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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland


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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland

Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 2
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• 2Q2 " ECCLESIASTICAL R E P O R T S , IN 1 8 0 7 , [ Rofs. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS: Query I. ~> BY Law the Chief Governor and Privy Council, and the Bilhops of the feveral Diocefes in Ireland, can Seft 6. J unite or difunite Parilhes, when it is expedient fo to do; and the Archbiihops and Bilhops are alfo enabled by Law to form a portion of a large Parilh into a perpetual Curacy; which divifion of Parilhes and arrangement has frequently been effeited. Query III — There are Funds veiled in the Board of Firft Fruits applicable to the augmentation of fmall Livings, by purchafing Glebes and Tythes; and by giving the Incumbents of them money for the building of Glebe Houfes, and increafing their Salary to One hundred Pounds by the year ; but I am of opinion that thefe Funds are too limited, and confequently infuificient to afford the means of comfort to rclident Incumbents. Query V.— Refidence may be enforced in Ireland under the Canon Law; but the execution of the Canon Law has been cbfli u£ led by appeals.— A cafe is now depending before certain Commiffioners of Review, appointed by His Majefty ; which, if it ( hall be decided in favour of the Ecclefiaftical authority exercifed in that cafe, will eftablilh fuch a precedent as may fuperfede the necclCty of recommending to the Legillature to make any other provilion for the purpofe cf enforc- ing Refidence. But, if the decifion in that cafe Ihould be otherwife, it will then, in my opinion, be necefiary to apply to the Legiflature to enaft fome Law for enforcing the Refidence of the Clergy in Ireland. Query VI.— In my opinion the bed mode for difpenfing fuch Funds as are now applicable to the purpofes of building or repairing Churches or Glebe Houfes, or the improvement of Glebes, is eftablilhed by the Law now in being. Query VII.— The exifting Laws are fully competent to prevent improper, perpetual, or Epifcopal Unions, and to pre- Cuvc Churches or Glebe Houfes from dilapidations. Query VIII.— I am of opinion, that, with due execution of the Laws now in force, and with the addition fuggefied, ( if found neceflary on the contingency already mentioned) and with fuch grants as may feem meet to His Majefty and the Legillature, for augmenting the Incomes of fmall Livings, and affifting the building of Churches and Glebe Houfes, the improvement, protection, and fupport of the eftablifned Church in Ireland, will be beft effected. JOHN G. Cork & Rofs, — No. 5.— DIOCESE OF CLOYNE. 78.
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