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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland


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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland

Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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I ECCLESIASTICAL R e . - p c r t s , IN 1807, [ Dublin & . 1. r Number of Benefices. Names of ^ BENEFICES and DENOMINATIONS; Number ef PARISKES'in each Benefice; Their dillancc from each other; and, The eftimated Extent of fuch as are contiguous. St, Luke, Dublin - - - - - A Curacy. Donoughmore. A Vicarage, with Pre- bend in St. Patrick's Cathedral, annexed. INCUMBENTS, Whether having Cure of Souls ; whether Refident; if Non- Refident, for what Caufe ; and by whom the Duties are difcharged. Archdeaconry of DUBLIN; the corps of which confifts of Edward Ryan, D. D. has cure of souls; resides near the church ; has a resident Curate, and they both discharge the duties. Same Incumbent; has cure of fouls, and a Stall in the Cathedral. A Curate resides, and discharges the duties ; the Vicar also resides in this Parish during part of each year. St. Peter, Dublin - A Vicarage. St. Kevin, Dublin, A Curacy. Dcnnybrock • A Curacy. Rathfarnham - - A Curacy. Tawney - - - - A Curacy. Robert Fowler, D. D. as Arch- deacon of Dublin; has cure of souls ; and Stalls in St. Patrick's and Christ Church Cathedrals. Resides on the borders of St. Peter's parish, and he and his Cu- rates discharge the duties. 3- BENEFICES, When United, and by what Authority. Perpetually united; time not known. Kilgobbin - - - - A perpetual Curacy. J Contiguous; extent from North to South about 6 miles, from Eaft to Weft about 3 | miles. St. Bridget, Dublin - - - A Curacy. Deanery of St. Dignity. Patrick's, Dublin. A James Verschoyle, L. L. D, has cure of souls ; resides half the year in his Deanery House, and the other half at Swords. A Curate constantly resides. James Verschoyle, L. L. D. Dean Swords - -- -- -- - A Vicarage. Malahide - - A Curacy. Killough. otherwife Killeck D° Killoffory D° All contiguous; extent from Eafl tn Weft about 3 miies, from North to South about z miles. St. Ann, Dublin - - A Vicarage. cure Same Incumbent; has souls; resides half the year, Curate constantly resides. of A Episcopally united time immemorial. Castledermott, otherwise ") A vicarage Trisdledermott - - - - . Graney - -- -- -- -- D" Ballaghmoon D° Monmohemock. A Vicarage, with Pre- ( bend in St. Patrick's Cathedral, annexed. Grangerosnolvin, other- atte wise Grangemonoghorum & ' Kilkea - — A Vicarage. Contiguous; extent from East to West 6 miles, from North to South about 4 miles. Honble and Revd John Pomeroy ; has cure of souls; resides near his church, and he and tu o resident Curates discharge the duties. Same Incumbent; has cure of Episcopally united, souls; and a Stall in the Cathedral. tlmc immemorial. A resident Curate discharges the duties. Giandelagh.] FOR. PROVINCE OP LEINSTER. l37 4* Number of CHURCHES; Whether in Repair, and in which Parifhes they ftand. One church, in the parish of St. Luke, in good order. One Church, in good order, at Donoughmore. One Church, in St. Peter's Parish, in good repair. One Church, in St. Kevin's Parish, in good order. One Church, in Donny- brooke Parish, in good order. One Church, in Parish Of Rathfarnham, in good order. One Church, in Taw- ney Parish, in good order. One Church, in Kil- bobbin Parish, in good order. 5- OLE BE HOUSES; In what Parifli j— what Glebe Lands;—• Whether contiguous; or IIow far removed fr-. m each other, or from the Church, or Site of old Church. No Glebe House; 12 perches of land ad- joining the church. A Glebe House, and 21 | acre.- of glebe, about 3 quarters of a mile from the church. t No Glebe or Glebe House. No Glebe or Glebe House. No Glebe or Glebe House. No Glebe or Glebe House. No Glebe Houe ; about 6 acres of glebe ad- joining the church. A Glebe Houfe, and 14 acres of glebe about 1 mile from the church. 6. CURATES Salaries in Cafes of permitted Npn- RefjdeiKe of the Incumbent , and whether Refident or not. Revd Jno Robinson, Curate; resident; Salary 55. perann. paid by Incumbent; £. 20. per ar. n. for Wednesday evening Lecture. Total £. 75. perann. Revd Jos Tennison, Curate; resident. Salary £- i° o per ann. and the glebe of Do- noughmore, being at § acres of ground, and the glebe house. Revd Wm Lyster, Curate; Salary £. 65. Revd Vere. E. Quaile, Curate; resides. Salary. 65. per ann. Revd John Lewis, Curate; refides, Salary .£. 65. per ann.. and they receive from the Parish £. 50. per ann. each. Revd Geo. Wogan, Curate; resides. Salary £. 60. per ann. and the shall dues of every description, amounting to £. 25. per ann. Revd Henry McLean, Curate; resides; Salary £. 60. per ann. and the small dues of every description, amounting to £. 5. per ann. Revd Mw Campbell, Curate; resides. Salary £. 60. per ann. and the small dues of every description, amounting to^. ic per ann. Revd Hayes P. Quead, Curate; resident: and enjoys all the Tythes and Emolument; of the parish, amounting to £. 137. 17/. 6 d. perann. One Church, in good order. No Glebe House in St. Bridget's Parish. Glebe . nd, containing in front 22 feet, in depth i 31 feet. A Cathedral Church in as good repair as from Old age could be expected. One Church, in gcod Order, in Vicarage of Swords, which is nearly central to the 4 united Parishes. One Church, in good repair, in the Parish of St. Ann. One Church, at Castle- dermott, in good order. A House in good repair near the Cathedral, and a small portion of land. A Glebe House in parifh of Swords, and a glebe of 33A. iR. 20 r. conveniently fituated near the church. No Glebe or Glebe Houfe. Revd Richd Drury, Curate; resides. Salary £. 62. 10s. per ann. and Revd Thomas Kings- bury, Curate ; resides near the parish; Salary^. 62. 1 or. per ann. and each of them receives from the pari fa 34. 2 6d. per ann. which makes the annual fum paid to each £. 96. 12 s. 6d. Revd Thomas Parkinson, Curate; resident; Salary75. per ann. fflVINGS of a Value too fmnU to afford Comforc to the Incumbents. ' I church; 1 glebe laghmoon, with a small glebe, 78. 2 Glebes in the parish of Ballaghmoon, one lining 1 A. 2 R. 14 P. the other 6 A. OR. 50 P. out 40 perches distant from each other, and 2 3 miles from the church; one glebe in the parifh of Monmohemock, alias• Donmanogue, contain- ng 18 A. 1 R. i6r. about i mile distant from the glebes in Ballaghmoon, and 3 miles from the church ; 1 glebe at Kilkea, containing 4 A. IR. J. miles from the other glebes, and a from the djoining the church contains 1 rood 36 perchcs Revd Wm Annesly, Curate; resident. Salary £. 65. perann. Revd Wm Cotton, Curate; resident; Salary £. 6per ann. and each of them receives from the parish 50. per ann. for early Service on Sunday morning, and Festivals, making each per year,.£. 115. Revd Robert Drought, Cu- rate ; resident; Salary £. 75. a burying ground in Bal- togciher containing 1 rood and iSpcrchcs. No Glebe Houfis. M M
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