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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland


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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland

Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 2
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z. INCUMBENTS, Whether having Cure of Souls ; whether Refldent; if not Refident, fo: what Caufe ; and by whom the Duties are d: fcharged. 3- BENEFICES, whether United, and by what Authority. Revd Richd Meade; not resi- dent; lives on his Benefice in the South of Ireland ; has cure of souls; duties discharged by a Curate. Revd S. Cupples; resident; has cure of souls ; and discharges the duties, assisted by a Curate. Revd Ph. Fletcher; has cure of souls; and resides sufficiently near to discharge the duties, assisted by a Curate. Revd S. Duboudieu; not resi- dent ; by permission ; on account of his age and infirmities; has cure of souls; duties discharged by a Curate. Revd John Connor; not resi- dent ; by permission; has cure of souls; duties discharged by a Curate. Revd Phil. Johnston; resident; has cure of souls ; and discharges the duties. Revd Frs Patten; resident; has cure of souls; and discharges the duties. The Bishop is Rector; a cure of souls; duties discharged by a Curate. Revd Wm Bristow; resident; has cure of souls; and dis- charges the duties, assisted by a Curate. Revd Archdeacon Dickson ; not resident; has cure of souls; du- ties discharged by a Curate. An ancient Union; no record of its date in the Registry. An ancient Union ; no record of its date in the Registry of the Diocese. Number of Bcn- nces. ( Names ot EENEFICES and DENOMINATIONS; Number of PARISHES in each Benefice ; Their Diftar. ce from each other; anil, The efiimated Extent of fuch as are contiguous. REPORT OP THE [ Down & ECCLESIASTICAL Magherameck -------- Vicarage.^ . ( Aghagallon' Vicarage, f Aghalee Vicarage-' Contiguous: In Magherameck - - - 3,960 acres. Aghagallon - - — 2,710 Aghalee - 1,848 Glenavy Vicarage.-. Camlin - Vicarage. ( Tulyrusk ---- Vicarage. J Contiguous; and contain together 15,664 acres. Ballinderry - Vicarage. Derryaghy Vicarage. Maragall Vicarage. Lambeg - -- -- -- -- -- Reftory. Belfast Vicarage. Drumbeg - -- -- -- -- - - Rectory. An ancient Union. Vicarage. - - - Vicarage., - - Rcftory. ^ - 3,560 acres - 5,270 — - 1,410 — - - Rectory. Ballylinny Carmony Ballymartin - - Contiguous: In Ballylinny - - - - Carmony - - - - Ballymartin - - - - Lisburn - - Connor.] P R O V I N C E OF A R M A G H : 1 8 0 6. £ 0E Number of CHURCHES; Whether in Repair, and in which of the Parilhes they ( land. A Church at Car- mony, in good repair. A good Church. The Cathedrals of Down and Connor being in ruins, this Church was made a Cathedral for both Dio- cefes by Patent, 17 th O t\. 1662. A good Church in Aghalee, which is in the Diocefe of Dromore; in the centre of the Union. A good Church in Gienavy, nearly the cen- tre of the Union. A gooi Church. A Church, in good re- pair. A Church, in good re- pair. A Church, in good re pair. A Church, in excellent order. A Church, in good re pair. 5- GLEBE HOUSES; In what farifli;— what Glebe Lands;— WheihPi contiguous ;— How far removed from eacn othe>, and from the Church, or Site of the old Church. No Glebe Houfe ; a glebe of 50 acres. 78. A Glebe Houfe in I. ifburn, near the church, but no glebe. CURATES Salary ir. Cale » 01 permited Non- Relidence of the Incumbent, and whether Reft - e: t r not. A Curate, rcfident; falar) £. 60. per ann. A Curate, refident; falary £. 75. per ann. No Hcufe or Glebe. No Glebe or Houfe. A Curate, relident; falary £, Co. per ann, No Glebe or Houfc. No Glebe or Houfe. No Glebe or Houfe. A Curate, refident; falary but £. 60. per ann, the income of the living being fmall. A Curate, relident; falary £. 75. per ann. No Glebe or Houfe. A good Glebe Houfe in Belfafl, and a glebe of 20 acres, one mile from the church. No Glebe or Houfe. A Curate, refident; falary the income of the parifh. A Curate, refident; falary £. 60. per ann. LIVINGS or a Value too fmall to afford CoRifoit to the Ircumbent. Derryaghy; the in- come being but^. 97. los. per ann. Maragall; the in- come of tithe and £. 30. from the Firll Fruits, making but £• 75• lo- r- Lambeg; the in- come being but £• 68. per ann. C C
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