Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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No Pages: 2
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140 E C C L E S I A S T I C A L R E P O R T S , I N I 8 0 7 , [ Dublin St 1. Number of Benefices. — Names of ' BENEFICES and DENOMINATIONS; Number of PARISHES in each Benefice ; Their Diftance fiom each other; and, The eftimated Extent of fuch as are contiguous. St. Catherine, Dublin - - - - A Vicarage. St. James, Dublin ----- A Vicarage. St. Matthew, Ringsend - - - A Chaplaincy Manor of Grange Gorman - A Curacy. French Church of St. Patrick's. Portmarnock - - - A Curacy. Garristown • A Vicarage. Cloghran Swords A Rectory entire. Donaghbate- - A Vicarage. Portrahon - -- -- -- -- A Curacy. Contiguous— Extent
from East to West i miles, from North to South 11 mile. St. Doolocks - A Curacy. INCUMBENTS, \ Vhether having Cure of Souls; whether Refident; if Non- P. efi< ient, for what Caufe ; and by whom the Duties are difcharged. James Whitelaw, A. B.; has cure of souls ; resides in his parish, and he and 2 Curates discharge the duties. James Waters, A. B ; has cure of souls; resides in his Parish, and discharges the duties thereof. Robt Ball, A. B ; discharges the duties himself, being that of preach- ing only ; all the Parochial duties are discharged by the Incumbent of the Parish of Donnybrooke, to which Parish the duties belong.
Henry Campbell, A. B.; has cure of souls; resides, and discharges the duties. BENEFICES, When United, and by what Authority. John Letablere, A. M.; discharges the duties himself. Hector Munro, A. M.; has cure of souls; resident in the Glebe House, and discharges the duties. Same Incumbent; has cure of souls; a Curate resides in the Glebe House, and discharges the duties, the Incumbent being resident at Portmarnock. William Lyster, A. B.; has cure of souls ; resides within a quarter of a mile of the church, and dis- charges the duties. Abraham Stewart, A. B.; has cure of souls ; does not reside, the Glebe House not being
quite finish- ed, but it will in about one month; Mr. Stewart is also Master of the Hibernian School for Soldiers Chil- dren, and resides at the School house; his Curate, who now discharges the duties of the Union of Donaghbate, will reside in the Glebe House when finished. Theops Blakely, A. B.; has cure of souls; resides, and discharges the duties. * * Episcopally united, time immemorial.
Glandelagh.] FOR PROVINCE O? LBINSTER. » J9 4- Number of CHURCHES; Whether in Repair, and in which Parities th'y ftind. One Church, in good repair, in Parifh of St. Catherine. One Church, in good repair. One Church, in good No Church, but the Parishioners refort for Divine Service to St. Paul's, which is very con venient; and Mr. Camp- bell is Curate of St. Paul's, where he officiates. One Church, in good repair. One Church in this Parish, in good repair. One Church in this parish, in good repair One Church, in good order, in the Parish of Cloghran. One Church, in good repair, in the Parish Donaghbate. One Church,
in gooc rejuir. GLEBE HOUSES ; In what Pariflj ;— what Glebe Lands;— whether contiguous ; or How far removed from each other, or from the Church, or Site of old Church. No Glebe, or Glebe Houfe. No Glebe or Glebe Houfc. No Glebe or Glebe Houfe. 6. CURATES Salaries in Cafes of permitted Non- Refidence of the Incumbents, and whether Refident or not. Revd Jas Stubbs, Curate; Salary £. 75. per ann. Revd Wm Whitelaw, Curate; Salary £. 75. per ann. they reside al ternately in a house adjoining the church. No Curate. No Curate. LIVINGS of a va! ue too fmall to aff. ird Comfort to the Incumbents. No Glebe or Glebe
Houfe. No Glebe or Glebe Houfe. A Glebe Houf? in good order; and 9 acres of glebe land in the Parifn of Portmarnock. A Glebe Houfe, and about 12 acres of g'ebc; diftant about half a mile from tlie church ; about acres diftant from the Church and Glebe Houfe about half a mile, and 3 roods near the church. A Glebe House, and 4A. convenient to the church. OR. I7R. of glebe No Curate. No Curate. Revd John Moore, Curate ; resident in the Glebe House, which he has, with 12 acres of ground, and a Salary of £. 20. per annum, estimated, together, at £. 70 per annum. No Curate. About 2A. 3R. 7P. adjoining the churchyard, and
a Glebe Houfe now building thereon, by a grant of £. 320. out of die late Loan granted by Parliament. No Glebe or Glebe Houfe. Revd Robert Maw, Curate; Salary £. 60. per ann. and the ufe of the Glebe House and offices when finished, with the glebe land. No Curate,