Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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1 4 0 Number of Benefices. [ Dublin St 1. Names of BENEFICES and DENOMINATIONS; Number of P ARISHES in each B.- ntfice ; Their Diftance from eachlother; and, The eftimated Extent of fuch as are contiguous. Kilsalkghan A Vicarage. Santry - A Vicarage. Howth, Kilbarrack. and Baldoyle, Cura-) cies; with Prebend in Si. Patrick's Cathedral annexed. INCUMBENTS, Whether having Cure of Souls ; whether Reiidcnt; if Ncn- Refidem, for what Caufe; and by whim the- Daties are difcharged. Chas Milley Doyle, A. B.; has cure of souls; resides in his Parish, and discharges the duties thereof. BENEFICES, Whfcn LTnited, and
by what Authority. | Thomas Smith, D. D.; has cure of souls; will reside as soon as his Glebe House is finished ; the duties are performed oy a resident Curate. Clonmethon, a Curacy; with Prebend in St. Patrick's Cathedral annexed. Palmerstown — — - -- - A Curacy. Greenock D". ' V Westpalstown - -- -- -- -- D'. Bally McDun D°. Ballyboghill 5 D°. All contiguous; extent from Raft to Weft 5 miles, from North to South 6 miles. Hollywood A Vicarage. 1 Naul D°. f Grallagh - D°. All contiguous; extent frOm East West 4 miles, from North to South 2 miles. i to Lusk A Vicarage. Balrothery A Vicarage. Baldungan A Redtory. John Lewis,
A. M.; has cure of souls, and a Stall in the Cathedral; the duties are discharged by a Cu- rate, and Mr. Lewis proposes him- self to reside in the Parish speedily. Storer Chas Littlehales, A. B.; has cure of souls, and a Stall in the Cathedral; excused from residence at present on account of ill health; a Curate resides, who discharges the duties. John Echlin, A. M.; has cure of souls; resides in his Parish, and dis- charges the duties. Wm Cox, A. B.; has cure of souls; resides in his Glebe House, and discharges the duties. Now vacant; has cure of souls; the duties are performed by a re- sident Curate. Christopher Robinson, A. M.;
has cure of souls; does not reside ; the duties are discharged by a Cu- rate, who resides iu the contiguous Parish); this Parish contains only 450 acres, and the annual value to trie Incumbent is only ^". 54. Balscadden - -- -- -- -- A Vicarage, Holmpatrick - - - - an impropriate Cure. Wm Blundell, A. B.; has cure of souls; not resident at prefent, but promises to reside forthwith; the duties are discharged by the Revd John Echlin, Incumbent of the ad- joining Parish. Wm Henry Johnson, A. B. ; has cure of souls; resident; and dis- charges the duties. ——_ Perpetually 1722. united in Episcopally united time immemorial. f
Glandelagh.] FOR PROVINCE OF LEIMSTER. 2 0 3 141 4- Numbfr of CHURCHES; Whether in Repair, and in which Parilhes they ftind. One Church in this parish, in good repair. One Charch, in good repair. The Church in ruins, and 500. has been granted to rebuild the Church on the old site, if a more convenient one cannot be forthwith pro- Cured. One Church, in good repair, in the Parish of Clonmethon. One Church, in good Order, in the Vicarage of Naul. One Church, in good I order. One Church, in good [ repair. GLEBE HOUSES; In what Panfh ;— what Glebe Lands;— Whe ther contiguous; or How far removed from each
other, or from the Church, or Site of old Church. A Glebe House, and 32 acres of glebe coave- niently situated. Glebe, 1 acre near the church ; the Baard of Firit Fruits has granted £. 4.00. out of the lafi Parliamentary grant to build a Glebe Houfe, and which will be forthwith built. No Church. The Church in ruins. One Church, in good order. I 78. No Glebe or Glebe Houfe. No Glebe House; 19A. a*, of glebe belonging to Bally McDun, about 4 miles from the charch, and £. 600. has been lately granted by the Board of First Fruits to build a Glebe House. No Glebe House ; glebe 5! acres in parifh ol Hollywood, 2 miles from the
cnurch. A Glebe House, and 2 acres near the church, and near 20 acres of glebe half a mile from it. No Glebe House; 19 acres of glebe joining the church, 1 oa. 3R. 34. P. three quarter* of a mile from the church. No Glebe or Glebe Houfe. About 4 acres of glebe near ruins of old church. No Clebe Houfe yet built. No Glebe or Glebe Houfe. N N 6. CURATES Salaries in Cafes of permitted Non- Refidence of the Incumbent*, and whether ReJident or not. No Curate. Revd John Moore, Curate;. Salary £. 75- P « r ana. Revd John Gavan, Curate ; resides on the borders of the Parish; Salary £. 75. per ann. Revd Galbth Fenton,
Curate; resident; Salary £. 75. per ann No Curate. No Curate. Revd Thomas Hand, Curate; resident; Salary £. 50. at pre- fent, but on the appointment of a new Incumbent, the Parish being now vacant, the Curate's Salary will be raised. LIVINGS of a value too fmill to efford Comfort to the Incumbent*. The Revd Henry Johnson, Curate ; resides in the ad- joining Parish; Salary £. 50. cer annum. Balduegan P. « c- torv; aano* l value £- 54- 5 Guineas per annum paid to the Revd Mr. Echlin, for discharging the duties. No Curate. Value of Tyrhn, ftated by the Ireumbent about - £. 43 o o per in. Glebe i , , * ettor* " 6 5 ' i Tota'. vaiuc46
5 1J Balfcadden Vic ir-^ e.