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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland


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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland

Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 2
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86 E C C L E S I A S T I C A L R E P O R T OF T HE [ Dromore. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS: Containing ANSWERS to fuch QUERIES as relate to Matter of Opinion; all the other Querie* being anf » vered in the Columns. Query.— WHAT is the beft Mode of remedying the Evil in each particular cafe of Non- refidence ? Anfwer.— The belt Remedy for Non- refidence would, in the Blfhop of Dromore's opinion, be afforded by Do& or Djigenan's Bill, offered to the Houfe of Commons in the laft Sellion. Qjery.— WHAT arc the Powers which now exift of enforcing Refidence, or which it may be neceffary to recommend to the Legislature to provide for that purpofe ? Anfwer.— The mod material part of this Query will be found anfwered under the Number laft mentioned. Query.— WHAT is the bed Mode of applying fuch Funds as are now applicable, or hereafter may become fo, to the purpofe of building or repairing of Churches or Glebe Floufes, or the Improvement of Glebes, or other- wife ? Anfwer.— I: is apprehended that the Laws now in force, if duly executed, eftablifh a fufficient Mode for applying the Funds now or hereafter to be appropriated, to anfwer the ends mentioned in this Query. Query.— WHAT Regulations appear to be proper to be eftablifhed by Law or otherwife, to prevent Unions, Perpetual or Epifcopal, from being henceforth improperly made, and to preferve Churches and Glebe Houfes from Dilapidation, when there are more than one in the united Parifhes ? Anfwer.— So few of the Abufes here complained of exift in the Diocefe of Dromore, the Bifhop begs leave to refer to the experience of other Prelates where they occur, for the beft Means of their Removal. And to the fame, the Bishop of DROMORE also respectfully submits the Answer to the last Query, N° 8. ( Signed) THO' Dromore. Dromore House, September 25th, 1806 - N' 7— DIOCESES OF DOWN AND CONNOR.
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