Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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[ Mcath. Number of B m'fu'es. i. Names of bENEFICESand Df NOMINATIONS; Number o. f PARISHES in each Benefice ; Their D. fiance from each other ; and, the eft mated Extent of fuch as are contiguous. Lickbla- ------ Vicarage. Faughley ------ Vicarage. Mayne - - - Vicarage. Feighan of Fore - Curacy. Favoran ------ Curacy. Beatae Maria; de Fore - Curacy. Kilpatrick ----- Curacy. Contiguous i In Castle Pollard - - 2,061 acres. Lickbla ----- 3,462 — Faughley- - - - - 2,506 —— Mayne- ----- 2 274 — St Feighan's - - - 4,016 — Favoran ----- 2,213 — St Mary's - - - - 1.- 003 — Kilpatrick - - - - 857 — Kilbride - Rectory. Old Castle
Vicarage. Contiguous : In Kilbride 4,350 acres. In Old Castle - - - 3,508 — Killallon Rectory. Killoah Contiguous: In Killallon - Killoah - - Loughcrew- • Vicarage. 3,950 acres. 2,795 — Vicarage. Dymor - - Vicarage. Moylagh- ----- Rectory. Killeagh - Rectory, Russah Rectory. Contiguous: in Loughcrew - - - 2,586 acres. Dymor ----- 2,025 — Moylagh- - - - - 3.630 — Killeagh - - - - - 3,530 — Russah 540 — INCUMBENTS, Whether having Cure of Souls ; whether Refident; if not Refident, for what Caufe; and by whom the- Duties are difcharged. Revd Tho' Fredk Knipe ; resi- dent; has cure of souls, and dis- charges the duties of Old
Castle ; the Curate, those of Kilbride. Revd Geo. Leslie Gresson; resi dent; has cure of souls, and dis- charges the duties. Although the Incumbent is resi- dent, yet, to guard against the evil of non- residence in future, he has been enjoined to build. BENEFICES, whether United, and by what Authority. Thefe Parifhes were united Epilcopally Novr 1800, as having been fo united time cut of mind. On every vacancy, from local changes, they ought, on the next va- cancy, to be difunited, and have a houfe built on the glebe of OldCaftle. A Union by Aft of Council, 18th Feb. 1782 Revd Moore Smith ; not resident; A Union by Aft of lives
on his other benefice in the Council. 1682. Diocese of Armagh; has cure of; Russagh is or. ly Epifco- souls. Duties discharged by a; pally united, date March Curate. 12th 1798. N. B. As soon as the legal forms shall have been gone through, for legalizing the exchange of glebe mentioned under the column of " Glebe Houses," a residence will be secured for this Union.
Meath.] P R O V I N C E o r A R M A G H : I8C6. —/ / 6 ; 4* N umber of CHURCHES; Whether in Repair, and in which of the Parities they ftand. 5- CLEBE HOUSES; In what Parifli ;— what Glebe Lands;—• Whether contiguous; How far removed f.- nm each other, and from the Church, or Site of the old Church. 6. CURATES Salary in Cafes of permitted Non- Refidence of the Incumbent, and whether Refident or not. 2 Churches, in com- plete repair, I of them in Kilbride, the other in Old Castle. A Church, incomplete repair, in Killallon. 2 Churches, i in Lough- crew, and l in Kitleagh, both in complete repair, the latter lately built. A
Glebe House, on a glebe of 29 acres, in Kilbride. No Glebe House in Old Castle, but a giebe of 7 acres adjoining the church. No Glebe House; a glebe of 36 acres in ICil- lallon, 3 of which are 2 miles fiom the church, 26 one mile from the church, and the remainirg 7 pretty much the same distance. No Glebe House. An exchange sO between a small took 73. ce, feveral years back, between a fmall pi< ce of ground, of original glebe, near the church, and 20 acres i mile from the church, at a referved yearly rent of jT. 8.; but it has appeared that he Xo Curate ' egnl forms had not been gone t. r, rough, and the for Rilleagh. defeft
cannot be remedi- d until the Proprietor comes of age. In the mean time the Incumbent has built offices on this glebe, in which the Curate refides, and cite incumbent occafionaliy. A Curate refident in Lough crew. Salary 75. per ann. yet appointed LIVIN G S of a Value too fmalt to aff ord Comfort to the Incumbent.