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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland


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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland

Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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1 7 $ E C C L E S I A S T I C A L R E P O R T S , IN 1 8 0 7 , [ Leighlin & 1. Number of Benefices. 3 » « o 32. 33- 6. 34- AS* 36. 1. 37- 33. 39- Names of BENEFICES and DENOMINATIONS; Number of PARISHES in each Benefice; Their Diftance from cach other; and The eftimated Extent of fuch as are contiguous. Union of KILLURIN. Killurin Vicarage of. Kilbride ------ \ Chapel Carron (, Whitechurch Glinn Ballykeogue — - 2. INCUMBENTS; Whether having Cure of Souls; whether Refident; if Non- Refident, for what Caufe ; and by whom the Duties are diichargetl. Impropriate Cures of. Rev. Abm Swanne; has cure of souls; resides in Glebe House; du- ties discharged by himself. BENEFICES, When United, and by what Authority. Rathmacknee - - Rectory of. Union of HORETOWN. Horetown Rectory. Kilgavan - -- -- - — - -- Rectory. Ballyingly Vicarage, Downowney - -- -- -- -- - Vicarage. Ballylennon Vicarage. All Contiguous: Contents - 6 gr) 8 acres. Inch - -- - Vicarage, which is one mile distant from the parilh of Horetown and Ballybrenan. Value £. 24. 9s. n</.— Beside these, the Impropriate Cures of Clongeen and Kilcowenmore ; contiguous. Incumbent : Rev. Francis Pentland ; has cure of souls; resides in a newly erected Glebe House discharges the duties himself. Rev. Simon Little ; has cure of souls; not resident within the Union, but in Ballymitty, conti- guous to Horetown, and one mile and a quarter from the church of Horetown, which he attends, and discharges all the duties himself. By Act of Council, the four former parishes. Ballykeogue, Episco- pally to the former ever since 1784. Union of KILLESK. Killesk Rectory of. Dunbrody - - — - - ^ St. James's ^ ImpropriateCures. Rathroe- - ) All Contiguous: Contents - - - - 7,262 acres. Carnew Rectory of. No Union. Episcopally united, the five first 1759; the Vica- rage of Inch united to the former 1791. Union of BALLYVALDEN. Ballyvalden - -- - — ... - Vicarage. Kilmuckridge - - - - - Impropriate Cure. Millenagh ------ Impropriate Cure. Contiguous: the extreme of cach parilh distant three miles from the church. The whole Union does not produce 100 Rev. Wm Glascott ; has cure of souls; not resident within the Union, in which there is neither glebe or Glebe House; resides at Pilltown, a mile and a half from Dunbrody, and four miles from the church of Ballyhack; the duties dischargcd by himself. Rev. Charles Cope; has cure of souls; resident within the parish ; discharges the duties himself. Vacant; has cure of souls; du- ties discharged by Rev. Jennett Browne, who does not reside in the district, but lives about three miles from Kilmuckridge. Episcopally united 1780, and ever since. No Union. Union of KILPIPE. Kilpipe .---. Vicarage Killenor - -- -- -- - Are contiguous. Contents ----- t, 120 acres. The whole value not /'. 200. per ann a Vicarage. Rev. Ralph Cumine; has cure of souls; resident in a Glebe House at Killenor; the duties discharged by himself. Union of DONAGHMORE. Donaghmore - - - - " 1 Killancooly -----(, . _ Killenagh - impropriate Cure* Ardarmine - - - - - J Contiguous. Rev. Ulsses Jacob; not resident within the parish, from want of ac- commodation. Episcopally united, time immemorial. Episcopally united, 1782. Union of OWEN DUFFE. Tintern - -- -- --^ Owen Duffe ----- > Impropriate Cures. Clonmines -----) All contiguous: Contents about 10,000 acres. Rev. Mr. Sutton; has cure of souls; docs not reside from infir- mity in his c yes; duties discharged by Rev. Mr. Archdall. Episcopally united > 759- Episcopally united, 1785. Ferns.] » o* PROVINCE OF LEI K STIR. 179 4- Number of CHURCHES; Whether in Repair, and fin whiih PariOies ( hey ftind. One Church, in repair, Iin the par:: h of Killi- | urin. One Glebe , contiguous to the church, 20 acres; Glebe Houfe newly erefted. No Church. ! i One Church, in repair, ft and J in the panlh ot liuretown. One Church, in repair, in the parifh of St. James'fr, albs Biby- One Church, in repair. GLEBE HOUSES; In whac Pariih ;— whjt Glebe Lands Whether contiguous; or How far removed from each other, and from the Church, or Site of old Church. ( jiebe Land ; 12 acres contiguous to the fite ofcheo'd church; a new Glebe Houfe erefted t; iereon. No Glebe Houfe. No Glebe Lands. No Glebe Houfe. No Glebe Lands. No Glebe Houfe. No Glebe Lands. One pair, Church, in re-; No Glebe Hoafe; one glebe in the pariih of n the parifli 0f| MiUenagh> 29acrcs- Kilmuckridge. One Ciurch, in re- pair, in parifh of Ktl- pipe. Two Churches, in re- pair, one at Ardarmine, one at Donaghmore. One Church, in re- pair. in the parilh of Tintern. One Glebe in the parifli of Kallifior, 1 j acres ; on it is a houfe newly built, in which the Vicar refi. les, about lour miles from the church of Kil- pipe. No Glebe. No Glebe Houfe. 6. CURATES Salaries in Cates of permitted Non- Relidencc of the Incumbents; and whether R. fiuent or not. No Curate. No Curate. No t urate. No Curate. No Curate. Rev. Mr. Browne is to be appointed for the Union. No Cuiate. No Curate. LIVINGS of a Value too fmall to afford Comlorc to the Incumbents. Vicarage of Inch; alue £. z<,. gs. 1 id. Kilcowanmore, a lay impropriation ; ; he impropriator pays only £. 11. for the duties of thefe two parilbes. The three impro- priate Cures have never received more than £. 20. annuaily from the impropri- ator, which is now withdrawn. Impropriate Cure of Kilmuckridge, £. 18. per ann. No Gl<- be Houfe. No Glebe Lands. Rev. Wm Archdall; re- sides in Tintern ; Salary £ 50. For thefe font parifties, in which there are 2 churches about three miles diftant, is allowed only £. 46. by the Impropriator; of courfe the duty is very imperfe& ly dif- charged. The Impropria- tor pays to the Rev. Mr. Sutton £. 35. the Trurtees of Firft Fruits £. 40.; the whole only £. 75.
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