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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland


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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland

Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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E C C L E S I A S T I C A L R E P O R T S , IN 1 8 0 7, Kildare. Number of Benefices. * 7- 1. id. 19. 20. XL. « 6. 2. Names or BENEFICES and DENOMINATIONS; Number of PARISHES in each Benrfue j Their Pittance from each o: her; and The eftimated Extent of fuch ai are contiguous. Feighcullen, a Rectory entire. Old Connell, a Rectory entire. Morris town Biller, a Rectory— Contiguous, and containing acres, of which 1,500 acres are Tythe- free. 2. INCUMBENTS, Whether having Cure of Souls; whether Refi'dent ; if Non- Refident, for what Caufe ; and by whom the Duties are discharged. Rev. Thomas Simcockes is Rector, having cure of souls; not resident; being aged, and having neither house nor church. He had a dispensation in 1772. Th duties are performed Mr. Annesly. by the Rev. Rev. Charles Eustace, Rector; having cure of souls; r. et having a glebe or house, he resides occa- sionally in an adjoining parish. The duties are performed by him- self. BENEFICES, When United, « nd by i what Authority. No information is to be derived from the Re- gistry. The Incumbent Has not answered this quaere. Great Connell, perpetual Curacy. Lady- town, a perpetual Curacy, and Sherlocks- town, a Rectory.— The two former are con- tiguous ; Sherlockstown is three miles distant from Ladytown, and contains 700 acres, Great acres. Connell 950, and Ladytown 56oJnimfelf. Rev. Anthy Jones, is Rector, having cure of souls in all; not resident, having no glebe nor house, nor is there any house to be purchased. Duties performed by Killishy, a Rectory and Vicarage, con- solidated. Ballymanny, a ReCtory, six miles , a. id a half diftant from Killishy, which con- tains about 1,700 acres; Ballymanny, up- ward* of 300. CarnaJloway - - a Reftory & Vicarage. Rathangan, a Prebend and Rectory, and Vicarage. Pollardstown, Thomastown, and Dun- murry, Rectories entire:— They are conri- Lacka, Kildangan, and Walterstown, Rec tories. Doneny, a Vicarage.— They art contiguous to each other, and contain in all 4,464 acres. 1. Monastereven - - - a perpetual Curacy. Kilbracken, a Rectory anti Vicarage; Harristown. a Prebend, Rectory and Vicarage.— They are contiguous. The for- er contains 1,111 acres; the latter 2,000. Rev. Arthur M'Guire is Rector; having cure of souls; not resident He resides in Dublin, being Rector of Saint Thomas's. The duties are performed by the Rev. John Isaac Harrison. Rev. Gabriel Stokes is Rector; having cure of souls, and being re- sident. The duties performed by himself. Rev. Wm Bourne, Rector; hav- ing cure of souls, and being resi dent. The duties are performed by himself, and the Rev. Henry Bayly. Called Rectories in the Collation of the pre- sent Incumbent, andEpis- copally united; The Incumbent states these parishes to be Epis- copally united. The Re- gutry furnishes no in- formation. Rev. Thomas Tisdall is Rector; having cure of souls ; not resident. Ths duties are performed by the Rev. Henry Bayly. Rev. Arthur John Preston, Rec- tor of Lacka, Kildangan, and Walterstown, and Vicar of Do- neny ; having cure of souls in a! i ; being unable to procure a place of residence in any of the parishes. The duties are done by himself, residing in the adjoining parish of Rathangan. The Incumbent has not answered the circular inquiries of the Bishop, who cannot discover his residence. There is no information to be de- rived from the Registry. Said by the Incum- bent to be episcopally united. The Registry furnishes no information. Rev. Walter Bagot, Curate; having cure of souls; resident in M0nastereven. Duties performed by himself. Rev. Walter Bagot is Rector ; having cure of souls ; resident in Monastereven. Duties performed t> y himself. Episcopally united. Kildare.] FOR PROVINCE OF LE INS TIER. < 7? 161 3 4- Number of CHURCHES; Whether in Repair, and in which Parifhe & they ftind. GLEBE HOUSES; In what Parirt) what Glebe LandsJ—• Whether contiguous; or How far removed from each other, and the Church, or Site of the old Church. No Church, No Church. A glebe of five acres three roods and thirty- four perches, in two parcel, the fartheil within a mile of the ruins of the church. 6. CURATES Salaries ic Cafes of permitted Non- Refidence of the Incumbents, and whether Refident or not. LIVINGS of a Value t .0 f. n; ll to afford Comfort to Incumbents. f%. 5. per ann. He is ftiortly to reiide in the neighbouring parilh of Kilmagha. No Glebe nor Houfc. A Church in Great jConnell, which will Jfhortly be in complete Jrepair. A Church in Kiiiifliy, lin good repair. A Church, in excel- lent repair. A Church, in good epair. No Glebe Houfe nor land. No Glebe Houfe nor land. A Glebe Houfe, built by the prefent Incum- bent, and ten acres of glebe about a quarter of a mile from the lite of the old church. £. 60. per annum. He re- fides in the parifti of Naas ad- joining. Feighculjen. Great Connel!, with La civ town, Sherlockftown. Ballymanny. There are twenty- eight acres of glebe, divided into four lots, on the neareft of which to the church a Glebe Houfe is now building. No Church. A Church in Kildan- gan, in good repair. A Church in Monaf reven, ia excellent re- pair. No Chofch. No Glebe Houfe. Pollardllown. Half an acre of glebe at No Glebe Houfc ; there are glebe lands of eighteen acre* two roods and fifteen perches, in five lots; four of which, containing fifteen acres three roods and fixreen perches, are near the ruins of the old church in Lacka, and four miles ar. d a half from KilJangan church. The fifth is in Doneny, a mile and a half from the church of Kildang- n, containing two acres and three roods. No Glebe Houfc nor land. No Glebe Houfc nor land. 60 Guineas per ann. fie is refidentin the Parilh. Monaftereven. r 73, s &
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