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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland


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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland

Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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DIOCESE \ Names of BENEFICES and DENOMINATIONS; Num'neinf i'ARISHES in each Benefice; Their Diftance from esch other ; and The efti mated Extent of fuch as are contiguous. 2. INCUMBE NTS, Whether having Cure of Souls ; whether Refident; if Non- Refident, for what Caufe; and by whom t'pe Duties are difchar^ ed. 3- BENEFICES, 1 1 When United, and by what Authority. THE Bishop of KILDARE has no Residence in his Diocese. There is extant in the Registry a map of lands, belonging to the Bishoprick, in which seven fields, viz. I, z, 5, 6, 7, are marked " Mensal Lands," and contain 67 seres and 1 rood ; but, by a modern admeafurement, the fame fields have been found. to contain, of plantation measure, 72 acres 3 roods. In the above- mentioned old map, a field, adjoining the Cathedral Precincts, or Church- yard, is distinguished by being entitled " The Palace," and it is there stated to contain 3 acres and 2 roods; but, by the modem admeasurement, it is no more than three acres. These lands were formerly and still are inter- sected by reads, and there have been no traces known of the Palace in the memory of the oldeft inhabitant of the Town. The Bishop of the Diocese has not the power, by virtue of any calling Law, to charge upon his successors any sum adequate to the building of a Palace, by reason of the tenuity of the Bishoprick. CATHEDRAL CHURCH of St. Bridget Kildare, of which the members are the Rev. Dixie Blundell, D. D. Dean ; William Maunsell, Precentor, of which Precentorship the corps is Carne, a Vicarage Deanery of the Cathedral Church of St. Bridget Kildare ; to which is added, as the corps thereof, the Rettory of Cloncurry, in the Barony ofOphaly. • The Precentcrfhip of the Cathedral, the corps of which is Camea Vicarage. Knavenflown, a Vicarage, corps of the Treafurerfiiip of the Cathedral. The Preceptory of Tully confifls of Tully, Coglanflowh, Doneny, and Davjdllown, which laft is in the Diocefe of Ghndelagh. Tully and Coglanuown are Reftories ; Do- neny, a Redory, with a A . car; Davidllown, a Reflory, with a Vicarage. This Precep- tory is the corps of the Bilhoprick of Kildare, but the Bilhop has not as yet been able to procure full information whether it pofieffes other denominations. Tully confifls cf 2,845 acres; Coglanflown, of 980; Doreny, of 11,220 ; and Davidftown, cr 2,245 acres, by eftitnation. Caflle Carberv, with its appurtenances, a Vicarage; the kc& ory impropriate. Rev. Dixie Blundell is Dean of the Cathedral, and Re& or of Clon- curry, having cure of fouls; refident in the P.^ rifh of St. Mary, in Dub- lin, of which he is ReSor, hiving a difpenfation. The duties are performed by the Rev. joha Wil- liam Ion. Rev. William Maunfell, having cure of fouls; not refluent. See 40. Rev. John Bayly is Vicar of Knavenftown, and Treafurer of the Cathedral, having cure of fouls in faid Vicarage ; not refident. Mr. Biyley is a Vicar- Choral of Chriit- Church in Dublin, where he re- fides. The duties of the Parifh are performed by the Rev. Henry Bayly. The Lord Bifhop of Kildare is Preceptor or Reftor, having cure of fouls in Tully and Coglanfrown, and in other places appurtenant thereto, of which he cannot at piefent give fuflicient information. The R. ev. John Williamfon per- forms the duties bv licence. Rev. Charles Palmer is Vicar, having cure of fouls; refident within the Parifh. The duties are performed by himfclf. The Parifh of Clon- curry is held as a member of the Deanery. The Vicarage of Kna- venllown is the corps of the Treafurerlhip of the Cathedral. No information at pre- fent respecting this head, Kildare FOR PROVINCE or LEINSTER. » 57 7 OF KILDARE. 4- Number of CHURCHES} Whether in Repair, and in which Pariflin they ( land. GLEBE HOUSES; In what Parilh what Gebe Landi;— Whether contiguous; or How fit removed from each other, and the Church, or Site of the old Church. 6. CURATES Salaries in Cafes of permitted Non- Rcfidence of ibe Incumbents, and whether Refident or not. a Vicarage ; Arthur McGuire, Chancellor; John Baylv, Treafurer; the corps of the Treasurership is the Vicarage of Knavenstown ; John Williamson, first Canon; Arthur John Preston, second Canon; Francis M'Guire, third Canon; and Ralph Dillon, fourth Canon. To this Church are appropriated the Parishes of Duroughill, or Dunmourgill, Carne, Knavenstown, and Lea, alias Lay, the respective Vicarages of which are hereafter ftated under the titles of the present Incumbents. The aforesaid Rev. William Maunsell is Archdeacon of the Diocese. There are here no residences of any kind, belonging to the Church, for the occupation of the Dean and Chapter. The Bishop has not thought proper to call the Dean to the exercife of his duty, on account of his great age and infirmities. The other members of the Cathedral are represented by a Canon, who resides at present in the Town, and performs duty for them all. The ReveNUES of the Church, though inconsiderable, are faithfully employed in keeping the Choir in good repair; but the Nave has been long in ruins. The Choir of the Ca- thedral is in decent re- pair. There is no Church at Cloncurry. No Church. t No Church at Kna- venstown. No Church. A Church, in thorough repair. No House nor glebe. No Glebe House. six perches of glebe. There are nine acres No Glebe nor House. No Glebe nor House. 75J. No Glebe House. There are two acres and j'< e rood of glebe, in three lots. The firft. of three ioo< is, is two miles aid an half from the church; the second, of two roods, is three miles; aud the bird, of one acre, is six miles distant. R R The Rev. John Williamson performs the very few duties of the Parish of Cloncurry, without salary. No Salary to the Curate, the income being very small. He resides near the Parish. LIVINCS of a Value too fmall to aft'urd Comfort to Incumbents. The Dean and other members of this Cathedral are ooorly endowed. Carne. Knavenstown. Curate's Salary is 30 per ann. He resides at Kil- dare, to which the Parish of fully is contiguous.
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