOMINATIONS; Nua> ber of PARISHES in each B-.- nefice; Their Diflance from each other; and The ertimr. ted Ext- nt of fuch as are contiguous. Z9. I. Ballyroan Rectory of. • Rev. Chamberlayne Walker; has cure of souls; non- resident; has a parish in the Diocese of
Ossory, in which there is a Glebe House, and in which he was accustomed to reside; but according to the best of my in- formation, now resides the greater part cf the year in. the vicinity cf Dublin ; duties discharged by Rev. Richd Blake. No Union. 3°- I. Abbyleix, alias Clonkeen - - Vicarage. Honble. and Rev. Arthur Vesey ; has cure of souls; refident in the parish; discharges the duties by himself and Curate Assistant. No Union. 3'- r I. Dysart Gallen Rectory of. Rev. Sewell Stubber; has cure of souls; resides within his Bene- fice ; discharges the duties himself. No Union. 32. 2. Union of FENNAGH. Myshall Rectory of. Fennagh
Vicarage of. Contiguous: contents 5,000 acres. Rev. Richd Dewson ; has cure of souls ; resides in the parifh of Fennah ; duties discharged by him- self. Epifcopally united ever fince 1735. 33- 2. Union of DUNLECKNY. Dunleckny - Vicarage of. Contiguous: contents 4,998 acres. Rev. Weldon Molony ; has cure of souls; resides in the Glebe House of Dunleckny ; duties discharged by himself. By Ad of Council 1795 34- 2. Union of CLONENAGH. Clonenagh ... Rectory of. Clonagheen Rectory of. Contiguous: contents 13,800 acres. Rev. Dean Scott; has cure of souls; does not reside; resides at Deanery Lismore, Diocese of Lis more, which he holds by Faculty ; duties discharged by Rev. Mr Ro- gers, and Rev. Mr. Griffith. United epifcopally 1661. and continued fo united ever fince laft Union, dated 1788. 35* I. Timogae Rectory of. Rev. Joseph Cassan ; has cure of souls ; not resident from want of accommodation, but resides at Stradbally, within a mile of the church ; duties discharged by him- felf. No Union. 56. I. Rathasbuck Rectory of. Rev. Edw. Sterling; has cure of souls ; resides within the parish; duties discharged by himself. No Union. 37- 2. Union of BALLYADAMS. Ballyadams, alias Kilmacedy - Rectory. Ballintubber, alias Fonstown - - Rectory.
Contiguous: contents 3,902 acres. Vacant : Title contelled ; late Rector, resided in another parish ; held by Faculty. From time immemo- rial. I. Grange Monk - - Vicarage of. Incumbent; Rev. John Baggott; has cure of souls; non- resident by reason of the smallness of the in- come ; less than £. 20.; duties dis- charged by Rev. Mr. Weldon. No Union.
F- rns.] T OR PROVINCE or LEINSTIR. 2s/ 189 Number of CHURCHES; I'hetUer in Rejait, and in which r » rirt> « i they fland. One Chutth, in repair Or. e Church, in repair One Church, in repair One Church, in repair, in the parilh ot" Fcncagh. One Church, in repaii Two Churches, in re- pair, in the parilh c Cionenagh ; one at Mon- trath, the other at Clone nagh. one niil » - and a hali from Mountrath. One Church, in repair. A Church crefted about 3ovears fincc by. i'rd of the fruftccs of Firft Fruits; 1 { undermined by Colliers, • land iu ruins. One Chuich, in repair, Jn paiiih of Bailyauams. No Church. 73. 5- GLEBE HOUSES; In what
l'arilh ;— what Glebe Lands;— Whether Contiguous; or How far removed from eath other, and from th « Church, or Site of old Church. No Glebe Houf: No Glebe. No Glebe Houfe. A Glebe about to be granted, 5 acres, a mile ind quarter from the church. No Glebe Houic; one is building. 1 Glebe - 30 aces lbout one quarter of a mile from the church. No Glebe Houfc. No Glebe. A Glebe Houfe in tha parilh of Dunlcckny. 1 Glebe 10 acres'. Within lefs than a mile from the church. No Glebe Houfe. No Glebe. No Glebe Iloufe. No Glebe. No Glebe Houie. No Glebe Lands. No Cilcbe Houfe. No Glebe. No Glebe Houfe No Glebe. C U
RATF. S Salaries in Cafes of permitted Non- Relidence >•( the Incumbents, and whether Refident or not. LIVINGS of a VJIUI too fm'. lt to afford Comforc to the Incumbents. Rev. Rich. Blake: resides in the town of Ballyroun; Salary C- 75* Curate, Rev. Mr. Robinson; efident within. the parish; Salarv 50. the income not exceeding one hundred. No Curate. No Curate. No Curate. Curates, Rev. Mr. Rogers and Rev. Mr. Griffith; each reside in Montrath, in parish of Clonenagh; Salary £. 75 each. % No Curate. No Curate. % Curate, Rev. Mr. Waller; does no: reside, from want of accommodation; resides on the bounds of the union,
but five miles from the church, built in extremity of Union; Salary 75' Curate, Rev. Mr. Weldon; not resident, but resides in the neighbouring parish, of which he is Rector, and accepts no falary. This Vicarage extends over a fmall diftrift, and ii worth lefs than 20. p€ » annum. I 3 B