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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland


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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland

Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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3I8 E C C L E S I A S T I C A L R E P O R T S , I N 1 8 0 7, [ Cafli el. Number of Benefices 65. 66. 67. 6S. 69. 7'- 72. 73- 74- 1. 2. 1. 2. 3- 1. 1. a. 3- 1. 3 c . - 5 ° J • R U < j « ^ 4* 0 « 3 § '" ^ Names of BENEFICE Sand DENOMINATIONS; Number of PARISHES in e< xh Benefice; , Their Diftances from each other': Eftimated Extent of fuch as are contiguous. Union of Carrigtohill Vicarage, Kilcurfin - - - - - A Particle The Parishes are contiguous; the extent is 5 miles E. & W. by 3 N. & S. 2. INCUMBENTS; Whether having Cure of Souls; where Refident; if nor- Refident, for what Caufe ; by whom are the Duties performed. Union of Kilworth Vicarage. Macrony Vicarage. ( Leitrim Vicarage. ( Kilcrumper • - - - Vicarage. J The Parishes are all contiguous; the ex tent of the whole is 11 miles N. & S. by 7 E. & W. Bohillane Entire Rectory. Clondulane Vicarage. Bruhenny or Churchtown ... - Rectory. Dingendonovan - - Rectory & Vicarage. Union of Fermoy - Rectory & Vicarage. Downmahon - - - Rectory & Vicarage. ; Litter - -- -- -- -- -- Vicarage. ) The Parishes are contiguous; the exten of the whole is 4 miles N. & S. by 2 E. & W. Wardenship of the College of Youghal. Garrankenefeck ------- Vicarage. Killowillan Rectory. Revd Henry Johnson; has cure of souls; resides on his Living, in the Diocese of Limerick; the duties of Carrigtohill being per- formed by his Curate, the Revd Robert Bury. The Honb! e Revd Moore; has cure of souls; resides near his Pa- rish in general, but is now absent in Italy, where he went for the health of his daughter, but is daily expected to return, by order of his Metropolitan ; the duty is per- formed by his Curate, the Revd John Lodge. Revd Jeremiah Harte ; has cure of souls; but there being no place of worship, refides at Killeigh, 7 miles off, where he is Curate. 3- BENEFICES, When United, and by whit Authority. A Union from the most distant time, by Act of Council. United for ever by Act of Council. No Union. The Revd Samuel Monsell ; has cure of souls ; bur no church, and resides at Fermoy, adjoining his Parish. Revd Matthew Purcell ; has cure of souls; and resides near his church, in the Parish, performing his own duty. Revd Thomas Stanestreet; has cure of souls; but having no church, resides at Cove, where he is Curate. The Revd Dr. Wm Adair ; has cure of souls; resides at Fermoy, doing his own duty. Dr. William Bennett, Bishop of Cloyne; has cure of souls ; resides in his See House, at iz miles dis- tance, the duties of the Parish being performed by 2 Curates, the Revd John Swaine and the Revd Thomas Hoare. No Union. No Union. No Union. United by Act of Council, in 1803. United in perpetuuy ' o the See of Cloyne, by Act of Council, in 1639, IN order to understand the arrangement, with respect to the Non- cures and Unions in the See of CLOYNE, it may their attention to improving such of their small Livings as had Cure of Souls, by uniting them to the contiguous a Cure unable to support a Clergyman. Such other Non- cures as remained after this great point was accomplishcd, mod deserving Curates in the Diocese, as in the case of Nos. 62. 68. 70 ; and lastly, such very small Prebends of order to give respect to both, as in No' 21. 24. 27, & c. It is apprehended, that every case of a Non- cure, without '' Clovne.] FOR PROVINCE OF IVI CUSTER. fy 309 : i 4- Number of CHURCHES; Whether in R. epair, and in what Parifh they ftand. A Church in repair, at Carrigtohill. A Church in repair, at Kilworth. GLEBE HOUSES ; In what Parifh ;— what Glebe Lands ;— Whether contiguous ; or How far removed from each other, and from the Church, or Site of the old Church. No Houfe ; a glebe of 9 acres at Kilcurfin, near the old church. 6. CURATES Stlaries in Cafes of permitted Non- refidence of the Incumbents ; wherh : r ReGder. t or not. Curate's Salary, £. 50.; he refides at his Father's, in the Parilh adjoining. A Glebe Houfe, and 3 detached glebes at Kil- worth, amounting together to 15 acres. Curate's Salary, £. 75. he refides in the Panfii. No Church. No Church. No Houfe; 3 detached glebes fcattered in the Parilh near the old church, containing 13 acres. No Houfe ; Glebe of one acre. Church in repair, at Churchtown. No Church. One Church, nearly finifhed, at Fermoy. No Houfe ; Glebe of 12 acres. No Houfe or Glebe. LIVINGS of a » alue too fma^ t to afford Camfort to the Incumbent!. Kilcurfin. All the Parilhes are too poor to maintain a Minifter in comfort, if fepa- rated. Bolullace. No Houfc or Glebe. One Church, in repair, at Youghall. Church in ruins. None. No Houfe or Glebe. None. None. Curates Salaries, £. too. United to Ahada, for pa- rochial purpofes. Each Livings ;' elves. of by thefe them- Bdonging to the 3iihop'sMenfal from the earliefl time. A fmall Impro- oriation. be right to observe, that the excellent Prelates who have formerly held this See, have, for a series of years, directed Non- cures ( a^ in N° 43. 44. 54, & c.) so that there is no such thing at present, in Cloyne, as a Living with and which, from strong existing reasons, could not be formed into Livings with Cure, were given to the oldest and 10. or £. 20. per annum, as were without Cure, were allowed to be held with the moll valuable Livings, ia cxccpticn, in the Diocese- of Cloyne, will fall under one of these three heads. 73. 4 I
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