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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland


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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland

Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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No Pages: 2
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E C C L E S I A S T I C A L R E P O R T S , IN 1807, [ Clonfert Sc - " =: No. 3.— DIOCESES OF CLONFERT I. 2 ( Number of Benefices. No. of Denominations. i Names of BENEFICES and DENOMINATIONS; Number of PARISHES in each Benefice ; Their Diftance from each other; and, The eftmiated Extent of fuch as are contiguous. INCUMBENTS, Whether having Cure of Souls; Whether Refident; if not Refident, for what Caufe; and by whom are the Duties Uifcharged. J* BENEFICES; When United, and by what Authority. I. 7- Clonfert, a Rectory; Meelick, Fahy , Tyrenascroy, Killmillenogue, Killimon, and Lasmagh alias Kilmacunna, Vicarages. All contiguous; containing, according to tht Down Survey, 17,147 acres, but in reality many more. The Revd John Hackett; not refident in his Union, but in a central fituation for his duties, ( which he difcharges himfelf) two miles from the church. * About 1735, by Epis- copal Authority. 2. 2. Donanaughta and Clontusket, separate about 12 miles; the former containing about 1,100 acres; the latter 5,000:— Rectories. e The Revd Thomas Hackett; has cure of fouls in all parts of his Benefice ; and refides in the parifli of Donanaughta, and performs his own duty. About 1760, by Epis- copal Authority. 3- 4- Kiltormer, Albeyconnageren, Kilgueam, and Killoran, Vicarages ; contiguous. The Revd Rob. Hawkfliaw ; has cure of fouls in all parts; not refi- dent, having another Benefice in the Diocefe of Ferns, on which he refides. Duties performed by the Rev. Tho. Purefoy, Curate. Episcopally united; pe- riod unknown. 4- 4> Loughrea, Killiskill, Kilrukill, and Kilna- dama; one Rectory, and three Vicarages; contiguous. The Revd Mr. Jones; has cure of fouls in all parts of the Benefice; not refident, without caufe. Th;: duties difcharged by the Revd Mr. Richardfon, Curate. About 1735, by Epis- copal Authority. Kilmacduagh.] F O R P R O V I N C E OF C O N N A U G II T. //// 355 AND KILMACDUAGH. 4- Number of CHURCHES; Whether in Repair, and in which Parifhes they ftand. 5- G I. E B E HOUSES; In what Parifh ;— what Glebe Lands Whether contiguous; or how far removed from each other, or from the Church, or Site of the old Church. 6. CURATES Salaries in Cafes of permitted Non- Refidence of the Incumbent ; or whether Refident or not. 7- LIVINGS of a Value too fmalt to afford Comfort to Incumbents. Or. e Church, both Ca- thedral and Parochial, at Clonfert, upon the repair of which £. 500. have been within three years expended; ftill defedtive, and requiring a larger fum than the pariih can bear for fome years to perfect it. No Glebe Houfe. Forty acres, lately granted from the Bifhop's domain, within half a mile of the church; the Incumbent defirous to build, but pofTeffes not the means ( as he reports to me) upon an Epifcopal Union. No Curate. The ruins of a Pariih Church in Eyrecourt, in the pariih of Dona- naughta, rooflefs beyond the memory of man; Service performed in a Church built by the Eyre family, fecmingly for private ufe ; too fmall to accommodate the Pa- rifhioners; much out of repair, and unentitled to parochial cefs. No Glebe Houfe. About three acres of Glebe Land near the ruins of the old church. No Curate. • • One Church in the Pariih of Kiltormer, al- moll perfectly repaired, after Monition. No Glebe Houfe. Two acres of glebe, four miles from the church. • Fifty Pounds per ann. hitherto, not being refident for the future, having procured refidence, £. 75. per ann. OneChurch. in Lough- rea, in good repair. No Glebe Houfe. Two Glebes, about 7 miles apart; one on a mountain, to which there is no road, about 10 acres; the other near Loughrea, of 3 acres. • £. 75. per ann,
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