Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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3 C O E C C L E S I A S T I C A L R E P O R T S , IN 1 8 0 7, [ Cloyne. , • 1. Number of Benefices aS. 29. 3° 3'- 33* re — s o g' Names of B E N E F I C E S and D E N O M I N A T I O N S ; Number of PARISHES in each Benefice ; Their DilUnces from each other ; Eftimated Extent of fuch as are contiguous. , held wun Kilcoleman ) ' Which is for ever united to a small portion of Aghabullogue, under the name of the Parish of Magourney. The extent of the Union is 4 miles N. & S. by 3 E. & W. NAMES of INCUMBENTS, Whether having Cure of Souls; where Refident; if non- Refidenr, for what Caufe; by whom arc the Duties
performed. Revd Richard Townshend; has cure of souls ; and resides in the Glebe House at Magourney. 1. 2. 3- 4- 5- 1. 1. Union of Ahada; consisting of Ahada ------- Rectory & Vicarage. Corkbeg D » - - - - D° Rostellan D" - - - - D° Inch D" - - - - D° Titeskin D° D° These Parishes are all contiguous Th extent of the Union is 6 miles E. & W. by 5 miles N. & S. Dr. William Bennet, Bishop of Cloyne ; has cure of souls; and re- sides in his See House, contiguous to the Union. The duties are performed by the Curate, the Revd Robert Kirchoffer. Parish of Clondrohid - Rectory & Vicarage The extent of the Parish is 8 miles N. & S. by 6
E. & W. 1. 2. 3- 4- BENEFICES, When United, and by what Authority. The Union of Magour ney is of very long stand ing ; the Prebend held with it for the reasons mentioned in the 3 last cases. This Union has existed from time immemorial, and has been held in commendam with the See of Cloyne for above an hundred years.. The Revd Edward S. Towns- hend ; has cure of souls ; resides during the summer in his Parish, and is allowed by his Diocesan to pass the winter in England for the benefit of his health, being very infirm ; and the duties being per- formed in his absence by his Curate, the Revd John Orphen. Parifh of
Clonfert. Union of Bregogue ------ Vicarage. Kilbrowney - -- -- -- -- - Vicarage. Perpetual Curacy of Bothon, D° of Cahirduggan. The Parishes are contiguous; the extent 5 miles N. & S. by 4 E. & W. Union of Ballyclough Drumdowney - - - - - - - Vicaraoe. o - - - Vicarage. These Parishes are at the distance of q miles from each other, but were united on account of the smallness of the income in each. Revd Andrew McClintock; has cure of souls : resides regularly in the summer, but is allowed to live at Bath in the winter months, being much afflicted with the gout. The duties are performed by his Curates the Revd Robt Bullen and
the Revd George Mayberry. Revd James Hamilton ; has cure of souls ; and resides in the Union, near his church, doing his own duty. No Union. The Union is of long standing; the time un known. Revd John Macormick; has cure of souls; and resides in the Union, performing his own duty. , Episcopal; of long standing.
Cloyne.] POR PROVINCE OF MUNSTER. / A5 301 4- Number of CHt'RCHES; Whether in Repair, and in what Parifh they ftand. No Church. One Church in repair, at Magourney. One Churcn in repair, at Ahada. Thefe Glebes are near the fites of the old churches, and fcattered about the Union at the diftance of 2 and 3 miles from each other. One Church in repair, at Clondrohid. Glebe, 78 acres, of which, half belongs to the ( Economy of Cloyne, and is now about being di- vided for the purpofe of building a glebe houfe on it clofe to the church. One Church in repair at Clonfert, and a Chapel of Eafe in repair at Kan turk, within
the Parilh. One Church in repair at Bothon. One Church in repair it Ballyclough. 5- C LEBE HOUSES; In what Parilh ;— what Glebe LinJi ;—. Whether contiguous ; or How far removed from ejeh other, and from the Church, or Site of the old Church. A Glebe Houfe at Magourney, ar. d a glebe of 9 acres near the church. No Glebe Houfe, the See Houfe being within few hundred yards of the Parilh of Ahada. Glebe at Corkbeg - - - 6. CURATES Salariei in Cafes of permitted Non- Refidence of the Inctimaenti ; whether Relident or not. The Reftor performs hi own duty. LIV1NCS of a Value tao f. xJI to aiford Comfort to the
Incumbents. Lackeen. Ahada, near the church - Inch - Titelkin 21 acres. 20 D9 10 D ® 63 D' No Houfe ; a glebe in Clonfert of 9 acres, on which the Rettor is about to build. No Houfe or Glebe. No Iloufe; a fmall glebe of half an acre. Curate's Salary £. 75. inch. Roilellan. TiteOun. Curate's Salary £. 50. to each. They both reude in the Parilh. None of thefe Parilhes can main- tain a rclident Mi- niller. Both fmall Parifhes, and unable to fup- port a Clergyman. 40