Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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40 E C C L E S I A S T I C A L R E P O R T OF T HE [ Dromore. No. l.— DIOCESE Names of BENEFICES and DENOMINATIONS; Number of PARISHES in each Benefice ; Their Diftance from each other; and, The eftimated Extent of fuch as are contiguous. 2. INCUMBENTS, Whether having Cure of Souls; whether Refident; if not Refident, for whatCaufe ; and by whom the Duties are dtfcharged. DEANERY of KILMORE: Kilmore Vicarage."} Revd Wm Magennis; resident; Ballintample - - - - - - - - Vicarage. has cure of souls, and discharges the Kidue Vicarage. J duties, assisted by z Curates. Thefe Parifhes are contiguous. '
Kilmore is about 6 miles in length, and in breadth, and contains about 7,000 acres of laud. j Bailintample, 4 miles long and 2- broad, and contains about 3,000 acres Cavan- Vicarage. Annaglifte Vicarage.. RevdRichd Wynne; not resident; lives on his other Benefice in the Diocese of Elphin; has cure ot soul ; duties ciicharged by a Curate. These Parishes are 7 miles ard £ in length, and 5 miles and f in breadtn, and con- tain 20,000 acres. Castleterra ----- Rectory & Vicarage. belturbet Rectory & c Vicarage. Drumlane Vicarage Tomregan - - Drumgoon - - Killersherdiny - Re& ory & Vicarage. Reftory & Vicarage. Vicarage. Ashfield
Perpetual Cure of Revd John Brougham; resident; has cure of souls, and discharges the duties. Revd Hen. Maxwell; not resi dent; has cure of souls ; duties dis- charged by a Curate. Revd John Creery; not resi- dent; lives on his other Benefice in Clogher ; has cure of souls; duties discharged by a Curate. Revd Richd Brooke; resident; has care of souls, and discharges the duties. Revd Ed. Lucas; not resident; has cure of souls, and lives near enough to discharge the duties of the parish. Revd Wm Keating; not resident ; has cure of souls, and lives suf- ficienily duties. BENEFICES, whether United, and by what Authority. United
by Authority of the Crown, but no trace when. United, it is supposed, by Act of Council, as these 2 Parishes have been held by the same Incumbents since 1665; but no trace appears 111 • he Records ofihe Coun cil Office. near to discharge the Drung Vicarage. Revd Benjn Adams; not resident; but discharges the duties. Revd Thos Cradock ; not resi- dent; lives on his other Benefice in the Diocese of Dublin ; has cure of souls; duties discharged by a Curate. / Larah Vicarage. The length of this Union, taken together, is about 5 miles, and the breadth 2 miles; and it contains about 10,00c acrcs. Supposed to be aUnion, but when,
or by what authority united, is not known, as institution has been always taken out in the Court of Kilmore as a single Benefice.
Kilmore.] P R O V I N C E OF A R M A G H : I800. S9 OF KILMORE. Number of CHURCHES; Whether in Repair, and in which of the Parifhes they ftand. 5- GLEBE HOUSES; In what Parifh ;— What Glebe Lands ;— Whether contiguous; How far removed from each other, and from the Church, or Site of the old Church. 6. CURATES Salary in Cafes of permitted Non- Refidence of the Incumbent, and whether Refident or not. 7- LIVINGS of a Value too fmnfl to afford Comfort to the Incumbent. i Church in Kilmore, in good repair. i Church in Ballintam- ple, repairing. A Glebe House in Kilmore ; 120 acres of glebe near the church;
the other glebes are fcattcr- ed through different Parifhes. 1 ' ' . i Church in Cavan, ex- tremely old and in bad repair; £. 6co. has beep, already railed towards building a new one, and annual afleflments are regularly made for the fame purpofe. A Glebe House in the town of Cavan, built by the late Incumbent, but fince his death, the Vicar's right to it has been difouted, and a law- suit is now depending. Above 54.9 acres of glebe belonging to ihi* Union. 0 a % A Curat; refident ; Salary £. 75 per ann. A Church in good repair. A Glebe House; 19; acres of g! ebe near the church. A Church, in good repair. No Glebe House; about 400
acres of glebe; 10 acres thereof close to the church; 140 about 2 miles from the church, and contiguous to each other; and the rest near 3 miles diftant. N. B. The present Rector is in treaty for a house in the town of Belturbet, to convert into a Glebe House. A Curate refident; Salary C- 7S- P£ r ann. A Church, in good repair. No Glebe house ; 209 acres of glebe, 145 of which are contiguous to the church, 20 in a detached farm in the parish, and 44 acres 10 miles diftant in another parish. A Curate rcfident; Salary £- 75- Ptr A Church, in good repair. No Glebe House; about 380 acres of glebe contiguous, and less than a mile from
the church. - A Church, in good repair. A Church, in very good repair. No Glebe House ; 343 acres of glebe contiguous. N. B. The Incumbent has obtained a grant from the Board of Firft Fruits, and is pre- paring to build. No Glebe House; 385 acres of glebe contiguous to the church. ( A Church, in good repair. No Glebe House ; 20 acres of glebe. The Cu- rate has presented a memorial to build a Glebe House. A Church in the Parilh of Drung, in good order. A Glebe House in the parish of Drung; 630 acres of glebe, 130 acres of which arc adjoining the houfe, and the remaining 500 are contiguous to each other, and lie in the
parish of larah. A Curate refideat; Salary £. 75. per ann.