Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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E C C L E S I A S T I C A L RE P O R T OF THE [ Ardagh. • No. 9.— D I O C E S E t. r- Number of Benefices. San PS of ENEFICES and DENOMINATIONS: Number of PARISHES in each Benefice; Their Dillancc from each other ; and, The eftifiated Extent of fuch as are contiguous. S1 Peter's, Drogheda- Vicarage. Ballymakenny - - - Perpetual Cure of. Beaulieu Rectory. Termonfeckan - - - Rectory & Vicarage. Kilclogher - - - - Main Rectory. Rectory. Contiguous: Collon - - - - 5,435 acres in the Union. - - Rectory. 2. INCUMBENTS, Whether having Cure of Souls; whether Relident; if not Refider. t, for what Caufe ; and by whom
the Djties aie difcharged. Dromyn - Rectory & Vicarage- Mosstown ----- Vicarage. Contiguous, aral contain above 8,000 acres in Dromyn - - - - 1,162 acres. In Mosstown - - - 2,252 — Lowth ------- Rectory & Vicarage. Dunleer - - Rectory- 1,455acres. Moylary - - - Vicarage 2 288 — Dysart ------- Vicarage 972 — Kippock - Vicarage 568 — Monasterborie - - - Curacy 1,000 — Drumcar 2,168 acres Rectory & Vicarage. Contiguous, and contain 8,451 acres. Clonkeen- Rectory & Vicarage Dunany Vicarage. Parsonstown Marlinstown . Vicarage. Vicarage. These Parishes are not contiguous, lying about \ mile distant from each other.
The Union contains 1,769 acres. In Dunany ----- 957 — Parsonstown - - - - 391 — And Marlinstown - - 461 — difcharges Revd Wardy Ball; resident; has Cure of souls; and discharges the duties, assisted by a Curate. Revd John Graves; resident; has cure of souls, and the duties. Revd Jerom Alley; not resident; there being neither glebe house nor glebe in, nor church in the Parish. Duties discharged from Drogheda, 2 miles distant. Rcvd W. J. Armstrong; not resi- dent, by permission, as he has lately been promoted to the Benefice; has cure of souls. Duties dis- charged by a Curate. Revd D. A. Beaufort; resident; has cure of
foul the duties. and discharge: Revd Sam1 Little ; resident; has cure of souls; and dischargcs the duties, assisted by a Curate. Revd Saml Little ; not resident, because living on his other Benefice; has cure of souls. Duties dis- charged by a Curate. Revd Geo. Lambart; not refi- dent, becaufe living on his other Benefice. Revd Val. Griffith ; not resident, Duties discharged by the Curate of Clonmore, there being cure of souls. BENEFICES, whether United, and by what Authority. United by Act of Coun- cil, but the time does not appear. I am of opinion, these Parishes cannot be dis- united. Collon . and Dromyn Episcopally united in
1709, and Collon and Mosstown by Act of Council 1769. These Livings produce a moderate income, and I am therefore of opinion, the Union cannot be dis- solved. United by Act of Coun- : i! 1682. I am of opinion that this Union might be be- neficially dissolved, and formed into Livings; viz. Moylary and Monaster- borie for one Living, and the other denominations to form a second Living. Episcopally united time immemorial. I am of opinion these Parishes are too small to be disunited.
Armagh.] PROVINCE OF ARMAGH: 1806. /// OF ARMAG H. 4- Numb- r of CHURCH ES; Whether in Repair, and in which of the Pa- ifhes thev liand. 5- GLEBE HOUSES; Ir. what Paiifn ;— what Glebe Lands;— Whether contiguous: — How far removed from each other, and from the Church, 01 Sire of the oid Church. A Church, in gooc order. A Church, in gooc order. A Glebe Houfe in the churchyard, with a few pcrches of glebe in the garden. A Glebe Houfe, on a glebe of 18 A. 3 it. : i r. clofe to the church. No Church, Ibuilding. but one A Church, in goor3 jrder, ia Termonfeckan. A Church, in good ( order, in Collon. A new
Church, in good larder. Church, in good A lorder A Church, in bad or ier, and very old. A Church, in gooc lorder. No Church. i CURATES Salary in Cafes of permitted Non- Rcfidence of the Incumbent, and whether Relident or no-.. LIVINGS of a Value too fmall to afford Comfort to the Incumbent. No Houfc or Glebe. No Glebe Houfc, but the Primate is in treaty for land, properly fituated, to build one on ; a fcattered glebe of 10 A. I R. 2 P., 3 A. 2 R. Z P. of which lie about the church; the remainder in the Parifh of Main, 2 miles difiant from the church. A Glebe Houfe in Collon ; a glebe of 22 acres not contiguous, 10 being within I mile of the church, 9 in five different parcels in the Parifn of Dromyn, and 3 in three different parcels, in Mofs- town ; the lalt 1 2 diftant from the church about miles. A Curate refident. 60. per ann. Salary A Glebe Hotife, lately built on 40 acres of glebe | mile from the church. No Glebe Houfe in Dunleer, but a neat cabin in Moylary, where the Curate refides; 28 A. 1 R. 10 p. 1 acre of which is in Dunleer clofe to the church; | an acre fuppofed to be in Sir E. Bcllew's Demefne, in the Parifn of Dyfart, and loft to the church; 13 A. 3 R. 10 p. in Moylary clofe to the church, and the remainder in the Parifh of Drumcar, diftant from each other
and from the church about 2 miles. A Glebe Houfe, on 12 acres of glebe clofe to the church. No Glebe Houfe ; a glebe of about 18 acres not contiguous, 13 of them being in Dunany .' mile from the old church, the remainder clofe to the old church, of,. ™ acre excepted, which is in the Parifh of Parfor. stown, diftant 2 miles. A Curate refident. £. 75. per ann. Salary! A Curate refident. f. 90. per ann. Salarv A Curate refident. £. 50. per ami. Salary A Curate for occafionals. Salary £ 10. per ann. This Union, the jr. co^ ie being but /'. so. per ann.