Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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E C C L E S I A S T I C A L R E P O R T S , IN 1 8 0 7 , { Cloyne. No. 6.— D IO C E S E 1. Names of BENEFICES and DENOMINATIONS; Number of PARISHES in each Benefice ; Their Difuncej from each other; » nd, Eftimated Extent of foch as are contiguous The DEANERY of CASHEL; to which belong, as the corps thereof, St. John's Cashel - - - Rectory entire; containing 5,79s acrcs. Ballyclerahan Rectory entire; containing 617 acres. Cockman, otherwise Coleman; contain.' 1,550 acres. Contiguous. The Chantorship; to which belong, as the corps thereof, Templeneiry - - - Rectory & Vicarage; containing 2,578 acres.
Kilbrennan. part of Graystown ; its situ- ation now not known. Ballynure & 7 _ - Reft0l v & Vicarage; Graystown containing 2,100 acrcs. Ballygraffny ; its situation now not known; believed to be part of Graystown. Derryniflin, part of Graystown. Donohill Vicarage ; containing 3,539 acres, These parishes are dispersed through the Diocese, and remote from each other. The Chancellorship ; to which belong, as the corps thereof, Clogher- Vicarage; containing 3,904 acres. supposed to contain less than 2,000 acres. Moycarkey - -- -- -- -- Vicarage; containing 1,991 acres. These parishes are dispersed through the Diocese. Nos. 1.
and 2. are nearly conti- guous, and about 5 miles from No. 3. 2. INCUMBENTS, Whether having Cure of Souls : Whether Refident ; If not Refident, for whatCaufe; andbjr whom are the DucifS performed. The Revd Joseph Palmer; has cure of souls; resident in England against the consent of the Diocesan. The Revd Fredk Neligan, per- forms the duties of St. John's Cash- cl, and resides there. The Revd John Aldwell; resident, and officiating Minister of the ad- joining parish; performs the duties of Ballyclerahan. The Revd Richd. Bagwell; has cure of souls; is also Dean of Clog- her, where he is supposed to reside, according to
the terms of the Fa- culty granted by the Primate. The Reva Edwd Labarte, resides in the glebe house at Templeneiry, and performs the duties there. The Revd John Hunt, resident Curate of the adjoining parish, per- forms the duties of Donohill. The Revd John Seymour, Curate of the adjoining parish, performs the duties of Ballynure and Grays- town, The Revd W. E. Agar; has cure of souls; has the Living of Athy, in the diocese of Dublin, where he is supposed to reside, ac- cording to the terms of the Faculty granted by the Primate. The Revd Rob. C. Armstrong, Vicar of the adjoining parish, per- forms the duties of Clogher.
The Revd Rob1 Forsayth, Rector of the adjoining parish, performs the duties of Inchyanlea, 5- c. The Revd Thos Lockwood, Cu- rate of the adjoining parish, per- forms the duties of Moycarkey. The Treasurersip; to which belong, as the corps thereof, Burrosleigh - Rectory entire; containing 3,508 acres. Boly — . - . Vicarage; containing C61 acres. Leigh .--.------ A Chapelry; containing 400 acrcs. Drom - - -- -- -- -- — Vicarage; supposed to contain about 1,000 acrcs. Nos. 1,2, & 3. are contiguous, and re- moved about 7 miles from No. 4. The Revd Thos Grady; has cure of souls; resides in the gleb: house, and is assisted by a
Curate. The Revd Robt Forsayth, Rec tor of the adjoining parish, per- forms the duties of Drom. BENEFICES; When United, and by what Authority. At a period long prior to any existing record ; probably at the first insti- tution of the Deanery, and by the authority then competent. At a period prior to any known record; pro- bably at the first institu- tion of the Chantorship, and by the authority then competent. At a period to which no known record reache: probably at the first in- stitution of the Chancel- lorship, and by the autho- rity then competent. At a period to which no known record reaches; probably at the first in- stitution of the
Treasurer- ship, and by the authority then competent. 1 I
• CaiTiel.] f O R P'ROVINCE OF M U N S T E R. 3* 3 OF CASHEL. 4. Number of CHURCHES; Whether in Repair; in what Parifh they ftand. 5- GLEBE HOUSES; In what Parifli ;— what Glebe Lands;— Whether contiguous; or how far removed from each other, howifar from the Church, er Site of the old Church. A Church in good re- pair, in Caftiel. No Glebe Houfe. Glebe Lands: Dean's Grove, near Calhel Ball yclerah^ n, 6 miles') from Caihel - -- j - - IOO A. OR. Of. II A. O R. O P. A Chinch in good re- pair, at TempLneiry. A Glebe Houfe at Temp'ensiry, 6. SAL, ARIES of CURATES in Cafes of permitted Non- Rtfidence of the
Incumbents ; Whether Refident or not. St. John's, £. ft. Ballyclerahan, £. 3. Templeneiry, £. 75. Donohill, £. 10. Ballynure, £. 5. LIVINGS of a Value too fmall to afford Comfort to Refident IncumbentJ. Ballyclerahan. All thefe parifiies feparattly. i » . None. No Glebe Houfe. Clogher, £. 5. All thefe fepa- Glebe Land: Tnchyanlea, about 8 A. 0 R. 0 P. in the pof- feflion of a private perfon ; boundaries r. ot well afcertained. Inchyanlea, £. 5. Moycarkey, £. 5. rately. Moycarkey ----- - - - 11 A. 2. R. 14 P. A very fmall Glebe at Cashel, removed at the diftance of at leaft fix miles from the other glebes. • A Church, in good re- pair, at Buridleigh.
A Glebe Houfe in Burrofie3t; h. # * Drom, £. 5* Bo!}\ Leigh. Drcm. 73. - 4 K