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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland


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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland

Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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No Pages: 2
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334 ECCLESIASTICAL REPORTS, IN 1807, [ Killala. Number of Benefices. I. S £ I. 6. 2. No. 1. - DIOCESE Names of BENEFICES and DENOMINATIONS; Number of PARISHES in each Benefice ; • Their Diftance from each other; and, The efrimated Extent of fuch as are contiguous. The Parish of Killala. The Union of Ardagh, consisting of six Parishes; viz. Ardagh, Ballinahaglish, Killbelfadd, Kill- more- moy, Attymass and Killgarvey. These Parishes are contiguous to each other; and their estimated extent is, in length 11 miles, in breadth nine. The Union of Ballisakery, consisting of two Parishes ; viz. Ballisakery, and Rathrea. They are con- tiguous ; and their estimated extent is, in length eight, in breadth six miles. The Union of Crossmolina, consisting of the Parishes of Addergool, Killfyan, Ma- gaunagh, and Crossmolina, contiguous to each other; in length about sixteen miles, and in breadth nine. INCUMBENTS, Whether having Cure of Souls ; whether Refident, or Nun- refident; if not Refident, for what Caufe; and by whom the Duties are difcharged. The Rev. Edmond Burton, A. M. Dean, Rector and Vicar; non- resi- dent, the glebe house being in pos- session of a Tenant, who sets up a lease alledged to have been made by a former Dean. The duties are discharged by the Rev. Henry Palmer, A. B. Curate. The Rev. John King, A. M Vicar; resident; and has cure of souls. The Reverend Robert Nixon, A. B. Vicar; resident; and has cure of souls. The Reverend Edwin Stock, A. M. Vicar; resident; and has cure of souls. " BENEFICES ; Wh . n United, and by what Authority. Episcopally united. ! H Episcopally united, and now about to be united by Act of Coun- cil. United by Act of Coun cil, in the year 1804. I F O R P ROVINCE 0 F C O M N A U G H T. 33$ OF KILLALA. 4- Number of CHURCHES; Whether in Repair, and in what Parifli they ftand. s- CLEBE HOUSES; In what Pariih ;— what Glebe Lands ;— Whether contiguous; or how fsr removed from cach other, and the Church, or Site of old Church. 6: CURATES Salaries ic Cafes of permitted Non- Rcfidence of the Incumbents; and whether Refident or not. 7- LIVINGS of a Value too fmail to afford Comfort to Incumbents. The Cathedral Church in good repair. The Parish Church in ruins. The Cathedral serves as the Parish Church. A Glebe House and Plot, in the Town of Kil lalla; also some Glebe Lands, quantity and bounds unknown, situated about a mile from the Cathe- dral Church. The Reverend Henry Pal- mer, A. B. Curate; Salary 75. per ann.; resident in the Bishop's palace. There are two Churches ; the one situated in the Parish of Killmore- moy, in good repair, the other in the Parish of Ardagh. To build this last Church, the sum of five hundred Pounds was granted by the Board of First Fruits, twelve or thirteen years ago. It has never been completed, nor any Ac- count furnished how the money has been expend- ed. A Glebe House, in the Parish of Killmore- moy, and eleven acres of Glebe contiguous. There are also about twenty acres of Glebe in this Union, situated three miles from the church of Killmore- moy. M" • There is one Church in this Union, standing in the Parish of Ballifakery, in bad repair. A new Church is now building in the same Parish, on a different site, at the ex- pence of the Union. No Glebe House. There are nine acres of Glebe, contiguous to the church of Ballifakery, and steps are now taking to procure money from the Board of First Fruits to erect a Glebe Houfe thereon. • There is one Church in this Union, standing in the Parish of Cross- molina, in good repair, but too small; and a larger Church is to be built the ensuing year, at the ex- pence of the Union. No Glebe House. There are two Glebes in the parish of Crossmolina; the one consists of five acres and a quarter, contiguous to the church; the other contains twenty- two acres, and is distant about two miles. The present Incumbent has taken steps to exchange the latter Glebe for a piece of ground near the church, and better situ- ated for building on. • i I 1
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