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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland


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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland

Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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No Pages: 2
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- 2 7 8 E C C L E S I A S T I C A L R E P O R T S , IN 1 8 0 7, [ Achonry. J No. 1. continued.— D I O C E S E 1. E 2. I. 2. I. < Names of BENEFICES and DENOMINATIONS; Number of PARISHES in each Benefice ; Their Diftance from each other ; and, Theeftimated Extent of fuch as are con'iguous. The Union of Achonry, consisting of two Parishes; viz. Achonry, and Cloonoghill. They are contiguous; and their estimated extent is in length ten, and in breadth seven miles. The Parish of Killmacteige. The Union of Emlyfadd, consisting of five Parishes ; viz. Emlyfadd, Killmorgan, Killtora, Tumore, and Drumratt. They are contiguous ; and their estimated extent is in length nine, and in breadth eight miles. The Union of Killoran, consisting of two Parishes; viz. Killoran, and Killvarnet. They are contiguous; and their estimated extent is in length six miles and half, and in bread five. The Parish of Ballisadere. INCUMBENTS, Whether having Cure of Souls; whether Refident, or Non- Refident; if not Refident, for whatCaufe; and by whom the Duties are difcharged. The Reverend James Hastings, M. Dean, Rector and Vicar; lately appointed. The duties are discharged by the Rev. Frederick Crawford, A. B. Curate. The Reverend James Neligan A. B. Rector and Vicar; non- resi dent with permission, from want of health. The duties are discharged by the Rev. Robert Scarlett, A. B. Curate. The Reverend William Garrett, A. M. Vicar ; resident ; and has cure of souls. The Reverend Josiah Hern, A. B. Vicar; non- resident with permis- sion, having no glebe house. The duties are discharged by the Rev. Roger Chambers, A. B. Curate. The Reverend Robert Shaw, A. B. Vicar; non- resident with permis- sion, having no glebe house. The duties are discharged by the Rev. William Duke, A. B. Curate. The Union of Killarraght, consisting of The Reverend Veatch Simpfon, three Parities ; viz. Killarraght, Killfry, A. B. Vicar; non- resident with per- and Killlhalvee. They are in breadth five, and in length eight miles ; and they are con- tiguous The Union of Castlemore, consisting of three Parishes; viz. Castlemore, Killcole- man, and Killmovee. They are contiguous ; and their estimated extent is in length thir- teen, and in breadth five miles. mission, being one of the Chaplains to His Grace the Lord Lieutenant. The duties are discharged by the Rev. James Ellwood, A. B. Curate. The Reverend Charles Seymour, A. B. Vicar; resident; and has cure of souls. BENEFICES; When United, and by what Authority. Epifcopally united. Epifcopally united. Epifcopally united. Epifcopally united. o Achonry.] FOR PROVINCE OF CON NAUGHT. 339 OF ACHONRY. 4- Number of CHURCHES; Whether in Repair, and in which Parifh they fUnd. 5- GLEBE HOUSES; In what Paiilh ;— what Glebe Lands; — Whether contiguous; or How far removed from each other, and the Church, or Site of old Church. The Cathedral Church ( Hands in the Parifh of Achonry, and is in good [ repair. There is no I other Church in thi I Union. No Glebe Houfe. There are twenty acres cf glebe land contiguous to the church. The Curate of this Union is refident; his falary is £. 50. per ann. and he is allowed the ufc of the glebe rent free. The Church is repair- ling. The fum of £. 80. ( has been granted by Go- Ivernment fince the Re- bellion of 1798, and a Jccfs has been levied to complete the repairs. No Glebe Houfe. There are forty acrcs cf glebe land contiguous to the church. There is one Church I in this Union, ftandino in I O Jthe Parifh of Emlyfadd, [ in good repair. There is one Church lin this Union, ftandiag in Jthe Parifh of- Killoran, in Igood repair. The Parifh Church in I good repair. 6. CURATES Salaries in Cafes of permitted Non- Refidcn; e of the Incumbents; and whether Refiientor not. The Curate is refident; and his falary is £. 60. per ann. LIVINGS of a Value too fmall to afford Comfort to Incumbents. No Glebe Houfe. There are twenty p. cres of glebe land within a quarter of a mile of the church. No Glebe Houfe. There are twenty acres e) glebe land in the Parifh of Killvarnet, and the Incumbent propofes erefling a Glebe Houfe, as foon as an Aft of Council can be obtained for The Curate this Union. refides near uniting the Parifhes. No Glebe Houfe. There are twenty acres of glebe land contiguous to the church. The Curate is non- refident, but lives in the neigbourhood. There is one Church1, Glebe Houfe. There are ten in this Union, landing in; glebe land contiguous to the church, the Parifh of Killarraght, in good repair. acres of There is one Church in this Union, Handing in the Parifh of Cafllemore, in good repair. No Glebe Houfe. There are twenty acres of glebe land, dillant from the church three miles. The Curate is non- refident, but lives in the neighbourhood.
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