Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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No Pages: 2
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15° E C C L E S I A S T I C A L RE P O R T S , I N 1807, [ Dublin 8 i. Number of Benefices. Names of BENEFICES and DENOMINATIONS; Number of PARISHES in each Benefice 3 Their Diftance from each other; and, The eilimated Extent of fuch as are contiguous. 2. INCUMBENTS, Whether having Cure of Souls; whether Refi lent ; if Non- Refident, for whatCaufe ; and by whom the Duties are difcharged. Derralossory, otherwise Derhassin, and ^ Glandelagh. United Curacies. ( Very extensive, but most part uninhabitable mountains. Caftle McAiam A Reftory. ") Ballydonnell .-----.- A Vicarage. s « Kilmacow D°. 3 All
contiguous.— Extent from Fart toWeft 5 miles, from North to South 4 miles. Edwd Meylor, A. B.; has cure of souls; resident in his Glebe House, and discharges the duties. Revd Sir Thos Forster, bart ; has cure of souls ; the duties are per- formed by a Curate, who lives in the Glebe House, the Incumbent being resident on his Benefice in the Diocefe of Armagh. 6. Arklow - - - - A Rectory & Vicarage. Enorely - -- .- -- .- A Vicarage. Templemichael -- A Curacy. Kilbride D°. Killahurler D°. Kilmain - -- -- -- -- -- - D\ All contiguous.— Extent from North to South 7 miles, from Eaft to Weft 3 miles. I. 2. u Ballintemple - A Rectory entire. Inch
- - - - . A Rectory and Vicarage. 1 Kilgorman A Vicarage, j All contiguous Extent from Eaft to Weft 4 miles, from North to South 4 miles. Hollywood - - - A Rectory & Vicarage. BENEFICES, when United, and by what Authority. Episcopally united time immemorial. United by Act of Coun- cil time immemorial. Henry Lambert Bayley, A. B.; has cure of souls; resides in his Parish, and he and a Curate dis- charge the duties. Episcopally united time immemorial. Thomas Spotswood, B. A-; has cure of souls ; not resident; resides on his Benefice of Ballyscullin in the Diocese of Derry; the duties are performed by the Curate of Castle
McAdam,' which is con- tiguous to Ballintemple. 2. Ballymore — -- A Vicarage." Ballybought - - D". Yagoe - - - D°. Cotlandstown ----- A Curacy All contiguous. — Extent from North to South 3 miles, from East to West 4 miles. Donard - - — - - - — A Vicarage. ^ Crehelp - A Curacy, j And Chapel of Dumbay. Donard.— Extent from East to Weft 2 miles, from North to South z miles. Crehelp, extent from North to South 1 mile, from East to West 1 mile. Skeffington Preston, A. B.; has cure of souls; resident in the Glebe House, and discharges the duties. Same Incumbent; has cure of souls; a Curate resides in the Glebe House, and
discharges the duties. Gerald Fitzgerald, A. B. ; has cure of souls; not resident; serves a cure in Dublin. Perpetually united, in 1789. Epifcopally united time immemorial. Arthur Connolly, A. B.; ha cure of souls; resident; and dis charges the duties. Epifcopally united time immemorial.
Clandelagh.] FOR. PROVINCE OF LEINSTER. 2// f49 4- Number of CHURCHES; Whether in Repair, and in which Pari ( lies they ftand. One Church, at Der- ralossory, in good order. Church in good order, in the Parish of Castle McAdam. 5- GLEBE HOUSES; In what ParilTi;— what Glebe Lands ;—• Whether contiguous ; or How far removed from each othsr, or from the Church, or Site of old Church. A Glebe House, and 6o acres of glebe at Glandelagh, within one mile of the church. Church, old, but a new one building, and very nearly finished. 30 acres of glebe in Kilmacow, on which there is a Giebc House, about 3 miles
diitant from tlu church. No Glebe House; one rood of glebe in the Town of Arklow. No Church. No Glebe or Glebe Houfe. CURATES Salaries in Cafes of permitted Non- Relidencc of the Incumbents, and whether KefiJent or not. No Curate. Revd Alexander MtGomery, Curate; Salary £. 50. perann. with the use of the Glebe tloufc and garden rent free, and a Turf Bog, and all fees arising from Burials, Mar- riages. Churchings, & c. & c. amounting to from £. 10 to f. 20. per ar. n. Revd Wm Eaton, Curate ; resident; Salary £. 75. per annum. LIVINGS of a Value too fmall to afford Comfort to the Incumbent!. One Church, in good order,
at Inch. A Church, in repair. Church destroyed by the Rebels in 1798. A Glebe Houfe, and 17 acres of glebe at Inch, near the church, 20 A. 2 R. O miles dif- tant from i;, in the Parifh of Kilgorman. A Glebe Houfe, and 20 acres of glebe within 1 mile of the church. Church at Donard, in good order. No Glebe or Glebe Houfe. No Glebe or Glebe Houfe. No Curate. No Curate. Curate. RevdThomas Tucker; resides; Salary £. 50. and the use of the Glebe House and offices gratis. Curate, the ReV Thomas Gordon; A. B.; resides; Salary £- 75- per ann. No Curate. fH ,3. Annual value £. 31. Bailinttmple Rcticry.