Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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E- CCLESI AST ICAL REPORT OT THE [ Deny. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS: Containing ANSWERS to fuch QUERIES as relate to Matters of Opinion; all the other Queries being anfwcred in the Columns. Query.— BY what mode may the condition of fuch Livings, as are of a value too fmall to afford to refident Incumbents the means of comfort, be improved ? Anfwer.— The Board of Firft Fruits can augment fuch Livings by purchafing Glebe?, and impropriate Tythes out of the produce of the Firft Fruits and Twentieth Parts, granted by Queen Anne for this purpofc, and by a ( Tilling the In- cumbents with money for the erection
of Glebe Houfes; but this Fund is fmall, and unequal to the effe& ual augmentation of iuch Livings,— There is alfo another Fund, ariling from a charitable Bequeft of the late Do£ tor Boulter, Primate of all Ireland, and veiled in the Board of Firft Fruits bv Ail of Parliament; out of which Fund, the Board of Firft Fruits is enabled to augment fuch Livings, under a hundred pounds a year, by adding fo much fa'ary yearly as will make the amount to the Incumbents of fuch Livings, one hundred pounds. There is at prefent no other mode of improving fuch fmall Livings, but thefe Funds may be encreafed by the bounty of the King in
Parliament, fo as to render fuch fmall Livings capable of affording to the refident Incumbents thereof the means of comfort in cafes where the Funds already mentioned arc inefficient. Query.— WHAT are the powers which now exift of enforcing Refidence, or which it maybe neceffary to recommend to the Legillature to provide for that purpofe ? AnLver.— I apprehend that the prefent Canon Law, as hitherto exercifed here, is fufficient to reflify the evil of non- refidence; but at prefent, the execution of the Canon Law in eafes of non- refidence, has been obftrufted by appeals; and there is a cafe now depending before certain
Commiffioners of Review, appointed by His Majefty, which if it ( hall be decided in favour of the Ecclefiaftical Authority exercised in that cafe, will, it is to be hoped, eltablifh fuch a precedent in the cafe of non- refidence, as will fuperfede the neceflity of recommending to the Legillature to make any provilion for the purpofe of enforcing refidence in Ireland ; but, if the decifion in that cafe Ihould be otherwife, it may then become advifable to apply to the Legiflature to enadl fome Law for enforcing Rcfidence. Qnery.— WHAT is the belt mode of applying fuch Funds as are now applicable, or hereafter may become fo, to the purpofe of
building or repairing of Churches or Glebe Houfes, or the improvement of Glebes or otherwife ? Anfwer.— I apprehend, that the Laws already in being eftablilh the bell mode of applying fuch Funds as are now applicable to the purpofe of building Glebe Houfes; provided the promife of the late Adminiftration Ihould be fulfilled^ of advancing ail fums neceffary for the very defirable purpofe of forming refidences for the Eflablifhed Clergy of Ireland; and it appears to me that the fame meafure, if adopted, for the repairing, enlarging, and rebuilding of Churches, would tend materially to the improvement, proteflion, and fupport of the
Eftablifhed Church. For this purpofe, Veftries Ihould be empowered to lay on large fums payable in Gales. The above- mentioned fcheme was propofed to Lord Hardwicke, when Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, and was warmly approved of by his Lordfhip, and had the promife of his fupport; and had alfo the concurrence of Lord Redefdale, then Chancellor, and of Mr. Wickham, Lord Hardwicke's lirft Secretary. If it Ihould not be deemed advifable to advance money for the above purpofe, an A£ l giving the power to Veftries would, in many inftances, anfwer the end propofed. Query.— WHAT Regulations appear to be proper to be
eftablifhed by Law or otherwife, to prevent LTnions, perpetual or Epifcopal, from being henceforth improperly made, and to preferve Churches and Glebe Houfes from dilapidation, when there are more than one in the United Parifhes? Anfwer The Law now in being, if duly executed, would, I apprehend, be fully fufficient to prevent Unions, perpetual or Epifcopal, being improperly made, and to preferve the Churches and Glebe Houfes from dilapidations. It might how- ever be defirable, that Commiffions of Dilapidations fiiould, by Law, accompany the order for ind- uflion.' Query.— WHAT can be fuggefted, in addition to the
foregoing, for the improvement, prote& ion, and fupport of the Church of Ireland ? Anfwer.— I am of opinion, that the due execution of tne now exifling Laws, with the alterations which have been fuggefted, will be fufticient for the prefent improvement, proteftion, and fupport of the Eftablifhed Church of Ireland. ( Signed) WILLIAM Derry.