Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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E C C L E S I A S T I C A L R E P O R T OF T HE [ Meatli. r : — I . 2. , - I Number of Benefices. No. of Denominations in each Benefice Names of B E N E F I C E S and D E N 0 M I N A T I O N S ; Nlimber of PARISHES in each Benefice ; Their Diftance from each pther; and, T. heeftimated Extent of fuch as are contiguous. INCUMBENTS, Whether having Cure of Souls; whether Refident; if not Refident, for what Caufe ; and by whnm the Duties are difoharged. BENEFICES, whether United, and by what Authority. 31- 4- Dunsany - Rectory. Knockmark Vicarage. J Contiguous : In Tarah 1.950 acres, Killeen ----- 1,825 —
Dunsany - 555 — Knockmark - - - 1,673 — Revd John Rogers; not resi- dent; has cure of souls. Duties discharged by a Curate. N. B. A process is now carrying on against the Incumbent, with a view to deprivation. The remedy of the evil of non- residence would be to build a Glebe House, and to carry the sentence of deprivation against the present contumacious Incumbent, into execution. The 4 first of these de- nominations were united iy Act of Council, 21st March 1680. Knockmark Episcopally mited to the above, 1781. 3 4- V Galtrim - - - - — - Vicarage. ( Colmolyn — Vicarage. Dirpatrick Reftory. Contiguous: In Kiltale - - — -
547 acres. Galtrim - - - — 2,329 — Colmolyn - - - - 2,901 Dirpatrick - - - - 1,099 ~ N. B. No income from Kiltale or from Dirpatrick, being lay impropriations. Vacant; the right of presentation to Galtrim being in dispute. Du- ties discharged by the Curate, who has the sequestration. An Episcopal Union generally. It would be expedient to unite the Parishes per- manently, 1 33- i. Kilmore — - - - - Vicarage, Revd J. Travers Ratcliffe; not resident, being Superintendant of Wilson's Hospital. has cure of souls. Duties discharged by a Curate. 34- 5- Raddonstown - - - - Rectory. Balfeighan - Rectory. Gallon Rectory. Drumlargan - - - -
Rectory. Kilcloan - - Rectory. Contiguous: In Raddonstown - - 982 acres. Balfeighan 925 — Gallon ----- 1,518 — Dumlargan - - - - 633 — 1 Kilcloan- 1,420 — Revd Pon. Gouldsbury ; not re- sident; lives on his chapelry at Tullamore in this Diocese; has cure of souls. Duties discharged by a Curate. To guard against the evil of non- residence, the only expedient would be to procure a glebe. These 5 Parishes have 1 always gone together, anc | been presented to as to one Benefice ; but it does | not appear by what au- thority, ; It is a very proper Union. 35' i. Moyglare ----- Vicarage. 1 Revd Thos Jones; not resident by permission;
serves a cure in tht Diocese of Ardagh ; has cure c souls. Duties discharged by : Curate. 1 1
Meath.] P R O V I N C E OF A R M A G H : I8O( 5. // t 57 4- Number of CHURCHES; Whether in Repair, and in which of the Pariflies they ( land. GLEBE HOUSES; In what Parilh ;— what Giebe Lands;— Whether contiguous; — How far removed from each other, and from the Church, or Site of the ol. i Church. A Church in Tarah, i cry fmn. ll, but in tolera- ble repair. A Church in Knock mark, in bad repair. No Glebe Houfe in Tarah; a glebe of 8a. 3 R. 15 P. dole to the church. In KilJeen are 2 glebes, 1 of 50 acres about 3 miles from that of Farah, and another, of about 2 ac. es, at the fame dif; ance. An indifferent Glebe Houfe
and ClKces in Knockmark, and a fmall portion of glebe near to the church. A Church, in complete repair. A Glebe Houfe building on 6 acres in Gil trim, near the chu: ch, and in great forwardnefs. In C imolyn 6 acres of glebe near the eld church, and 3 at fome difiauce. A Church ; the cutfide in good repair, the infide much out of order. A Church, in the bell repair. No Giebe Houfe; 3 glebes, 1 of 2 A. in.. 3 p. near t ie church; a fecond likewife of 3 R. 31 r. and a third Of 9. A. oa. 15?. a quarter of a mile from the church. N. B. The Incumbent is makirg preparations to build, having prefented a memorial and plan for that purpoie. No
Glebe Houfe; £ an acre of glebe near the church. A Church, in bad re- pair. A fmall Glebe Houfe onf of an acre of land litely given as gl be by the Patron; 2 an! { acres \ mile from the church, and another of 2 acres, 1 mile from the c. iurch. 6. CURATES Salary in Cafes of permitted Non- R. efidence at the Incumbent, and whether R_ lider, t or not. LIV IN G S of a Value toofmail to afford Comfort to the Incumbent. A Curate refident at Navan, the nearelt place he can. Salary £. 75. A Curate refident. Salarj ; f. 60. per anii. A Curate rcfidetit. Sa'a:' 75. per ann. A Curate refder. t. < X. trv 50. per annum, wita the iioul'c, Sec. 7S. P