Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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74 E C C L E S I A S T I C A L R E P O R T OF THE M[ eDartohm. ore. i. Number of Benefices. Names of BENEFICES » nd DENOMINATIONS; Number of PARISHES in each Benefice; Their Diftance from eich other ; and, The eftimated Extent of fuch as are contiguous Clor. m'acr. oin • Vicarage. 3. Callyloughloe - - Vicarage/ Diumrany - Killeleagh - - - - - Contiguous: In Ballyloughloe Dumrany - - Killeleagh - - - - Vicarage. - - Vicarage., 6,000 acres. 4,000 — 5,301 — Athlone - Vicarage. Killygally Vicarage. Firbine Vicarage. Kilnegarenah Vicarage. 1 2. INCUMBENTS, Whether having Cure of S uls; whether Refident ; if net
Refident, for what Cauft ; and by whom the D-. tics are difcharged. Revd John Fitzgerald; resident; has cure of souls, and discharges the duties. Revd Thos English; resident; has cure of souls, and discharges the duties, assisted by a Curate. The evil of non- residence in Ballyloughloe will be speedily re- moved, as the new house is consi- derably advanced. To remedy the evil in Kille- leagh mult be the work of a dis tant day, as it cannot be expefted that the Incumbent should build two houses; the Curate will re- side. BENEFICES, whether United, and by what Authority. These parishes have been united Episcopally time out of
mind, on every vacancy: the last time in 1804. Balgyloughloe and Drumrany were united by Act of Council, with a view that Killeleagh might, in future, be held as a distinct Benefice, and have a house built on ics glebe. Reynah - - - - Gallen Contiguous: In Reynah Gallen Rectory. } - - - Rectory. ^ Revd Js Wideman Sterling ; re- sident ; has cure of souls, and dis- charges the duties. The evil of non- residence in a Glebe House here will be soon re- moved, as the Incumbent is pre- paring to build one. Revd Heny Mahon; resident; has care of souls, and discharges the duties. Revd Hen. Mahon ; not resi- dent; lives on his other
Benefice above stated has cure of souls; duties discharged by a Curate, and occa- sionally by the Vicar. N. B. The Incumbent having built a house in the number above, it must be the work cf a future day to build here. Revd John Burdett; resident; has cure of souls, and discharges the duties. 2,699 acres 3 » 699 A Union by Aft of Council, Feb. 21, 1804, An Epilcopal Union, Sept. 1798. It is expe- dient that these parishes should be disunited, as the Episcopal Union pre- vents a church from be- ing built in Gallen, where it is greatly wanted, and has been repeatedly ap- plied for by the Pa- rishioners; and as there belongs to it an
extensive glebe, 011 which a house might be built.
Armagh.] P R O V I N C E OF A R M A G H : 1S06. 4- Number of CH URCHES; Whether in Repair, and ir which of the PariCirt th » y ( land. A Church, in good re pair. 5- GLEBZ HO USES; In what Parirti ;— wlui Gleot Lands ;— Whether contiguous :— How far removed fiom each othe , ar. d fsom the Church, or Site of the old Church. A Glebe Houfe, with every neceffary office-, on » 2' eb- of 50 acres, 2 and | miies from the church. Two Churches, one in Ballvloughloe, in good repair. Another in Killcleagh, in complete repair. No Glebe Houfc; in Ballyloughloe Union, two1 very Glebes. That in Ballyloughloe contains 31 acres, on
which the houfe is now building, within A Church in complete repair. Two Churches, lately rebuilt, and in good order; one in Killygally, the other in Firbane. A Church, in complete Repair. A Church in Reynah, in good repair. a few perches of the church. In Drumrany 30 acres, nearly four miles from the church and former glebe. In Killeleagh are three different portions c^ glebe, each a little more than a mile from that neareft to it. One, nearcft the church, contain* - 22 acres; that next, about 37 ; and the third, 20 acres. A Glebe Houfe, building on a glebe of eight acres, clofe to the church. A Glebe Houfe, with every neceffary office,
has been lately built on one of the glebes of Kil- legally, about 1 mile and £ from the church The two glebes contain 394 acres. No Glebe Houfe; 72 acres of glebe. A Glebe Houfe, with every neceilary office, in Reynah, 011 a glebe of 94 acres, within Jefs than balfa mile of the church. In Gallen are two glebes, of 137 acres, near the ruins of the old church. CURATES Sa'a'y in Cafes of permitted Non- Relidence of the Incumbent, and whether Rcfidcnt or not. LIVINGS of a Va'ue too fma ta afford Comforc to the Incumbent. A Curate, refident; Salary £. 75. per ann.