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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland


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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland

Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 2
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92 E C C L E S I A S T I C A L R E P O R T OF THE [ Dromore. Number of B- nefiees. I. Names of BENEFICES and D E N O M I N A T I O V S; Number of PARISHES in each Benefice; Their Diftance from each other; and, The eftimated Extent of fuch as are contiguous. 2. INCU M B E N T S, Whether having Cure of Souls; whether Refident; if not P- efident, for what Caufe ; and by whom the Duties are oifcharged. 3- BENEFICES, whether United, and by what Authority. Comber Knock - -•— an impropriate Cure. - - Rectory.' Breda - -- -- -- -- -- - Rectory. Contiguous; and contain together 4,800 acres. St. Andrew's - - Prebend of, 7 consisting of3 Parishes: < j Ballywalter Vicarage. Revd Geo. Birch; resident; has cure of souls, and discharges the duties. Revd Mervyn Pratt; resident ; United time immemo has cure of souls, and discharges! rial the duties. Innishargy - - Ballyhalbert - Vicarage. Vicarage.. Revd Wm Boyd; resident; has cure of souls, and discharges' the duties. Contiguous : In Ballywalter - 2,433 acres. Innishargy - 1,920 — Ballyhalbert 3,166 — Dundonald - Rectory. Tullynakill Vicarage. Kilmud - - - Vicarage. United by Act of Par liament of an old date. Kilmore Vicarage. Gray- Abbey — - - an impropriate Cure. Hollywood- an impropriate Cure. Maghera - - - - Vicarage. Revd Jacob Haylet; resident; has cure of souls, and discharges the duties. Revd John Gwynne; not resi- dent ; lives on his Benefice in the Diocese of Connor ; has cure of souls ; occasional duties discharged by the Curate of the adjoining Parish, Revd F. E. Lascelles; not resi- dent ; having no church or glebe ; serves the cure of Hillsborough ; has cure of souls; occasional du- ties discharged by the Curate of the adjoining parish. Revd Thos Kennedy Baillie; resident ; has cure of souls, and discharges the duties. Revd Hen. Dillon; resident; has cure of souls, and discharges the duties. Revd Wm Pratt; resident has cure of souls, and discharges the duties. Revd Jas Maffet; resident; has cure of souls, and discharges the duties. •^ i Connor.] PROVINCE OF ARMAGH: I8o5. 93 4- Number of CHURCHES; Whether in Repair, and in which of the Pariihes they ( land. A Church, in good re- pair. A Church, in good re pair. A Church, in good or- der, Handing nearly in the centre of the Union. A Church, in good re- pair. No Church. No Church. N. B. An old burying- place, and the ruins of an old Church. A Church, in good re- Da ir. A good Church. I A Church, in good re- ipair. No Church. 5- GLEBE HOUSES; In what Parilh ;—'.* hat Gl. ebe Lands j — Whether contiguous; How far removed fram each other, and from the Church, or Site of the old Church. A good Glebe Houfe in the village of Comber, and a glebe of I x ac; es near the church. No Glebe Houfe ; a glebe of 12 acres, | of a mile from . he church. N. B. The Incumbent has ptomifed to build a houie. A Glebe Houf? in the village of Kircubbin, £ a mile from the glebe, which contains 30 acres, and is two miles and half diltant from the church. A neat fniall houfe, fitted up at the eypence of the Incumbent, on a giebe of 15 a. I r. 30 p. near the church. No Glebe or Houfe. No Glebe or Houfe. 2 Glebes; 1 of 6a. 3/. 2 p. fubjeft to a ( Drowi Rent of 15 ( hillings yearly, on which flands 1 good Glebe Houfe. The other glebe contains ic acres, fubjeift to annual rent to the Bi& op of -£• 8- No Houfe or Glebe. No Glebe Houfe; a glebe of 12 a. 4 p. ^ 0 a mile from the church. No Glebe Houfe; a glebe of 12 acres. 6. CURATES Salary in Cafes of permitted Non- Rcfidence of the Incumbcnt, and whether Refident or not. LIVINGS of a Value too fmalt to aflord Comfort to the Incumbent. Comber; the va- lue being but per ann. Tullynahi!!; the value being but £• 60. per aun. Kilrrud; the va- ue being but £. 20, per ann. Gray- Abbey; the income being but £. 5 5. per ann. Hollywood ; the value thereof, ex- clufive pf the glebe being but ^. 40. per ann. Maghera; being of little or no value. 73. A a
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