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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland


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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland

Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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J4S E C C L E S I A S T I C A L R E P O R T S , I S 1 8 0 7, [ Elpiiin. Number of Benefices, 33- Number of Deno- minations, 7 5- 1. — —, Names of BENEFICES and DENOMINATIONS; Number of PARISHES in each Benefice ; Their Diflance from each other ; and, The eftimated Extent of fuch as are contiguous. NJ 1 S. Cloonfinlogh Benefice, comprized in the two contiguous Parishes; viz. Cloon- finlogh, and Cloontusbert, which are estimated to extend about 9 square miles. INCUMBENTS. Whether having Cure of Souls; whether Refident; if non- Refiacnt, for what Caufe ; and by whom the Duties are difchar^ ed. BENEFICES; When United, and by what Authority. N° 18. The Rev. James Little, A. M. Incumbent of Cloonfinlogh Benefice, who has cure of souls, but resides in a Benefice he has in the Diocese of Killala; and as there is no church in Cloonfinlogh Union, and only very few Protestants, who are convenient to Strokestown; the occasional duties are done by the Rev. M. Mahon, who resides in Strokestown. N° 19. Tessaragh Benefice, comprized in the three contiguous Parishes of Tessaragh, Disert, and Taghboy, which are estimated at about 12 square miles. N° 20. Killion Benefice, consisting of the two contiguous Parishes of Killion and Kil ronan, which are estimated to extend abou 10 square miles. 19. The Rev. Wm McLaugh- lin, A. M. Incumbent of Tessaragh Union, having cure of souls; he resides at Bushy Park, in his Union. N° 20. The Rev. Owen Gallag- her, A. B. Incumbent of Killion Benefice, having cure of souls; he resides in an adjoining Union, the cure of which he holds, as his benefice has no church in it; the very few Protestants who are in his Union go to a church convenient, and he does the occasional duties therein. N° 21. St. John's, or Sligo Benefice, con sisting of the four contiguous Parishes of St. John's, Calry, Killaspicbrown, and Kilma- coen, which are estimated to extend about 4* fquare miles. N° 22, Eastersnow Benefice, comprized in the three Parishes of Eastersnow, Kilcola, and Kilbrine; the two first are contiguous, and are estimated to extend about 8 square mile: the laft about two miles dillant from the former. N° 23. Kilmore Benefice, being a single Parish, miles. extending about seven square N° 24. Kilglass Benefice, being a single Parish, estimated to extend about 8 square miles. N° 21. The Rev. Wenesley Bond, A. M. Incumbent of Sligo Union, having cure of souls; he resides in the Diocese of Ferns, where he has Benefice. The Rev. W. C. Arm- strong is his Curate. N° 22. The Rev. Thos Lloyd, A. M Incumbent of Eastersnow Union. He resides at Boyle, very conve- nient to his church and parishes, and does his own duty, having cure of souls. N° 23. The Rev. Wm Thomp- son , A. B. Incumbent of Kilmore Parish ; has cure of souls, and re- sides in Jamestown, near his church. N° 25. Kilcorky Benefice, being a single Parish, extending about six square miles. ° N° 26. Kiltoom Benefice, consisting of two contiguous Parishes, of Kiltoom and Camma, which are estimated to extend about 12 square miles. N° 24. The Rev. John Cromie, A. M. Incumbent of Kilglass Pa rish ; has cure of souls; does not reside, having a Benefice in the Diocese of Killala. The Hon. and Rev. M. Mahon is his Curate. N° 25. The Rev. Wm Smith, A. B. Incumbent of Kilcorky Pa- rish ; has cure of souls; but resides about six miles from his Benefice at Elphin, where he is Curate and Diocesan Schoolmaster. Kilcorky Benefice is worth only about £. 20. per ann. and no church therein. N° 26. The Rev. Thos Young, A. M. Incumbent of Kiltoom Union, having cure of souls. He resides in Castlerea in Elphin Dio cese, where he does the duty ol Curate. The Rev. Saml Hodson is Curate of Kiltoom. FOR PROVINCE OF C O N N A U G H T. 349 Numbor of CHURCHES; Whethei : n Repair, & c. and in which Parifli they ftand. N3 18. In Taunagh Parifh, a Church, in good epair. N° 19. In Sligo, D". N° 20. In Drumciiffe, D1, built in 1796. N° 21. In Ahamplifh, D°, not in good repair. N° 22. In Ardcarne, D°. 23. In Eailerfnow, D'. N° 24. In Kilnama- nagh, D", built in 1805 N° 2S. In Tibohine. or Frenchpark, D°. 26. In Kilkeevan, or Caftlerea, D°. All the Churches in good repair, except the two above- mentioned. 78. GLEBE HOUSES; In what Parifli;— what Glebe Lmd « ;— Whether contiguous ; or How far removed from each other, and the Church, or Site of o'd Chutch. 6. CURATES Salary in Cafe of permitted Non- ReCdence of the Incumbents; and whether Refident or not. LIVINGS too fmall in Value to afford Comfort to the Incumbents. 4 T
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