Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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E C C L E S I A S T I C A L R E P O R T S , I N 1 8 0 7, [ Elphin: No. 2. — D I O C ES E r Number of Benefices, 33- There are Thirty- three Benefices in the Diocefe of ELPHIN. Number of Deno- minations, 75- Names of 3ENF. FICES and DENOMINATIONS; Number of PARISHES in each Benefice ; Their Di'lance from each other; and, The eftimated Extent of fuch as are contiguous In the fundry Benefices of Elphin Diocefe are comprized feventy- five Denominations or Parifhes. N° 1. ELPHIN DEANRY: Comprifed in the two Parifhes of Elphin and Ogulla, which are contigu- ous, and are ellimated to extend 14 fquaie miles. N°
2. Elphin Archdeaconry : Comprized in the four Parishes of Killuken, jumna, Creeve and Kilgeffin. The three first are contiguous, and are supposed to extend 11 square miles; the lafl is about 10 miles distant from the others. N° 3. Elphin Chantorship; having a por- tion of Tythes in the Parishes of Shankil, Kilinacumsy, Kilcorky, Kilcola, and Creeve. N° 4. Kilgoghlin Prebend, having por- tions of Tythes in four Parishes. N° 5. Tirebrine Prebend, comprized in half the Tythes of one Parish. NJ 6. Kilmacallane Prebend, comprized in a moiety ol the tythes of four Parishes. INCUMBENTS, Whether having Cure of Souls ; Whether
Refident or Non- Refident; if n . n- Refident, for what Caule ; and by whom tliu Duties are d'rfcharged. N° 1. The Rev. John French, A. B. Dean of Elphin, having cure o souls; resides at French Park, in the Diocese of Elphin, and there does the duty as Curate. The Deanry House is old, and out o. repair. The Rev. Wm Smith his Curate. N° 2. The Rev. Oliver Cary, A. M Archdeacon of Elphin, who resides in Elphin sufficiently con- venient to his church and parish, . vherein he could not obtain a re sidence. He having cure of souls does his own duty. N° 3. The Rev. Richard Wynne, A. M. incumbent of Elphin Chan- torship, who has
no cure of souls as; Chantor, and resides at Drumcliff, in Diocese of Elphin, where he has cure of souls. N* 4. The Rev. John Brinkley D. D. Incumbent of Kilgoghlin Pre- bend, who, having no cure of souls, and being Professor of Astronomy in the University of Dublin, re- sides at the Observatory. N° 5. The Rev. Robt Hawk- shaw, A. M. Incumbent of Tire- brine Prebend. He has no cure of souls, and resides in the Diocese of Ferns. N° 6. The Rev. Thos Hackett, A. M. Incumbent of Kilmacallane Prebend, who, not having any cure of souls as Prebendary, resides at Boyle, in Elphin Diocese, where he has cure of souls. N ® 7.
Kilcooly Prebend and Benefice, comprised in the five Parishes of Kilcooly, Cloonmagormacum, Kiluken, Shankill, and Kilmacumsy. The three first are contigu- ous, and are supposed to extend about 20 square miles; the two laft are dillant two miles from the others. N° 8. Artaugh or Tibokine Prebend and Vicarage, comprized in a single Parifh. which in extent is about twenty square miles. N° 7. The Rev. Wm Digby A. M. Incumbent of Kilcooly Pre bend, & c. having cure of souls. He resides at Geashill in the Queen'; County, where he has a Benefice The Rev. Thomas Crawford is his Curate. N° 8. The Rev. John H. Goulds- bury,
A. B. Incumbent of Artaugh or Tibokine Prebend and Vicarage who has cure of souls. He resides at Boyle, contiguous to another Benefice he has in Elphin Diocese, the duty of which he attends. The Rev. John French is Curate of Tibokine. BENEFICES; When United, and by what Authority. The united Benefices in the Diocese of Elphin have been so constituted by Episcopal Unions for long series of years, ex. ctpt the following ; viz N0 1. The Union of Ballintobber, & c. was so .' ornied by an Act of Par- iament, of the 9th of Queen Anne. N° In 17 jo, the 5 parishes forming the Union, Kilcooly, & c. were Episcopally united, and so
continue by successive Unions. N° 3. In 1765, the Pa rish of Kilbrine was added to the Union of Easter- snow; but the whole Union gives now only about 50 per ann. to the Incumbent. N° 4. In 1769, two Parishes were Episcopally united to Kilenvoy, to make the Union a suf- ficient income for the Incumbent. N° 5. In 1784, the Parishes of Kiltoom and Camma were formed into a Union by Act of Coun- cil. N" 6. In 1802, the PJ- rish of Kilgiffin was united Episcopally to the Archdeaconry of Elphin N° 7. In 1802, the Parish of Boyle was Epis- copilly united to the Episcopal Union of Tau nagh, being contiguous thereto, and all these
being vacant, and the clear income of all the Vicarages, after paying the curate, not exceea- ing £. 420 per ann. By this Union being so form- ed, the Incumbent was enabled to build a glebe house therein in the Pa- rish of Boyle, where there was a glebe ; all the other Parishes being with- out glebes.
Elphin.] FOR PROVINCE OP CON NAUGHT. 34S OF ELPHIN. 4- Number of CHURCHES; Whether in Repair, See. and in which Parifh they ftand. 5- GLEBE HOUSES; In what Parifh;— what Glebe Lands; — Whether contiguous; or how far removed from each other, and the Church, or Site of old Church. 6. CURATES Salary in Cafe of permitted Non Refidence of the Incumbents; arid whether Refident or not. 7- LIVINGS too fmall in Vaiue to afford Comfort to Incumbents. N° 1. The Cathedral Church in Eiphin Parifh.. n good repair. N « 1. A Glebe Houfe in the Parifh of Elphin. i c V All the Curates falaries are £. 75 per ann.
excepting that > ftheCurate ofTarmonbarry, vho receives only £. 40. per nn. the income of Tarmon- > arry being ftated at/'. 120. inly, and . the Incumbent a rery old infirm man. All the Curates are refident vithin the Unions to which hey are appointed, except the - urates of Aughrim and Kil- ooly, who refide within a mile > f their Unions, and the Cu- ate of Ki'glafs, who is refidenr vithin a mile and half of that Parifh. N° i. Kilnamagh 3arifh, worth about f. 20 per ann. N° 2. Kilcorky D" » bout £. 20 per ann. 3. Eaflerfnow 5arifh about £. 50 ser ann. N° 4. Ahamplifh Parilh, about £. 60. 3er ann. N'j. KillionUnion, about £. 80 per ann. In
addition to th » annual income from Tythes, as above- mentioned, an aug- mentation of £. ifO per ann. is given from Primate Boul- ter'sdonation to each of the Parifhes of Kilnamanagh, Eaf- terfnow, and Anam. plifh. 1\ T0 2. In Killuken, D°. N » 2. D° in Caflleblakeney Parifh. c 1 N° 3. In Strokes- town, D°. 3. D ® in Kiltoota. N° 4. in Kilmore, D° N° 4. DJ in Drumcliffe. N* 5. In Aughrim, D°- N° 5. D° in Boyle, built in 1803. N° 6. In Kilglafs, D°. N° 6. D° in Ahafkeragh, built in 1803. N° 7. In Cloonmagor- macun, D ® . N° 7. D° in St. Peter's, Athlona, built in 1804. N° 2. In Rofcoramon , N° 8. In Ardcarn, built in 1805. . GLEBES without
HOUSES. N" I. Ten acres of glebe in Raharrow Parifh and one acre in Porterin, in Killenvoy Union _ The ten acres of glebe are difcuit about tivc mile fron 1 1 „ 78. 4 £