Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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No Pages: 2
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E C C L E S I A S T I C A L R E P O R T S , IN 1 8 0 7, [ Dub'in Sc 4- 1. Names of BENEFICES and DENOMINATION'S; Number of PARISHES in each B^ ncnce j Their Diftanee from each other; and. The eftimited Extent of fuch as are contiguous. St. John, Dublin, a Curacy, with Prebend in the Cathedral of Christ Church annexed. Treasurership of St. Patrick's Cathedral; 1 Dignity. Thos Smith, LL* D. ; has cure of souls; lives in Dublin, and he and his resident Curate discharge the duties of the parish of St. John. Same Incumbent; a Stall in the Cathedral. St. Nicholas within the Walls, Dublin; a. Curacy. Tipperkevin, one of the
Prebends of St. Patrick's Cathedral. St. Werburgh, Dublin; a Curacy, belong: to the Chancellorship of St. Patrick's. Finglass, a Rectory, part of the corps of the Chancellorship; a Vicar endowed.— Vide No. 2. St. Andrew, Dublin A Vicarage. St. Mark, Dublin A Vicarage. Tassagard, one of the Prebends of St. Pa- ick's. Glasnevin A Curacy INCUMBENTS, Whether having Cure of Souls; whether Rcfident; if Non- Refident, for what C. iufe; and by whom the Duties are dilcharjied. John Bradshaw, A. B. has cure of souls ; lives near the church, and discharges the duties, ami will re- side forthwith within his parilh. Same Incumbent; a
Stall in the Cathedral. Richard Bourne, A. M. has cure of souls, and a Stall in the Cathedral; resides near his parish, and the duties are performed by himself, a Curate, and a Reader. Same Incumbent.. William Bourn, A. B. has cure of souls; resides near to his parish and he and two Curates discharge the duties. Crinus Irwin, A. B.; has cure of souls; resides in his parish, and he and a Curate discharge the duties. Crinus Irwin; a Stall in the Cathedral. Same Incumbent; has cure of souls; a Curate discharges the du- ties. St. Nicholas without the Walls, Dublin; i Curacy. Timothan, one of the Prebends of St. Pa rick's Cathedral.
Honble and Revd James Agar, A. M.; has cure of souls; resides at a small distance from the Church, and he and a resident Curate dis- charge the duties. Same Incumbcnt; a Stall in the Cathedral, but no emoluments of any ka. d. 3 » BENEFICES, When United, and by Vrliat Authority.
Glandclagh.] TOR Province OF LEINSTER. /// Number of CHURCHES, B Whether in Repair, and in which ParifliJs they ( land. One Church in this pa- rish, in good order. One Church in this pa- rish, iu good order. Or. cChurch in this pa Irifli, in good order. Church in this parish building, and will be ready for Divine Service the j ft of February next; in the meantime Divine Service is performed it) Eustace- street Meeting- House, within the parish, and convenient to the Parishioners. The Church is now finished. and Divine Ser- vice performed therein. One Church in this pa rilli, in good repair. One Church, in good order. 5- GLEBE
HOUSES; In what Pari/ h;— what Glebe Lands; — Whether contiguous; or How far removed from each ocher, or from the Church, or Sice of old Shurch. Church of this parish in ruins, but money col- lecting to build one im- mediately. The Parishioners resort for Divine Service to a Chapel in St. Patrick's Cathedral, which is con- venient to the parish. No Glebe or Glebe Houfe. No Glebe, no Iloufe. No Glebe or Glebe Houfe. No G'ebe, no Houfe. No Glebe or Glebe Houfc. 20 acres of Glebe near Finglafs. No Houfe. No Glebe or House. No Glebe or Gicbe Houfe. No Glebe, no Houfe. No Glebe or Houfe, No G'ebe or - Glebe Houfe.
No Glebe, no Houfs. 6. CURATES Salaries in Cafes of permitted Non- Refijence of the Incumbents, and whether Rtfiient or not. Revd Mw Sleator, Curate, resident; Salary £ 70. per am. and receives from the parish- ioners /. 30. yearly, for read- ing prayers and preaching' every Friday. Incumbent discharges the duties, and has no Curate. Revd John Le Strange, Cu- rate ; resides ; Salary and al- lowance from the parish, toge- ther, £. 107. per ann Revd Robert Gore Whistler, Reader; allowed by the In- cumbent and the parifh £. 57. ;> er ann. Revd Jas Nevins, Curate resident; Salary £. 75. Revd Gerald Fitzgerald, Curate; Salary
75.; he re- sides near the parish. Revd John Leahy, Curate; Salary £. 75. per ann. Revd Robert Difney, Cu- rate, refident; Salary £- 62. • JCT ann. Revd John Letablere, Cu- rate; Salary £. 75. per ann. LIVINGS of a Value too fmall to alfj; d Comfort to, the Incumbents.