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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland


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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland

Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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1 5 ° E C C L E S I A S T I C A L R E P O R T S , I N 1 8 0 7 , [ Dublin 8 1. Number of Benefices. Rathmore — ------- Kilkeel, otherwise Kilteel - Names of BENEFICES and DENOMINATIONS; Number of PARISHES in each Benefice ; Their diftance from each other ; snd, The eftimatecl Ex'. ent ot' fuch as are contiguous A Vicarage. • D" Chapels of— St. Catherine Beeha, otherwise Beehane, Bridepatrick, Harristown, Kil more, and Kilbride. These Chapelries are said to be Town lands in Rathmore and Kilkeel, all contigu- ous.— Extent from East to Welt 5 miles, from N. to S. 4 miles. Tipper, one of the Prebends of St. Patrick's Cathedral, annexed to Rathmore. INCUMBENTS, Whether having Cure of Souls ; whether Refident ; if Non- Refider. t, for what Caufe ; and by whom the Duties are difcharged. Hill Benson, A. M.; has cure of souls, and a Stall in the Cathedral resident, and discharges the duties. Burgage, otherwife Bles- singtown ) 0 Boystown - - - - D" Contiguous.— Extent from North to' South 4 miles, from Eaft to Weft 7 miles 11 Same Incumbent; •, fouls ; and a refident J charges the duties. has cure of Curate dif- Dunlavin - - - - - A Vicarage, with Prebend in St. Patrick's Cathedral annexed. Usk ------ A Rectory and Vicarage. Giltown - A Curacy. Tubber Du Rathsallagh DJ Friendstown -------- DJ All contiguous.— Extent from East to West 5 miles, from North to South about 4 miles. BENEFICES, When United, and by what Authority. Episcopally united time immemorial. Episcopally united time immemorial. Peter Lefanue, A. M.; has cure of souls, and a Stall in the Cathe- dral and is ordered to reside. Episcopally united time immemorial. Killcullen A Curacy. Davidstown — - - - - — A Vicarage. St. Nicholas, otherwise 7 . ... , , . - A Vicarage. Nicholastown ----- j & Tankardstown - - A Rectory & Vicarage. Impropriate Parishes ot Ardree, Ribbon, otherwise Churchtown St. Michael Athy, and Dunbrea, with the Chapel. of Dunlost, and Chapel of St. John Athy. j > All contiguous— Extent fromEaft to Weft 6 miles, from Nortn to South about 6 miles. Kildare Burrowes, A. B.; has cure of souls ; resident, and discharges the duties. Kildare Burrowes, fequeftrator. Welbore Ellis Agar, A. M.; has cure of souls; the Incumbent and his Curate are both resident, and discharge the duties. Kilberry -.....- A Vicarage. Kinneagh A Vicarage. Episcopally united, time immemorial; and ptrrpetua'ly united by Aft of Council, in Septem ber 1804. Thomas Kingsbury, A. M. ; has cure of souls ; does not reside; the occasional duties are discharged by the Curate of Athy, which is con- tiguous to Kilberry. John Bayly, A. M.; has cure of souls; is Vicar Choral of the Ca- dredral of Christ Church, and St. Patrick's in Dublin, where he oif dates. The duties of the Parish of Kin neaghare discharged by the Curate of Castledermott, to which it • o — / HlGlandelagh.] FOR PROVINCE OF LEIWSTER. 4- Numb.- r of CHURCHES; Whether in Repair, and in which I'ariflies they ( land. One Church, in g? od order, in Parilh ofKath- morr. 5- GLEBE HOUSES; In what Pariili ;— what Calebs Lands ;— Whether contiguous ; or How far removed from each ot'ne , or from the Church, " r Site of old Church. A Glebe Houfe, and 12 acres of glebe, in ParitTi of Rachmore, near the church. One Church, in good order, at Blessington. No glebe or Glebe House, CURATES. Salaries in C< iles of permitted Non- Refidence 01 the Incumbents, and whether Relident or not. No Curate. LIVINGS of a Valoe too fmall to altord Comfort to the Incumbents. Revd John Walsh, Curate ; resident; salary £- b$. per a^ n. One Church, in good order, in Dunlavin. One Church, in good order. No Church; the Pa- rishioners resort to the church at Kilcullen, which is convenient. No Glebe House; 20 acres of glebe, one from the church. No glebe or Glebe House. One Church, in good repair, in Parish of St. Michael Athy, which is about the centre of the Union. No Church in Kil- berry from time imme morial. in ruins, tune rial. Church of Kinneagh lmrnemo No Glebe House; 12 acres of glebe in Usk, 3 miles from the church; ^. 400. has been lately granted by the Board of First Fruits to build a Glebe House. mile 7 acres of glebe afcertained, 2 acres unafcer- tained, both in the Parish of St. Michael Athy, within a quarter of a mile of the church ; £. 600. has been granted by the Board of First Fruits out of the last Parliamentary grant, to build a Glebe House. No glebe or Glebe House. Revd Anthony Jones Curate ; resident ; Sala v 6 j. I3r., 9</. per ann.; and the small dues of the Union, amounting altogether to abou ^. 90. per ann. No Curate. Davidstown. wort'n about£. 2Q. per ann. Revd Oliver Lodge Cu- rate ; resident; his salary is £. 75. per ann. No Curate; £. 10. per annum paid to the Curate of Athy, for discharging the oc- casional duties. No Glebe Houfe; 18 A. I R. 24 p. of glebe land, contiguous to ihe ruins of old church. A Curate; Salary £. 10 per ai. n. Annual value, £. 70. per ann. Kilbcrry. Glebe Land, fet at £• 25 o o Tythcs - 1; o o Total £. 40 o o Kinneagh, A Vicarage.
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