Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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No Pages: 2
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CO E C C L E S I A S T I C A L R E P O R T OF THE [ Rapboe. . No. 2.— DIOCESE Number of Benefices. I. .. 5 cc c P > 5 14 i s U V I. Names of BENEFICES and DENOMINATIONS; Number of PARISHES in each Benefice; Their Diftance from each other ; and, The eftimated Extent of fuch as are contiguous. DEANERY of RAPHOE ; consisting of Six Parishes : INCUMBENTS, Whether having Cure of Souls ; whether Resident; if not Resident, for what Cause ; and by whom the Duties are discharged. Revd Doctor Richd Allot; resi dent; has cure of souls; and dis- charges the duties, assisted by six Curates. Raphoe Stanoolar
Rectory & Vicarage. Rectory & Vicarage. I. I. Letter M'Ward - - Rettory k Vicarage. Thefe 2 are at a confiderable diftance from the other four, and very far diltant from each other. Faughboyne — - - Rettory & Vicarage. Raymochy Rettory & Vicarage. K'. llea - - - - — - Rettory & Vicarage. Conwall BENEFICES, whether United, and by what Authority. United by Patent James I. as corps to the Deanery. Kiltewock Rectory & Vicarage. Leek - Rectory & Vicarage. These 4 are contiguous, and extend iS miles by 7. Killygarvan- - - - Rettory & Vicarage. Rettory & Vicarage. Aughnanunlhcn - - Rettory & Vicarage. Tullaghagnilh - - - Rettory
& Vicarage. Revd Thos Pemberton; resi- dent; has cure of souls; and dis- charges the duties, assisted by a Curate, Revd John Usher ; resident; has cure of souls; and discharges tne duties, assisted by a Curate. Revd John Harris; resident; has cure of souls, and discharges the duties. Revd John Ellison; resident; has cure of souls; and discharges the duties, assisted by a Curate. Revd Geo. Homan; resident; has cure of souls, and discharges the duties. Revd Mich1 Kearney; resident; has cure of souls; and discharges the duties, assisted by a Curate.
Raphoe.] PROVINCE OF ARMAGH: 1806. 21 OF RAPHOE. 4- Number of CHURCHES; Whether in Repair, and in which of the Pariflies they ( land. Six Churches. No. 1. Cathedral Parifh of Raphoe. 2. A Church. 3. A Church. 4. A Church. 5. A Church. 6. A Church. A Church. A Church. A Church. A Church. A Church. A Church. 5- GLEBE HOUSES; In what Parish ;— what Glebe Lands ;— Whether contiguous j How far removed from each other, and from the Church, or Site of the old Church. A Glebe House in the parish of Raphoe, and a considerable glebe near to the church. J 73. A Glebe House in the parish, and a glebe of
above 40 acres. A Glebe House, and a glebe of above 40 I acres. A Glebe House, and a glebe of above 4c ' acres. No Glebe House; 900 acres of glebe, incon- veniently situated for the residence of the Cler- gyman, being far removed from Letterkenny, where the church stands. A Glebe House, and a Glebe of above 40 acres. No Glebe House ; a large tract of glebe, in- conveniently situated for the residence of the Clergyman, being far removed frcm Ramelton, where the church stands.