Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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E C C L E S I A S T I C A L R E P O R T S , IN 1 8 0 7, [ Kilclare. Numbar of Benefices. o S5 37- 3 « . 39- 40. Names of BENEFICES and DENOMINATIONS; Number of PARISHES in each Benefice j Their Diftance from each other ; and The eftimateil Extent of fuch as are contiguous. Kelleighy, otherwise Ballykeane; the Rec- tory a sinecure.— A Vicarage. Geashill, a Prebend and Vicarage, to which it is said there is united Clonchorke, distant from Geashill between four and five miles.— In the Union are 16,000 acres. There is alfo a Chapelry of Killeigh annexed to. Oregan, alias Rosenallis, Rerymore, Kil- manman,
Castlebrack, Vicarages; contain in the whole about 11,000 acres. INCUMBENTS, Whether having Cure of Souls; Whether Refident ; if Non- Refideijt, for what Caufe ; and by whom the Duties are difenarged. Rev. Dr. William Ould, Rector, with a Vicarage, endowed ; no cure of souls. Reverend John Webb is Vicar, with cure of souls; but not resident, because he is Cu- rate of Geashill, to which parish the Vicarage of Killeighy is adja- cent. Duties performed by him- self. BENEFICES, When United, and by what Authority. Lea, or Lay, a Vicarage. 42. 2. 43- 1. This Benefice is a Chapel founded by Earl Galway, for the use of French
Protestant Refugees, and is called Saint Paul's in Por- tarlington. Rev. William Maunsell is Vi- car, having cure of souls; not re- sident. The duties are performed by the Rev. John Jones. He had a dispensation in 1791. Rev. John Vignoles is Chaplain; not having cure of souls; resident The duties are performed by him- self. Coolbanagher, or Coolbenger, a Rectory ; Ballycowlan, or Ardee, also a Rectory.— They are contiguous. Coolbanagher con- tains, according to the County and Parish books 3,237 acres; Ballycowlan 3,470 ; but the Incumbent thinks there are about 2, oco more in the whole. Chapel of St. Michael,
Portarlington. Rev, Robert Vicars is Rector, having cure of souls in both. Is resident, and performs the duties. Rev. Archd Clarke, Chaplain, having no cure of souls ; resident The duties performed by himself. Episcopally united ir, 1804. IT is necessary to observe, that in all probability the titles of the Clergy of this Diocese will be found, on inspecti. on, to be sufficiently accurate. Nothing can be more reprehensible than the manner in which the Registry has Rev. Jas Saurin, Vicar, having cure of souls, and resident; duties performed by himself and by the Rev. John Baldwin. Rev. William Digby, D. D. is Prebendary and Vicar,
having cure of souls, and resident; duties per- formed by himself, and by the Rev. John Webb and Matthew Jellett, his Curates.
7 V F O R P R O V I N C E OF L E I N S T E R. I6< / 4- Number of CHURCHES; Whether in Repair, and in which F » ri( hcs they ( land. No Church. CLEEE HOUSES; In what Pati/ h j— what Glebe Lands j— W liether contiguous; or How far removeJ from each vther, ir. d the Churcli, Or Site of the old Church. CURATES Salaries in CtCesof permitted Non- Refid-' nce of the Incumbents, and whe: her Resident or not. LIVINGS of a Value too fra « ll to afford Comfort to Incumber. ti. No Glebe Houfe. A glebe of about fix acre* clofs to the ruins of a: i old church, and in poflef- fion of the Vicar. i church, with fifiy- two acres of land,
and about and a Chapel at Killeigh ' eight acres near the Chapel at Killeigh. in fimilar order. A Church at Rofe- naliis, in excellent repair, and another at Mount Mdliih, now rebuilding. Gen1 Dunn, of Brittas, has lately built a hand- f^ me Chapel in the pa- rifh ofKiiminman, which lie propofes to endow. It is di bait five miles from Roi'enalHs. A Church at Geafhill, intolerably good repair, An excellent Glebe Houl'e, near Geaihill 75- P- r anr- the A Church in the pa- rilh of Lea, inconveni- ently fituated, and in bad repair. This Chapel is almofl in ruins, there being nc- fund wherewith to re- pair it. A new Church Coolbanagher. in There is a
Glebe Houfe in Rofenallis, with an hundred and eighty acre? of giebe adjoining to it. There is another glebe in the ( lime p: ui( h, of fi> acres, about one mile from the church. In Rery- more, there is a glebe of abodt fifty acres, includ- ing mountain. In theparifhof Kilman. iian, o.-, e hundred acres of arable, meadow, and pafture, with about two hundred acres of mountain, ail tant from Rofenaliis about five miics. rate at Killeigh, and upwards of that ium to the Cu. ate at Gcafhiil. he be'og acconuno dated with a HOUIG, Baltykeane, a V carage. 75- per ami. to the Rev. John Baldwin. The endow- nu n: of the Chapel is not yet fettled.
Kilinanman Cha- pel, when endowed coaitci aiiiu. No Glebe House. There arc twenty- five acres tnd a half of glebe contiguous to the church. No Glebe house nor land. The emolument: arising from this Chapelry consist in a rent- charge on the estate of Lord Galway in the King's County, and a pension of fifty Pounds per ann. subject to some deductions, granted by Govern- ment about the beginning of the last century, to the Chaplain and his successors, for performing Divine Service in the French lanj; ua" e. £. gc. per ann.; rcfiien: in the Parifh. A Glebe House and twenty- fix acres of land near the church. Thee is a churchyard
of about one- fourth of an acre, at the ruins of a church in the parish of Ballycowlan. The Chapel is almolt in rIMTIS, there B ING TO No Glebe House nor land. The emoluments cf the Chaplain arise from a rent- charge on the fund wherewith to repair estate of Lord Galway, in the King's County, of forty Pounds pe r aim. has been kept. Since the year 1802, when the present Register was appointed, tl. most laudable . exertion has been used, out with littie success, to recover the missing Records. CharLES Kildare. Ri( h' J. Shannont D. Re 78. T T I