Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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No Pages: 2
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140 140 E C C L E S I A S T I C A L R E P O R T S , IN I 8 0 7 , [ Dublin St No. 1.— DIOCESES OF DUBLIN 1. Names of BENEFICES and DENOMI NAT IONS, Number of PARISHES in each Benefice j Their dilfdnce from each other ; and, The eliimated Extent of fuch as aie contiguous. Christ Church Deanery - A Dignity. Chantorship of Christ church - A Dignity. Chancellorship of Christ Church- A Dignity. Treasurership of Christ Church - A Dignity. John Robinson, A. M.; a Stall in the Cathedral. Revd Chas Cobbe Beresford; a Stall in the Cathedral. Revd Dean Allott; a Stall in the Cathedral. Deanery of St Patrick's Cathedral,
Dublin, Vide No. zo. Chantorship of St Patrick's - - A Dignity. Chancellorship of St Patrick's - A Dignity. Vide No. 11. Treasurership of St Patrick's - A Dignity. Vide No. 9. Archdeaconry of Dublin.— Vide No. i Archdeaconry of Glandelagh.— Vide No Archdeaconry of Dublin, Vide No. 19. Prebends : St Michael Vide No. 2. St Michan Vide No. 3. St John's - - - Vide No. 9. No. 50. Prebend of Swords. Prebend of Kilmactalway.—' Vide No. 51, Prebend of St Audeon.— Vide No. I* Prebend of Yagoe. Prebend of Clonmethon.— Vide No. 37. Pic- bend of Wicklow.— Vide No. 66. Prebend of Timothan.— Vide No. 16. Prebend of
Castleknock. Prebend of Mullahidart. prebend of Tipper.— Vide No. 77. Prebend ofTassagard.— Vide No. 14. Prebend of Dunlavin.— Vide No. 79. Prebend of Howth.— Vide No. 36. Prebend of Maynooth. Prebend of Rathmichael.— Vide No. 60. Prebend of Monmohernock.— Vide No. 23, Prebend of Tipperkevin.— Vide No. 10. Prebend of Stagonil.— Vide No. 65. Prebend of Donoughmore.— Vide No. 18. 2, I N C U M BENTS, Wburner having Cure of i> ou! s; whether Resident; if Non- Resident, for what Cause; and by whum the Duties are discharged. Right Honble. and Right Revd Dr Charles Lindsay. Richard Ponsonby, A.
M.; a Stall in the Cathedral. Revd Henry Lomax Walsh; a Stall in the Cathedral. Honble. and Revd Thomas St. Lawrence; a Stall in the Cathedral. George Connor, A. B.; a Stall n the Cathedral. Robert Truell, A. B.; a Stall in in the Cathedral. Thomas Tisdall, A. B.; a Stall n the Cathedral. BENEFICES, When United, and by what Authority. t- f
Glandelagh.] FOR PROVINCE OF LEINSTER. and glandelagh. 4- Number of CHURCHES; Whether in Repair, and in which Parifhes they ( land. A Cathedral Church, in good repair. GLEBE HOUSES; In what Parifli;— what Gltbe Lands;— Whether contiguous ;— or How far removed from each other, or from the Church, or Site of old Church. Demefne Houfe, in Fifhamble- flreet, rear the Cathedral; a conficverable demefne in leafe about 8 miles fouth- ealt of Dublin.— See the Irith Statute of Sefiion 1792, intituled, " An Act to enable the Dean of the Cathedral Church of the Holy Trinity in Dublin, to demife part of his menfal
lands." No Glebe; no houfe. No Glebe ; no houfe. No Glebe ; no houfe. No Glebe or Houfe. No Giebe; no houfe. No Glebe; no houfe. No Glebe ; no houfe. No Glebe ; no houfe. No Glebe; no houfc. 6. CURATES Salaries in Cafes of permitted Non- Relidence of the Incumbents, • nd whether Refident or not. LIVINGS of a Value toa fmall to afford Comfort' to the Ir. cumbents. J