Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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5 ° E C C L E S I A S T I C A L R E P O R T OIF THE [ Meath. Names of BENEFICES and DENOMINATIONS; Numfcer of PARISH ES In each Benefice ; Their Dillance from each other; and, The fftimated Extent of fuch as are contiguous. Killarvey — ... Rectory. with a Vicarage endowed. Nobber ------ Perpetual cure of. Enniskeen ----- Perpetual cure of. Ardagh - - " Perpetual cure of. Stackallan - - » - - Rectory. Gernonstown - - - - Rectory. Dunsnoe ----- Rectory. Contiguous. In Stackallan are - 1222 acres. In Gernonstown - i; 442 — In Dunsnoe - - - 603 — Rathkenny Vicarage. Drumcondra - - - - Rectory. Innismott -----
Vicarage. St. Mary's, Drogheda Vicarage. INCUMBENT?, Whether having Cure cf Souls ; whether Refident} if not P. efident, for whatCaufe; and by whom the Duties are difcharged. BENEFICES, whether United, and by what Authority. Duleek Vicarage. Dowth ------ Vicarage. Clonalvey Vicarage. Stamullin Vicarage. Du'eek, Clonalvey, and Stamullin are con ti^ unos. Dowth is feparated fromDulcek b* ihe River Boyi. e. InDult- ekare - - - 10,236 acres. Clor. alvey - - - 1.601 — S'. ainullin - - - 2 620 — Dowtli ----- Sco — Revd Geo. Lambart; not resi- dent ; has not cure of souls. Revd Jas Ellis; resident; has cure of souls, and
discharges the duties, Revd Arthr Rolleston ; resident ; has cure of souls, and discharges the duties. Revd Wm Woods; resident; has cure of souls, and discharges the duties. Revd Geo. Hardman i resident; has cure of souls, and discharges the duties. Revd Robt Henry ; not resident, but lives sufficiently near to dis- charge the duties. The remedy of non- residence would be to build a Glebe House; but there is only 1 acre of glebe, and 2 years income would be in- sufficient to build a house with of- fices. Hon. and Revd Hamn Cuffe; non resident with permission ; lives in his own house in the parish of Kells; has cure of souls.
Duties discharged frequently by the In - umbent, and constantly by a Cu- rate. Revd Val. Duke; not resident, on account of his infirmities, and because there is neither church nor glebe; has cure of souls. Duties discharged by the Curate of Drum- concra. There seems to be no remedy to the evil of non residencc in this Curacy. N. B. The last collation of it was to the Curate of Drumcondra. Revd Chas Crawford; resident in Drogheda ; has cure of souls, end discharges the duties. N. B. That part of Drogheda, in which the Incumbent resides, is not in this parish. Revd Wm Sheir Hamilton ; resi- dent; has cure of souls, and dis charges the duties. These 3 Parishes were united by Act of Council 21 it May 1667. But the patronage not having been settled, a new Act was obtained i6: h Dec. 1800. Episcopally united. Immediately connected with each other, in this district, are 10 parishes, all impropriate in the Marquis of Drogheda, and of which he is the Patron. A new distribution of them, with a view to form them into permanent Unions, would be highly expedient. As Episcopally united, they now intersect each other, and to pro- cure residence is impratticable, as long as1 they continue Episcopally united or distinct, two years income of each separate
parish being insufficient to build a Glebe House ; but the Patron's consent, as the Law now stands, is an essential preliminary.
// s Meitth.] PROVINCE OF A R M A G H : I8C6. - 4- 5- 6. 7- Number of CHURCHES; Whether in Repair, and in whioh of the Pari( he J they ( land. • CLEBE HOUSES; • In what Parifli ;— what Glebe Lands.; Whether contiguous How far removed from each other, and from the Church, or- Site of the old Church. CURATES Salary in Cafei of permitted Non- Refidence of the Incumbent, and whether refident or not. LIVINGS of a Value too fmall to afford Comfort to the Incumbent. A Church, in complete repair. A Church, in complete repair. A Glebe Houfe, with neceffary offices, on 40 acres of glebe, z miles from the church. - l A
Glebe Houfe, with neceflary offices, on 35 acres of glebe, within lefs than j a mile of the church. A Church, lately built. No< Glebe Houfe or glebe. A Church, in Stackal- lan, in indifferent repair. A small thatched Cabin, on a glebe of 9 acres, close to the church. In Gernonstown there is alfo' a glebe of 12 acres, about 2 miles and- from the church. N. B. The Rector is under an injunction to build. . f A Church, old, but in good repair. No Glebe Houfe; about 1 acre of glebe adjoint ing tothc church- yard. 1 • V A Church, with the exception of the chancel, in complete repair. A'GIebe Houfe, en a glebe of2 A. 0 R. 26 p. clofe to the
church. There is another glebe of 7 A. 1 R. OP. within lefs than a mile of- the church. A Cucate refider. t. Salary r. 75. per ann. No Church. No Houfe or Glebe. { — Incifmot:. Thein- corhe thereof being fcarcely £• 30. per ana. A new Church build- ing, a. id nearly finifhed. No Glebe or Houfe. R > A Church, in Duleek, n good repair. No Glebe Houfe ; about- i an acre ofglcbe near the church. In Cionalvey about 2a acres, 4 miles. In Starr. ullin 3, about 3 mi! e> ; and in Dowth 20, about thj fame dillance from the church. ' 1 ' Lord - Brogheda formerly paid £. 7. per ann. for the cure of Duleek, but this he now withholds. Income of
Diileek, £. 3. p. an. Clomlvey Co Stamullin - 40 Djwth - - 27 JR 1 N. B. Two vcirs income of any one denomi- nation woiiid- not b; funded; tc b jild a houfe and: otiuei. i | Total £. l io. i <