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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland


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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland

Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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" ECCLESIASTICAL REPORTS, IN I 8 07, Cloyne. Jtf umber of Benefices. • | 6. 17- .19. TZO. 21. 22. 23- 24. 1. 2. 3- 1. 2. 3- 4- 5- 1. = e S Names of BENEFICES and DENOMINATIONS; Number of PARISHES in each Benefice ; Their Difiancrs from each orh° r : F.' i'mited Exrent of fuch as are cor. tisuou*. Prebend of Glanworth; the corps of this Prebend, is The Rectory of Glanworth Ballydelaughy ------ Darryvillane -------- Kilgulane - -- -- -- -- Ligane - -- -- -- -- -. These Parishes are contiguous. The ex- tent is 9 miles N. to i>. and 6 from E. to W age. } Vicarage. ^ iVicarag Vicarag a Particle. Prebend of Cooliney ; held with Liscarrol, & ........ Vicarage. Kilbrin - -- -- -- -- -- Vicarage, j The Parishes composing the perpstual Union are contiguous ; their extent tei miles N. & S. by S E. & W. Prebend of Ballyhay ; corps consists of Ballyhay - -- ----- - Vicarage. _ united to Shandrum Rectory & Vicarage. I Rathgogan - -- -- -- -- Vicarage, f Ballyneran ------ Rectory entire. Ardscheagh D° - -- -.> All these Parishes are contiguous; being 12 miles from N. to S. and 9 from E. to W> Prebend of Coole ; consists of The Parish of Coole, ever to Castletown Wallstown - Monanemy Kilcummer - - Bridgetown - - Ballygregan the corps of which which is united for - - - Rectory & Vicarage. — - Rectory & Vicarage. Do D° D° - . - . Particle../ These Parishes are all contiguous: the extent of the Union is 12 miles N. & S. by 4 E. & W. 2. NAMES of INCUMBENTS, Whether having Cure of Souls ; where Ketider. t ; if non- Reftdenr, for what Caufe ; by whom are the Duties performed. Revd Dr. Richard Woodward ; has cure of souls ; is resident in Dublin at present, while his Glebe House is building; the duties are performed by his Curate, the Revd Oliver Lodge. BETEFICES, When* United, and by what Authority. Revd Francis Clement; has cure of souls ; resides near his Parish, and performs the duty of it. Union made at some distant and unknown time by Act of Council. Union made by Act of Council, in 1787 ; and the Prebend, which is a small non- cure, allowed to be held with it at the same time by Bishop Woodward. Revd Henry Sandiford ; has cure of souls; and resides chiefly at Charleville, in the Union, perform- ing his duty, and assisted by his Curate, the Revd William Dunn; but during the winter months, the Rector resides at his Living in the Diocese of Cork. Revd Nathaniel Mapletoft; has The Union is by Act cure of souls; resides, by permission of Council, of many years The Union of Rath- nogan has been made in time beyond memory; the Prebend, which is a small non- cure, is held with it, to make the former more respectable. Episcopal. in England, under the care of his relations, being afflicted with a dis- temper believed incurable; the duties cf the Parish are performed by his Curate, the Revd Robert Bell. Prebend of Killmaclenan, held with Kilshanie - Rectory & Vicarage. The distance is 4 miles: the extent 10 miles, E. & W. 5 N. & S. Subulter, held with White Church - - - Rectory & Vicarage. And the Rector holds, by Faculty, Aghabollogue Rectory & Vicarage. Revd John Lombard ; has cure of souls ; resides in the Parish, per forming his own duty, and assisted by his Curate, the Revd John Mi- chael Becker. Revd Dr. James Hingston ; has cure of souls; resides chiefly at Cloyne, being Vicar General of the Diocese ; the duties of White Church are performed by his Cu- rate, the Revd William Chatterton ; and the duties of Aghabollogue by the Revd James Hingston. flandin; Not united. Not united. Cloynt-.] FOR PROVINCE OF MUUSTER. U\ 299 Number of CHURCHES; Wheiber in Repair, and in what Pitilh they ftand. One Church in repair, at Gla. iworih. Glebe Houfe, now building at Glanworth; glebe of 3 acrcs, above z miles fiom the church. One Church in repair, at Ki'brin. One Church in repair, at Charkvi'le, in the Union of Rathgogan. One Church in repair at Cafllciown. One Church in repair at Kilfhanie. One Church in repair at White Caurch. One Church in repair at Aghabollcgue. CLEBE HOUSES; In what Pariflj;— whit G ebr Landi ;— Whether contiguous; or How far removed from each other, and from the Church, or Site of the 0I4 Church. No Houfe or glebe 6. CURATES Siliriei in Cifei of permitted Non- Rcfidence ot the Inrumbentt; whether Refident or not. Curafs Salary, £. 75. fides in the Parifh. rc- No Glebe Houfe; glebe at Ballyhay, i acre; Shandrum, 3 D°; Ardfcheagh, 4 DJ. None of thefe glebes are contieuous to each other, but all near the fits of the eld churches, at 2 and ; miles dillancc. No Glebe Houfc. A glebe at Wallflown, of ten acres, not convenient to the church, and 2 miles from it. No Houfe; a glebe at Kilfhanic of 4 acres, clofe to the church. No Houfe. No Houfe. Glebe at Aghabollogue 5 acres, near the church. Curates Salary, he relides at Charleviiie, in the Union. Curate's Salary £. 80. ; re, fides in the Parifh. LIVINGS of a Value too fmaH to afford Comfort to the Incumbenis. All the Members of the Union, ex- cept Glanworth, are too fiiir. il for a Cler- gyman's fuppcrt. Curate's Salary, £. 50.; refidcs in th: Pariih. Cooliney. Liftarrcl. Ballyneran, Bal- yhay, Ardfcheagh, ^ athgogan ; ljut it is apprehended this Union mighfWell be iroken into 2 on the next vacancy, of which Charleville, with one of thefe Parifhes might make one part, and the other two conflitutc another part. Curate's Salary, £- 7$-; Curate refides av Ccrk, n: the Parifh. Curate refides; Salary, £- 7i- None of thefe Pa- tithes would fupport a Clergyman fingly; but this Union, like the laft, might well be divided on a fu- ture occafion. K llmaclenan, Subulter. I
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