Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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< i6 E C C L E S I A S T I C A L R E P O R T S , IN 1807, [ Emly. 1. Number of Benefices. 43- 1. 2. 3' 4- 5- 44. 1. 45- 1. 2. 46. 47- 2. 3- 4- 5- 6. 7- 48. 1. 2. Names of B E N E F I C E S and D E N O M I N A T I ON S ; Number of PARISHES in each Benefice 5 Their D fiances from each other j and, Eflimated Extent of fuch as are contiguous. INCUMBENTS, Whether having Cure of Souls : whether Refident 5 If not Refident, for what Caufe; and by whom are the Duties performed. Cullen Rectory entire ; containing acres. Solloghodbeg ------ Rectory entire; containing acres. Solloghodmore Rectory entire ; containing acres.
Toughcluggin Vicarage; containing acres. Shronell Rectory & Vicarage; containing acres :— contiguous. For the acreage, fee the next number Ulloe - -- -- -- -- - Vicarage ; containing acres. This and the foregoing number contain, together, 10,751 acres. It is supposed that this number contains about one- third of the whole. Kilmastulla ----- Rectory & Vicarage ; containing 3,639 acres. Templeichally - - - Rectory & Vicarage; containing 2,138 acres. Contiguous. Cahirelly - -- -- -- -- -- Vicarage; containing 905 acres. Aney containing 4,086 acres. Ballynard - -- -- - — . containing 740 acres. Ballynamona ------ containing 750 acres.
Long - -- -- -- -- - containing 2,198 acres. Kilfrush- containing 720 acres. Ballinloghy - containing 1,095 acres* Hospital contains 2,190 acres. Vicarage; Vicarage; Vicarage; • Vicarage; • Vicarage; • Vicarage; Vicarage; Grean - - Rectory & Vicarage; containing 3,193 acres. Templebredin — - - Vicarage; containing 1,256 acres. Contiguous. The Revd Thomas Lloyd; has cure of souls; is resident during the summer, and is permitted to reside in Limerick during the win- ter, on account of a very infirm state of health. The Revd Wm M. Fitzgerald performs the duties. The Revd Edwd Lloyd ; has cure of souls; resides in Limerick, from
whence he performs the duties of this and of another Benefice.— No. 45. The Revd Edwd Lloyd; has cure of souls; resides in Limerick ( there being no place of residence to be procured in the parish) from whence he performs the duties; he is also assisted by a Curate. The Revd J. C. Seymour has cure of souls; resides in Dublin. The Revd Richd Cox, Vicar of the adjoining Parish, performs the duties. The Revd John Preston; has cure of souls ; resides at Bruff, the Parish adjoining, and performs the duties, the glebe house not being fit for his residence in its present state. It is under repair. The Revd Garret Wall; has cure of
souls, and is resident; he performs the duties. BENEFICES; When United, and by what Authority. Of very ancient stand- ing; it appearing from very old Records, that these parishes have been held together so far back as Visitation Books reach. No Union. By Act of Council, in 1790. No Union. By Act of Council, in By authority of the Diocesan in 1788.
Emly.] FOR PROVINCE OF M U N S T EH. fry 3* 7 ' 4- Number of CHURCHES; Whether in Repair; in what Pari ill they fland. A Church, in good repair, at Cuilen. GLEBE HOUSES; In what Parilh ;— what Giebe Lands Whether contiguous; or jLhcw far removed from eic'n other ; how far from the Church, or Site of the old Church. No Glebe Houfe. Glebe Land : Solloghod, 2 p Toughcluggin Shronell Solloghodbeg No Church. A Church, in good re- pair, at Kiljnaftulla. No Church. No Glebe Houfe. Glebe Land Salary, £. 75. No Glebe Houfe. Glebe Land: At Kilmaftulla - At Templeichxlly No Glebe Houfe. Glebe Land - - Salary, £. 75.
A Church, in good re- pair, at Aney. A Glebe Houfe under repair. A new Church build- ing at Grcan, in the place of one which from r. ge was fal ing. A Glebe Hcufe at Grean. LIVINGS of a Value too fm* l! to afio. d Comfort to Refident Incumbents. This Union fhould not be continued as at prefent confli- cted. No. 5. fhould certainly be fepa- rated, and perhaps fome other of the parilhes. Ulloe. The Income arif- ing from thefe Parifhes feparately, would not furnifh the means of com- fort to a refident In- cumbent ; and I think the Union fhould not be dif- folved. Cahirelly. Thefe Parifhes fe- parately; the whole Union furnifhes a very
moderate In. come, and in my opinion lhould not therefore be diflblv- ed. The Vicarial Tythes only are re- ceived by the In- cumbent.