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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland


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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland

Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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No Pages: 2
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17^ E C C L E S I A S T I C A L R E P O R T S , IN 1 8 0 7, Number of" Benefices. i. 1. ' 5- Names of BENEFICES an I DENOMINATIONS; Nun berof PARISHtS in each Benefice; Their Diftance from each other; And The < iftima: ed Extent of fuch as are contiguous. Union of FEATHARD. Feathard, Rectory of,— Corps of a Prebend in the Cathedral of Ferns. Hook - -- -- -- — . - Vicarage of. Templetown - . - Impropriate Cure of. Extent: Acres. Feathard 2,132 Hook ... — 576 Templetown ----- 2,017 INCUMBENTS, Whether having Cure of Sculs ; whether Rcfident ; if Non- Refidcnt, for what Caufe ; and by whom the Duties are difcharged.. [ Leighlh & --• E E N E F 1 C F. S, When United, and by what Authority. Rev. John Kennedy; has cure of souls; resident in a house con- tiguous to the church; duties dis- charged by himself. 4.72S Union of EDERMINE. 1. Edermine, Rectory of,— Corps of a Pre- bend in Cathedral of Ferns. 2. Ballynaslaney ------- Vicarage. Contiguous: they contain 3,000 acres. Union of TAGHMON. 1. Taghmon, Rectory of,— Corps of a Pre- bend in the Cathedral of Ferns. 2. Balliconnick Rectory. 3. Ballymitty — - Impropriate Cure of. All contiguous: contents 6,309 acres. Kilrush Corps of a Prebend in Ferns. Rectory. the Cathedral of Union of TOMB. Tomb, Rectory,— Corps of a Prebend in Cathedral of Ferns. , Kilcomb - - - ----- - Rectory. , Rossmanoge Rectory. All contiguous: contents 6,300 acres. Rev. Thos Gore; has cure of souls; resident; discharges the duties without assistance. Episcopally united fro. T. time immemorial. Rev. Robt Hawkshaw; has cure of souls; resident about one mile from the church; discharges the duties without assistance. Rev. Geo. Rogers; has cure of souls ; resides within z\ miles of the church, but not in the parish, for want of accommodation; duties discharged by himfelf. Union of CLONE. 1. Clone, Rectory of,— Corps of a Prebend in Cathedral of Ferns. 2. Kilbride - - Rectory. 7 3. Ferns Vicarage. 3 All contiguous: contents 12,000 acres. { K Union of WHITE CHURCH. White Church, and Rectory. Kilmakea - -- -- -- -- Rectory. Constitute the corps of the Prebend in the Cathedral of Ferns: are contiguous: contents 4,828 acres. Union of KILCOMMON. Kilcommon - -- -- -- -- Rectory. Cross Patrick - Rectory. Constitute the Corps of a Prebend in the Cathedral of Ferns. Braban - a Vicarage. Are all contiguous: contents 12,117. Incumbent: Rev. Roger Owen; has cure of souls; not resident; resides in the parish of Kiltenel, in Diocese of Ferns, which he holds by Faculty; the duties discharged by the Rev. Mr. Lendrum. Incumbent: Rev. Mark Charters; has cure of souls; resident in the Glebe House; the duties discharged by himself. Incumbent: Rev. Thos Handcock; has cure of souls ; resides in the neighbour hood of his parish at Ross; is build- ing a Glebe House; duties dis- charged by himself. IN By Act of Council 1806. Balliconnick & Tagh- mon, episcopally united, 1746- . , Ballimitty united to the former 1785.^ No Union. I - el By Act of Council, Septr 1720. Kilbride and Ferns united by Act of Coun cil, 1776. Clone united Episco- pally ever since 1778. United by Act of Coun cil, Odr 1723. Incumbent: Rev. Richd Symes; has cure of souls; resident in the parish of Kilcommon; the duties discharged by himself. Kilcommon and Cross Patrick time immemorial Braban, united Episco pally 1784. I 1 Ferns \ FOR PROVIKCI OF LIIK JTF. A. X- T* / +• Number of CHURCHES; Whether in Repair, and in which ParlOiej tiiey Itand. One Church, in repair, Jin the pariih of FeatJiurd. On « Church, in repair, landing in the parilh oJ jfcidcrmine. One Church, in repair, ands in the parilh ol ighmon. One Church, in repair. One Church, in repair, [ in the pariih of Tomb One Church, in repair The Catnedral, made cliial, Hands in the jurilh of Ferns. Church. mon. s- GLEBE HOUSES; In what I'ari/ h ;— what Glebe Land! V/ h. ther cnmigucus ; or How far removed from each other, and from the Church, or Site of old Church. 6. CURATES Salaries in Calrs of permitted Non- Kxfidciice of the Incumbents, and whether Refident or not. 7- L1V1NCS of a V; lue toa fmaS to atferd Comfort to the Incun. be .: « . No Glebe Houfe ; giebe lands to Feat'nard, IA. 2 p. near the church: two parcels ofglebe to the Vicarage of Hook, about IOA. oa.' 5P. fix miles diftant irom the church of Feathard. No Curate. The Vicarage of Hook, value £ 30.; the impropriate Cur ® of Templctown £. 4. Thefe are of Lajr appointment, and may at any time be detached from Fea- thard. A Glebe House building on a glebe of 20 acres, in the parish of Edermine, contiguous to the church. No Curate. i No Glebe House ; one small glebe of three- quarters of an acre in the town of Taghmon, not fir from the church. No Curate* No Glebe; no Glebe House, No Curate, No Glebe House; a glebe of 20 acres in the parilh of Tomb, within less than half a mile of the church : a glebe of 14 acres at Rossmanoge, near the fite of old church. These glebes are three miles aiunder. Curate: Rev. Mr. Lendrum; Salary £• 7>. A Glebe House on 29 acres of glebe, in parish of Ferns, contiguous to the church; a glebe ut Clone, contiguous to the ruins of the church, 21 A. 0*. 2p. These two glebes are about one mile diftant from each other. No Curate. A Glebe House building, cn a glebe in parilh of Kilmakea, containing 12 sere, : a glebe at White Church, two acres, contiguous to the church. The two glebes are 2$ miles diftant from each other. No Curate. No Glebe House ; no glebe. No Curate, I ' * . 78. X X
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