Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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E C C L E S I A S T I C A L R E P O R T S , I N 1807, fTuam. I. 2. INCUMBENTS, Whether having Cure of Snub ; whether Refiieut or non- icfident; if nor- r-( ident, tor what Caufe ; and by whom the D. ities are dilciiarged. 3- BENEFICES, when United, and by what Authority. I Nurr. be- of Ben. lie*-;. u u • a ; = t a f • » Na is of BENEFICES and DENOMINATIONS; '. mber of PARISHES in each Benefice ; Their Dillances from each > thcr ; and, The eft:> nnrei? F n- enr of fuch a « are cn1 riyuous. 8. 2. Killereran f Contiguous. Extent of Union rr , 1 nearlv a fquare about 7 miles. Knockmoy J ' 1 ' The Revd Henry Major; has cure of
souls; non- resident; has a Faculty; duty discharged bv his Curate ; and resides in his parish at Ballishannon, Diocese of Raphoe. United by Ad of Council. 9- 3- Killascobe - Laccagh and Annaghdown, Laccagh contiguous, 8 miies long ° ~ 4 and five miles in breadth; Annaghdown Killascobe, about iS miles distant from them. The Revd Alexander Arbuth- not; has cure of souls; and dis- charges his own duty; resident as near his Parish as he could get accommodation, by permission. Episcopally united. 10. 1. Dunmore - * Extent of Parish, about 14 _ miles by 12. T 1 The Revd John Orr; has cure of souls; and is resident in Dun
more. A single Parish. 1 11. 3- Kilkerrin Boyannagh Clonbern Union, contiguous. Extent of the Union every way about 12 miles. The Revd John Dennis; has_ cure of souls; and discharges his \ n duty, being resident at Kil kerrin. - Episcopally united. 12 6. Kiltulla - Union con- . , tiffuous: — Aghavower ------ „ s f Ex nt ol Annagh ------- Union Bekan > ab. out ] 5 nuies. Knock otherwise Kockdrum- kalry ------ Templelagher -.-_._ The Revd Richard Faulkner; has cure of souls, and discharges his own duty ; and is resident in Kiltulla. United bv Act of Par- liament in 1711. 43. 5- Agfcavall - Aghagower KilmaclafTer Kilga' ower MoiriCc -
^ Union contiguous :— Ex- tent about 20 miles. The Revd Thomas Grace ; has cure of souls ; and is resident in Aghavall Parish . and discharges the d itv of the Union, except Kilgavower, being a perpetual Cure. United by Act of Council. _ 14. 1 3- Burr'fcarra - B- iliyovie - 1 Sallyhane - j The Parishes of Burriscara and Ballyovie, contiguous; 8 miles in length, and 4. or 5 mi. es in breadth; Ballyhare, a ou' 2 - miles distant from the other Parishes. The Revd William Crery; has cure of souls; non- resident; duty discharged by his Curate; his non- residence is by permission, on ac- count of his serving the cure of Ballinrobe, in the said
Diocese. Episcopally united. j i *
Tuairi.] F O R P R O V I N C E OF C O N N A U G I I T. 4J/ 3* 9 4- Number of CHURCHES; Whether in Repair, and in which Pariih they ftand. 5- GLEBE HOUSES; In what Parifh ;— what Glebe Lands;— Whether contiguous ; or How fat removed from each other, and the Church, or Site of old Church. 6. CURATES Salaries in Cafes of ] ermitted Non- Rcfidence of Incumbents; and whether Refrdent or not. 7. LIVINGS of a Value too fmall to afford Ccmiorc to Incumbents. i Church in Killere- ran, in good repair. A Glebe Houfe at Killereran, in good repair with 40 acres of Glebe Land. Revd William Lawler, Curate; resident in Glebe
House: Salary ^. 75. per ann. with use of the Glebe House and Garden. i Church in Annagh- down, in good repair. No Glebe Houfe. A Glebe of 4 acres in Killafcobe. i Church, in good re- pair. No Glebe Houfe; an addition to the glebe has been lately procured, and preparations are making to build a Glebe Houfe ; old glebe 5 acres. No Curate. I Church in Kilker- rin, in bad repair; access las been laid on the Parish for repairing. No Glebe Houfe or Glebe Land. No Curate. I Church in Kiltulla, in repair. No Glebe Houfe. No Curate. i Church in Aghavall Pariih, in good repair; i Church at Louiiburgh . in the Parifh of Kilga- vower, being
a perpetual Cure, in good repair. A Glebe Hotvfe at Louisburgh, in the Parish of Kilgavower, in good repair; with 21 acres of Glebe Land; a fmall glebe in Kilmaclasser. Revd John Vernon Curate cf the perpetual Cure of Louis- burgh, and is resident in the Glebe House. Salary 60. and 21 acres of glebe. No Church in the Union; a Church is to be built in Ballyhane Pariih. No Glebe Land. 1 ^ Revd James Hopkins, Curate; resident. Salary V . CO • 1 1 5 A [