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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland


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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland

Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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No Pages: 2
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E C C L E S I A S T I C A L R E P O R T S , I S I 2 O 7 , [ Dublin & 5 1. Number of BeneAces. 60. 6l. 62. 6j. 64. 6S. 66 67. 63. 6. N in> e » or BENEFICES and DENOMINATIONS; Number of PARISHES in .- a h Benefice ; Their Difiaice from each othc; and, The ellimate i Extent of fuch as are contiguous. Bray ------ A Rettery & Vicarage. Connaught - -- -- -- - A Vicarage. Kilternan -.---------. D° - Rathmichael, one of the Prebends of | bt. Patrick's Cathedral, annexed to faid j Union. All contiguous; extent from Eaft to Well about 5 miles, from North to South about 3 miles. INCUMBENTS, Whethei hiving Cure of Sou's ; whether Refident j if Non- R- fulent, for what Caufe; and by whom the Duties are dif. hargeJ. y' I - 1 Delgar. y ---- A Rectory. Kilcoole - -- -- -- -- A Vicarage, Kil McEnogue D' ' Chapels of Killoffoiy, Doran o'herwife Har; ain, Kil bride, Carrick, Kil Mc3ur, Glafsmullen, and Glangrewal. N. B. Thefe Chapels are faid to be Town Lands in Deigariy, Kilcole, anc Kil MeEncgue. A'l contiguous; extent from Eaft to Well abrut 5 miles, from North to South, about 4 miles. N'ewcaftle - - A Redory, A Vicar endowed. James Wm Ormsley, A. M.; has cure of souls; resident in his Glebe House, and discharges the duties. Thomas Trench, A. R.; has cure of souls; is resident; and he and a resident Curate discharge the duties. BENEFICES, when United, ar. d by what Authoiiry. Fpifcopally united time immemorial. Monck flown A Curacy. Kill D° - - Da'ky _ D° - - Ki leenv, otherwife Kilteen - - D° - - Bullock D° - - Carickbrennan - -- -- -- - D° - - A'l contieuous; extent from Eaft to Weft about 4 miles, from North to South about 3 j miles. Singleton Harpur, A. B. Same Incumbert; has cure of souls; resides in his Glebe House, and he and a Curate discharge the duties. United by Act of Counci'; time not known. Newcaftlc - A Vicarage. I. Stapor. il. otherwife Powerfcourt: AVicar- age, with Prebend in St. Patrick's Cathedral annexed. United by Aft Council, in 1780. of || I Thomas Brownrigg,; A. M. has cure of souls; resident; and dis- charges the duties. Michael Sandys, A. M.; has cure of souls and a Stall in the Ca- thedral; resident, and discharges the duties. Wicklow, a Vicarage, with Prebend in St. Patriik's Cathedral annexed. Drumkey - - A Redory & Vicarage. Kelpole -...-- A Vicarage. Chapels of Glanrly, kilcommon, Rathnow, Killifky. othei wif Killefky, and Killoughter. A 1 contiguous; extent from North to South 6 miles, from Eaft to Weft 4 miles. Ennifbokeen, otherwife Dunganftown : A Redory. Robt Baylis Dealtry, LL. D.; has cure of souls ; and a Stall in the Cathedral; the duties are performed by 2 resident Curates. Same Incumbent; his cure of souls; resident in the Glebe House, and discharges the duties. Rathdrum A Redory & Vicarage. F. pifcopa'ly united time immemorial. Richard Powell, A. M.; has cure of souls; resident in the Glebe House, and discharges the duties. • Glandelag'i.] __ F O R P R O V I N C E OF L E I N S T E R. . / y x47 4- Number of CHURCHES; W; u- tbrr in Repair, and in which Paiiflics they iland. s- GLEBE HOUSES; In what Parifli ;— what Glebe Land3 Whether contiguous ; or How far removed from each other, or from the Church, or Site of old Chu. ch. CURATES Salaries in C^ IVs of permitted Non- Rcfidence of the Incumbents, and whether Refident or nor. One Church, in good' 6 acres of glebe belonging to the Vicarage of order, in Bray. Bray, half a mile from the church; a Glebe House, and 18 acres of glebe belonging to the Prebend of Rathmichael, z\ miles distant from the church, and distant from the other - glebe about 3 miles. One Church, in good order, in Parish of Del- gany. A Glebe House, and 2 A. 3 R. 6 P. of glebe land contiguous to the chuicli. One Church, in good order, in Parish of Monckstown. One Church, in good order. One Church, in good order. One Church, in good order, at Wicklow ; one Chapel, in good order, at Glanely. Ore Church, in good » rder. One Church, in good order. No Curate. 7* LIVINGS of a Value too fmall to alfjrd Comfort to the Incumbents. Revd Hosea Guinness, Curate; resident; Salary £. 75. per ann. No glebe, or Glebe Houfe. A Glebe House, and 2 acres of glebe at Kill, about h a mile from the church ; 1 z acres more at Dalky, about 2 miles from the church ; glebes diltant from each other about mile. Revd Wm Tew, Curate; resident; Salary £- 75 per ann. A Glebe Houfe building 1 A. I R. 28 p. of) No Curate, glebe near the chuich ; and 1 A. o s. 17 p. 1 mile from it. No glebe, or Glebe Houfe. 32 A. 2 rt. 22 p. of glebe at Drumkey, near the church, 4. acres 1 mile from the church, and ^ A. 3 R. 27 p. of glebe near Glancly; no Glebe lloule. A Glebe Houfe, and 20 acres of glebe near the church. No Curate. Revd Robert Porter, Cu- rate; resident ; Salary jT. 75. per ann.; and receives from the County for attending the Gaol, £. 30. Revd James Corcoran, Cu- rate ; resident; Salary ico. per ann. No Curate. A Glebe Houfe, and ui acres of glebs near the church. No Curat.-. f
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