Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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No Pages: 2
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E C C L E S I A S T I C A L R E P O R T OF T HE [ Ardagh. • JNO. 8.— DIOCESE Number of Benefices. 6. 8. lo. II. i. Names of BENEFICES and DENOMINATIONS; Number of PARISHES in each Benefice; Their Diftance from each other; and, The eftimHed Extent of fuch as are contiguous. Ardagh Rectory. Temple Michael 2. INCUMBENTS, Whether having Cure of Souls; whether P. efident; if not Refluent, fur what Caufe ; and by wh'jm the Duties aic di. fchart^ ed. Hon. and Revd Richd Bourke; not resident; lives on his other Be- nefice in this Diocese ; has cure of souls; duties discharged by a Curate. R. cftory. Hon. and
Revd Richd Bourke; EENEFICES, whether United, and by what Authority. resident; has cure of souls, and upwards. Ballymacormick - - — - - — / difcharges the duties, affilttd by a' United ico years and Contiguous: Estimated extent about 7 miles square. I Granard Vicarage. cuiate. Revd John Beresford ; not resi- Episcopally united 60 dent by permission and faculty; has'' cars upwards, cure of souls; duties discharged by 4 Curates. N. B. Mr. Bcresford has jufl pro- cured a refidentein his parilh. Ballymacalenny - -- -- -- - Vicarage. Drumlummon - - - Vicarage. I Ballymachree * - - Vicarage. ) Contiguous: Estimated extent 1 z miles
long, 10 miles broad. Clongesh Rectory & Vicarage. Mosstim Rectory Si Vicarage. Revd Edwd Berwick; non- resi- dent; has 1 ure of souls; lives on his other Benefice in Dublin; du- ties discharged by a Curate. Revd Geo. Keating; resident; has cure of souls, and discharges the duties. Killashee Rectory Si Vicarage. Revd Jas Hutchinson; resident; Tashinny Rectory & Vicarage. Distant from each other about 6 miles. Kilcommick - - - - Rectory Sc Vicarage. Moydow - - - Contiguous. Rectory Si Vicarage. as cure of fouls, ar. d dilcharges the duties, aflified by 2 Curate*. Revd Robt Beatty ; not resident here, but on his other Benefice
11 , this Diocese; has cure of souls ; duties discharged occasionally by himself, and a Curate. Abstrule Vicarage. Teighshinod Street - - Rectory & Vic3rage. Clonbroney Vicarage. Vicarage. Revd Jas Hutchinson ; not resi- dent; has cure of souls; lives Cn his Union in this Diocese. • Revd Robt Beatty; resident; has cure of souls, and discharges the duties. Revd Jas Webster ; not resident; lives on his parish in Clogher; has cure of souls; duties discharged by a Curate. Revd John Booker; resident; has cure cf souls, and discharges the duties. A Union by Act of Coun- cil 30 years and upwards. United Episcopally a- bove 20 years.
Arclagh."] PROVINCE OF ARMAGH: I806. 107 OF ARDAGH. 4- Number of CHURCHES; Whether in Repair, and in which of die Parifhes they ftand. GLEBE HOUSES; In what Parilh •— what Glebe Lands i— Whether contiguous;— How far removed from each other, and frop the Church, or Site of the old Cliurch. A Church, in good repair A Church in Longford, n good repair, in the parish of Temple Mi- chael. 3 Churches, all in jgood repair; j of them in Granard, i in Bally- macalenny, and the othe; in A Church, in good repair. A Church, in good repair. A Church, in good repair, A Church, in good repair. A Church, in good repair.
No Houfe; 3 glebes, aboat 2 miles diftant from each other, containing 435 acres. A Glebe Houfe. A glebe, with 8 glebes, con- taining 338 acres, about 5 miles diftant from each other ; 100 acres ot which are contiguous to the houfe. No Glebe Houfe; 3 glebes, about 3 mil. es diftant from each other, containing 220 acres. N. E. Incumbent is preparing to build. No Hcufe; a glebe of 40 acres contiguous to the church. N. JB. Incumbent preparing to build. A Glebe Houfe, and a glebe of 20 acres con- tiguous. A Glebe Houfe in Killachee, and a glebe. A. R. P. A Glebe of j73 : 3 : 35. A Church, in good repair. A Glebe Houfe, and 2
glebes of 90 acres dif- ' tant from each other; 60 of them contiguous to the houfe. Mo Church. No Church. AChurch. ingcod repair. A Church, in good repair No Glebe Houfe; a glebe. No Gkbe Houfe or Glebe. No Glebe Houfe; a glebe of 5 acres. A Glebe Houfe; and 4 glebes, containing 38 acres; 10 of them contiguous to the houfe, the remainder diftant from each other 2 miles. 6. CURATES Salary in Cafes of permitted Non- Rcfidence of tha Incumbent, and whether Refident or not. A Curate, refident; Salary £• 73' Per ann- 4 Curates, refident; Salary £. 60. per ann. to each. A Curate, refident. ' A Curate, refident. A Curate,
refident. A Curate, refident; Salary £. 60. per ann. A Curate, refident; Salary £. 60. per ann. A Curate, refident; Salary £. 60. per ann. A Curate, refident; Salary £. 6d. per ann. 7. LIVINGS of a V. i'ue ton f. nall to afford Comfort to the Incumb nt.