Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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No Pages: 2
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l iO Ec c A j T i C A L R £.? 0 R T Sj IN I v C 7, [ Lcigliiia 5c Number of Benefices. Names of BENEFICES and DENOMINATIONS; Number of PARISHES in each Benefice ; Their Dift. tnce from each otner; anil Theeftimated Extent of fuch as are contiguous. Kiltennel Rectory. Union of DUNCORMUCK. Duncormuck a Vicarage. Ambrosetown ------- Rectory of. Contiguous: contents 4,300 acres. Union of KILKEVAN. Kilkevan Rectory of. Basmow Vicarage of. Are contiguous: Contents - - - - 5,400 acres. TEMBLESCOBIN. Templescobin ------- Rectory of. 2. INCUMBENTS Whether having Cure of Souls; whether RefiJent; if Xon-
Refident, for what Caufe ; and by whom the Duties are uifcharged. Rev. Roger Owen ; has cure of souls; resident within the parish, near the church; discharges the duties himself. Rev. Ottiwell Moore; has cure of souls; not resident; engaged in the laborious Cure of Gorey, Dio- cese of Ferns; duties discharged by Rev. joseph Miller. BENEFICES, When United, and by what Authority. No Union. Epifcopaily united ever fince 1759. Rev. Joseph Millar; has cure of souls; resident within the Union ; the duties discharged by himself. Incumbent: Rev. Mr. Cranfield ; has cure of souls; non- resident from want of accommodation, but
resides within a mile of the parish, and dis- charges the duties himself. 1806. Epifcopally uni. ed No Union. END OF THE DIOCESE Deanery of LEIGHLIN. Wells - Rectory of. The corps of D°. No. 3.— DIOCESE OF Old Leighlin Tullocrin - - - - - Rectory of. Impropriate Cure of. Rev. Geo. Maunsell; has cure of souls; resides; duties discharged by himself and Assistant Curate. The Tythes of Old Leighlin be- long t0 the Bishop, the Dean, and the Chapter ; the Dean and Chap ter find a Curate to discharge the duties, the Rev. Mr. Vigers, who resides in the parish of Wells, within two miles of the Cathedral. I. Killinane • - - Rectory of.
Corps of the Chancellorship of Leighlin. Nurney - -- -- -- -- - Rectory of. Corps of the Precentorship of Leighlin. Incumbent: Rev. Joseph Fairtlough; has cure of souls; not resident, from the smallness of the district and the duty, and the want of a Glebe House; duties discharged by the Rev. Mr. Vigers. Rev. Brooke Clarke; has cure of souls; not resident, as chaplain to the Prince of Wales, duties dis- charged b> the Rev. Rd Preston. No Union. Epifcopally united from time lmniemoiial. No Union. No Union,
Ferns.] FOR P R O V I N C E OF L E I N S T E H . j^ yj 1S1 4- Number of CHURCHES; Whether in Repair, and in which Parilhei they ( land. One Church, in repair S- GLEBE HOUSES; In what Parilh ; — what G eb; Lands;— Whether contiguous; or How far removed from each <- ther, and from the Church, or Site of olJ Church. 6. CURATES Salar'es in Cafes of permitted Non- Refi lence of the Incumbents, and whether Refluent or not. No Glebe Houre; one glebe 30 acres, mile liom the church. No Curate. One Church, in repa r. No Glebe Houfe, one to be built; four glebe 11 the parilh of Dur. cor- lands: muck. Six acres near
the church. 3. Containing 12 acres in the whole; none contiguous, but 3 diftant from each other. Rev. Joseph Miller; not re sident within the parish; reside within 3 miles of the church this and the following N° h.. been united Episcopal'v till tU death of the Incumbent, 1806 Mr. Miller attended the whole Union, as he now does, pro tempore. No Church; had ben : nitcd to Duncormuck, vherc there is a Chutch built. ,806 — A Church to > e built. 1 our Glebe Lands : 1 Rnod contiguous to the fite of the church of Kilkevan. 3 other c. lebe lands not contiguous, but dif- perfed, containing in the whole 5$ acres; two of them half a mile
a'under, the third three miles ' rom the former two. No Curate. No Church. I OF FERNS. No Glebe He ufe; r. o glebe. No Curate. LIVINGS of a Value too ImaU to afford Comfort to the Incumbent Salary £. 75. L E I G H L I N. No Church: a Church int; ndeJ to he built, waiting lor a new fite. No G! ibe Houfe. 6 Glebes: I .--'----- 3 4 Nearly 6. Glebe 12 030 two miles distant from the rest, another parish; internet i ig. One Church, the Ca- thedral of the Duxile. Rev. Mr: Vigers, for oc- casional duties, £. 10. resides. No Chu. ch. A very . small portion of glebe ( not a rood each) • belonging to the Dean and Members of the Chapter ; the
bounds not clearly aicertaincd. No Glebe House. No Glebe House. A. R. P. 1 glebe - -- - — ------ o 1 5 about one quarter of a mile distant from the old church. Rev. Mr. Vigers; not re sident within the parish, but within two miles of the Ca- thedral :—£. 7 5. Curate, Rev. Mr. Vigers; not resident within the parish, but within a quarter of a mile of the site of the old church ; for occasional duties 13/. 91/.; a very small district. One Church, newly crciled. 73. No Glebe House; no glebe. Curate, Rev. Richd Preston; Salary £. 90.; resident in the parish. z z