Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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No Pages: 2
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144 E C C L E S I A S T I C A L R E P O R T 5 , I K I 8 0 7 , [ Dublin & Number . of.'. Benefices. 53* 54- 55- 56. 57- 58. 59- 1. 2. 8. Names of BENEFICES and DENOMINATIONS; Number of PARISHES in each Benefice ; Their Diftance from each other ; and, The eftimared Extent of fuch as are csntigu^ us. Fallaght - .... A Curacy. I White Church ------- A Curacy. \ Cruagh, otherwise Crevagh - A Rectory. J All contiguous.— Extent from East to West 5 miles, from North to South 5 miles. Crumlin A Curacy. INCl'MBENTS, Whether having Cure of Souls ; whether Refi . lent ; if Non- Refideat, for what Caufe ; and by whom the
Duties a; e difcharged. Robert Cochrane Literale ; has cure of souls ; resident in his Glebe House, and discharges the duties. Kilmacud - A Curacy. " 5 Slacklorgan, otherwise Stillorgan - D° 5 Leixlip - - Confoy - - Stacumnie Elker - - - . - - . ... A Vicarage. j ------ A Curacy. D° ------ A Vicarage Lucan - D" Alderg - - . . . D5 Westmorestown ------- - St. Catherine's D° All contiguous.— Extent from North to South 3 miles, from Eait to Weft 4^ miles. Kildrought, otherwise Cel- bridge j A Vicarage Straffan . - - - Bally McKil A Curacy. Donacomper — D° Killadown D° All contiguous.— Extent from North to South 4 miles, from Bail to Welt 5
miles. Larabryan, otherwise Larahbryan, otherwise Maynooth- - -- - — - A Vicarage. Roger Forde, A. M. ; has cure of souls; resident in his Glebe House, and discharges the duties. Taghadoe- - A Vicarage. Edward Beatty, B. D.; has cure of souls; resident in his Glebe House, and he and his Curate dis- charge the duties. Edward Berwick, A. B.; has cure of souls; resides in the Glebe House, and he and a Curate do the duties.- Patrick Sands, A. M.; has cure of souls; resides in his parish, and he and a Curate do the duties thereof. Nichos Ashe, A. B.; has cure of souls ; resident in his Glebe house, and discharges the duties.
Henry Savage, A. B.; has cure of souls ; not resident; but the oc- casional duties are performed by the Revd Mr. Ashe, the Incum- bent of Maynooth, which adjoins Taghadoe. BENEFICES, When United, and by what Authority. Perpetually united; time not known. United by Act of Coun cil; time not known. Episcopally united time immemorial.
Glandelagh.] FOR PROVINCE OF LEINSTER. 20? / " 45 4. Number of CHURCHES: Wnet'. rr in Repair, and in which ' Par^ n they ( land. On- Church, in gocd repair, in Parish of Tal- laght. Oi One Church, in good der. One Church, in good irder, in Parish of Stil- lorgan. One Church, at Leix lip, in good repair. 5- GLEBE HOUSES; In what Parifh what Glebe Lands ;— Whether contiguous ; or How far removed from each other, or from the Church, or S'te of old Church. A Glebe House in Parish of Tallaght, and i6 acres of glebe near the church. A Glebe House, and I A. OR. 24 P. of glebe contiguous to the church. A Glebe Houfe,
in Parifh of Stillorgan, and 4 acres of glebe near the church. A Glebe House, in Parish of Esker, and acres of glebe 2 miles from the church. 28 6. CURATES Salaries in Cafes of permitted Non- Refidence of the Incumbents, ar. d whether Refident or not. No Curate. No Curate. Revd John Reid, Curate; resident. Salary 56. per annum. Revd Geo. Crane, Curate ; resident. Salary 70. per annum. The old Church in ruins, but subscription are now collecting to build a new Church ; in he mean time Divine Service is regularly per- formed in a convenient apartment in this Be- nefice. No House; 19 acres of glebe in Kildrought, adjoining
the old church of Celbridge, in Straf- fan ; 29 acres within three miles of the glebe at Kildrought, and adjoins the church at StraiFan. One Church, in good repair. A Glebe House, and 6 acres of glebe land near the church. Church in ruins. / No Glebe or Glebe House. LIVINGS of a Value too fmall to afford Comfort to the Incumbents. Anthy Hastings, Curate; resides. Salary £. 75. per annum. No Curate. No Curate.— Mr. Ashe dis- charges the duties gratis, the value of the Living being very small. Worth to the In- cumbent only £. 25. per annum. Taghadoe— A Vi- carage. t> 0