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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland


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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland

Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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No Pages: 2
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374 E C C L E S I A S T I C A L R E P O R T S , IN 1 8 0 7 , [ Tuam. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS: CONTAINING ANSWERS to QUERY ill, Seflion6; Queries 3, 5, 6, 7, and 8 all other Queries being anfwered in the Columns. Query ill, Settion 6.— THERE is by A61 of Parliament a fufficient power lodged in the Lord Lieutenant and Privy Council, and the Bifhops of the feveral Diocefes in Ireland, either to unite or difunite Parilhes, when either may be deemed advifable; and the Archbilhops and Bifhops are enabled, by Ail of Parliament, to form a Diftridt ( part of a large Parilh) into a feparate Parilh, under the title of a Perpetual Curacy, by which means feveral large Parilhes in Ireland have been divided into two cr more feparate and diitinfl Parilhes. Query 3d.— THE Board of Firft Fruits can augment fuch Livings, by purchafing Glebes and im- propriate Tythes out of the produce of the Firft Fruits and twentieth parts granted for that pur- pofe by Queen Anne, and by affiiting the Incumbents of them with Money for the ere& ion of Glebe Houfes; but this Fund is fmall, and unequal to the effedtual augmentation of fuch Livings. There is alfo another Fund, arifing from a charitable bequeft of the late Dr. Boulter, Primate of Ireland, and verted in the Board of Firft Fruits, by Aft of Parliament, out of which Fund the Board of Firft Fruits is enabled to augment Livings under One hundred Pounds a year, by adding fo much Salary yearly to the Incumbents of fuch Livings, as will make their annual Incomes One hundred Pounds. There is at prefent no other mode of improving fuch fmall Livings; but thefe Funds may be increafed by the Bounty of the King in Parliament, fo as to render fuch fmall Livings capable of affording to the refident Incumbents thereof the means of comfort in cafes where the Funds already mentioned are infufficient. V.— IT is apprehended by the Bilhops of Ireland, that the prefent Canon Law, as hitherto exercifed here, is fufficient to remedy the evil of Non- refidence ; but at prefent, the execution of the Canon Law in cafes of Non- refidence, has been " obltru& ed by Appeals; and there is a cafe now depending before certain Commiffioners of Review, appointed by His Majelty, which, if it fhall be decided in favour of the Ecclefiaftical Authority exercifcd in that cafe, will eftablifn fuch a precedent in the cafe of Non- refidence, as will fuperfede the neceffity of recommending to the Legiflature to make any other provifion for the purpofe of enforcing Refidence in Ireland; but, if the decifion in that cafe ( liould be otherwife, it may become advifable to apply to the Legislature to enaft fome Law for the enforcing the Refidence of the Clergy in Ireland. VI.— WE apprehend, that the Laws already in being elkblilh the beft mode of applying fuch Funds as are now applicable to the purpofe of building or repairing Churches or Glebe Houfes, or the improvements of Glebes. VII.— TIIE Tuam. J FOR P R O V I N C E OF C O N N A U C H T. 375 VII.— THE Laws now in being are, we apprehend, fufficient to prevent Unions, perpetual or Epifcopal, from being improperly made, and to preferve Churches and Glebes Houfes from dilapi- dations, when duly enforced. VIII.— WE are of opinion that the due execution of the now exifting Laws, with the fmall alterations which we have fuggefted ( if found necnTary on the contingency already mentioned) and fuch grants as His Majefty and the Parliament may in their bounty make for augmenting the Incomes of poor Livings, purchasing Glebes, and assisting the building of Churches and Glebe Houses, will be sufficient for the present improvement, protection, and support of the Established .. Church in Ireland. TUAM.
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