Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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t -' 4 EC'CL r. SI ASticAL R r. PORTS, IN ' 1S07, S. iwr.- s of BENEFICES and DENOMINATIONS; Number o' PA^ ISlIEj in each Bencficj ; Their D. iia-. ee from each other ; and The cftinidlc I Extent of fuch ssare c . nr'guous. 16. l6< » 7- 18. 19. 20. i. 1 , 2 I. 22. 23. Uniorr of WEXFORD, Consists of 16 Parishes, viz.: St. Patrick's, St. Mary's, Drinagh, St. Iberius, Maudlintown, St. Selsker, Killilogue, St. Tullogue, Arkandrish, St. Michael's of Feagh, kildavan, St. John's Rathaspeck, St, Peter's, Carrigg, Ballybrenan. All contiguous, Ballybrenan excepted, which is disunited by the intervention of the parish of Kilrennick, for a space
about two miles : contends 7,193 : net value of union f 470. Union of NEW ROSS. New Ross - -- -- -- -- Vicarage of Old Ross Rectory Carnagh - -- — — ... Rectory Telleraght - - - - - Rectory Ballyane Rectory Clonleagh - -- -- — — Vicarage Templeadigan ------- Vicarage Killcanlan - - \ Impropriate Cure of, at Ballybrasil - - 3 /. 2. each, s: 10,065 acres. All coatiguqu Contents - - Parish of ROSS DROIT. Ross Droit Rectory. Union of KILLIGNEY. Killigney Rectory of. Chapel Vicarage of. All contiguous: Contents 4- 630 acres. Moyacomb, alias Clonegal - - • Rectory. 1. Kilnemanagh Rectory of. St. Margaret's - - - Artrament - - - - -
Union of ARDCOLME. - - - - Rectory. Rectory. Ardcavan - -- -- -- -- -- Vicarage. Ardcolme - Vicarage. Ballyvalloo Vicarage. Skreen - -- -- - -- -- - .- Vicarage. St. Nicholas Vicarage. Tickellin - Vicarage. Kilpatrick All contiguous. Contents - - 9,513 acres Vicarage. 1. Killcormuck Rectory of. 2. I N C U M D E N T S, Whether hiving Cure of Sou's ; whether RefiJent j Non- Ref: dent, for what Caufe ; and b\ whom the Duties a- e difchvzsd. Incumbent: ReV John Elgee; has cure of souls; resident in the parish of Iberius, nearly central to the Union, in a glebe house in the town of Wexford ; discharges the duties, with the assistance of the
Rev. Ralph Boyd. Incumbent: Rev. James Dunn; has cure of souls; constantly resident; duties discharged by himself and Rev. Mr. Duncan, and Rev. Mr. Carr, Curate's assistant. Incumbent : Vacant; has cure of souls; a Rector will soon be appointed, who will be resident. Incumbent: Rev. Bently Gordon; has cure of souls ; resides within the parish ; discharges the duties himself. Incumbent: Rev. Hen. Browne: has cure of souls ; resides within two furlongs of his parish ; discharges the duties himself. Incumbent: Rev. Mr. Mosse; has cure of souls; resides in a Glebe House, newly erected; discharges the du- ties himself.
Incumbent: Rev. Fred. Draffen ; has cure of souls; resides in the Glebe House; discharges the duties him- self. Incumbent: Rev. John Corvan; has cure of souls; resides in lodgings within the pa- rish, i of a mile from the church ; discharges the duties himself. LeigHlin 6c — BENEFICES, When United, ani1> y what Attthoiiry. Seven parishes in the first column united by Act of Council, 1772. Nine first parishes in the second column have been united Episcopally ever; since 1732. By 1678. Act of Council, No Union. United Episcopally, 1798; and at- lead i. the long incumbency, before 1704. No Union. No Union. United by Act of
Council, 1764. No Union.
FOR P R O V I N C S or L E I N S T E R. Nun. br cf CHURCHES; Whether . n i'-.- pair, and in which Patiflus thry rtand. R CI. EBF. HOUSES; In what '?. ;— what Glebe L^ ndj j— W Ii - tl • r contiguous ; or How far removed fr , h oilier, and from the Church, or S> e of old Church. 6. CURATES Salaries in Cifcs of permitted Notf- Rcfidcnce i f " JK Incumlents, and whether Resident or not. I. 1VINCS of a Value too lin^ U to affj; d Comfort to the incumbent!. One Church in the WJI ofWextord, in the jp. inlh of Iherius, in repair; one Church at fUth: fpeck, in repair. 1 v » o churchcs, in re- air ; on. in the town of iew Rofs, one in the lown
of Old Rofs. A Ctupel of Eafe is to he Immediately built at Teinpleadigan. A Glebe lloufr, : the town of Wexford; very Curate: fmall glebes in the laid 1 wn : in th-.- parish o'f| Rev. Ralph Boyd ; Salary Kaihiifpeck, t. vo Glebes; firit, about 5 acres, 75.; resident in the town near the church; fecond, about 3 acres. These 1 of Wexford, g'. ebes are diilant about half a mile from cach wtr. cr.— No Glebe House in Rathaspeck. No Glebe Houfe; five lots of ground in the town of Rofs, but not futiicient for the purpofe ot building. One Church, newly leredted. One Church, in re- pair. k One Church, in re- pur. No Glebe; one about to be granted.
No Glebe. No Glebe Houfe. No Glebe. No Glebe Houfe. No Church; one about 2~ acres of glebe land, on which a Glebe ( 1 be built, as foon as a Houie has been newly built, G. e can be obtained. | I One Church, in the parifh of Arucolme, in it- pair. Curates : Rev. Geo. Carr ; resident in the town of New Ross; Sa- Iary £. go.: Rev. Mr. Dun- can ; resident in the parish of Old Rods; Salary £. 70. : Rev. Mr. Napper; now attends the duties of the parish of Templeadigan ; Salary £. 70. Curate: Rev. Mr. Cranfield ; re- : id; s near the parish; salary r? 7 o. No Curate. No Curate. No Curate. One Church, ia re pair. Ardcclme - -- -- -- - — -
320 Skrten 190 Bally valloo - - IQ 3 Kilpatrick - - - 12 Tickellin 30 The four latter glebes contiguoj> nearly to the fitei of their rcipeftive churches. A Gleb Houfr, newly eredted by the prefent Incumbent. p. 20. c. 6. o. Glebe House, newly erected, not quite finished A. R p. Glebe .... 22 a 22. on which the houfe ( lands, about a quarter of . mi e from the c. lurch. No Curate. No Curate.