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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland


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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland

Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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No Pages: 2
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2 9 A E C C L E S I A S T I C A L R E P O R T S , I S 1 S 0 7, i. 2. INCUM'CE NTS, Whether having Cure of Suuls; Where Refident ; f non- Refident, for what Caufe; and b\ whom are the Duties difcltar& ed. 3- EENEFICES, When United, and by what Autliority. f Number of Bwie ces. c o ' u S 2 52 1 G u Q \ Names of BENEFICES and DENOMINATIONS; Number of PARISHES in each Benefice; Their Dl'. tanccs from each other ; and Eflimated Content of fi: ch as are continuous. 12. I. Lisslee. Killillagh. the parish of Killillagh is s very small piece of ground entirely surrounded by Liss- lee ; the estimated extent of which, includ- ing Kiilillagh is, from north to south, 4 mil's; from ealt to welt \\ miles. The Revd Henry Jones; has cure of souls : is preparing to build a Glebe House, but not yet resi- dent, having been but a short time Incumbent of these parishes. Du- ties discharged by a Curate, rcli- dent in the parish. By the authority cf the Diocesan, in i8o5- 13 J. 2. 3- Killaconenagh Vicarage ( Rectory Impro- priate. Kilcateern ------ Rectory & Vicarage. Kilnamanagh - Rectory & Vicarage. These parishes are contiguous, but thinly inhabited, and for the most part uncultivat ed, therefore of small value; although the estimated extent is from north to fouih 12 miles; from eaft to well 16 miles. The Revd John Beamish; has cure of souls, and is resident. By the authority cf the Diocesan, in 1794. 14- i. Tullagh - - - - - - Rectory & Vicarage. The Revd Edward Stopford; has cure of souls; not yet resident, having been but a very short time Incumbent. Duties discharged by a Curate resident. No Union. I5* Creagh, otherwise Skibbereen - - Rectory & Vicarage. Vacant by the death of the last Incumbent. Duties performed by a Curate. No Union. l6. i. Kilcascan - -- -- -- -- -- - Vicarage ( Til.' Rectory belongs to the Archdeacon.) The Revd Wm Hodnett; has cure of souls. Is resident. No Union. ' 7• i. 2. 3- Kilmacabea 1 Vicarages. The Rectories Kilfaughnabeg ( belong to the Archdeacon these parishes are contiguous. Theii eftimated extent is from north to fouth 7 mile- ; from ealt to weft 4 miles. The Revd Edward Herbert; has cure of souls, resides in the Union. 1 18. I. Abbeystrowry Vicarage ( Rectory Impro- priate). The Revd Wm Robinson; has : ure of souls; resides in the parish. No Union. 19. i. Kilmaloda - - - - ----- Rectory entire The Revd William Stawell; has cure of souls; is resident in the Glebe House. No Union. 20. i. Rathbarry. The Revd Armiger Sealy ; has cure of souls. No Union. 21. i. 2 3- Aghadown Vicarage ( one Rectory Impro- priate. One Rectory belongs to the Arch- deaconry Kilcoe - Vicarage ( Rectory Impropriate). Clear - - Vicarage ( Rectory Impropriate). these parishes are contiguous ( no othei parish intervening). The estimated extent of Aghadown and Kilcoe, from north to but'n 5 miles; from ealt to weft 5 miles. The Revd Joseph Wright; has cure of souls. Is resident in the Glebe House. is assisted by a Curate. 22. l. Kilmeen The Revr Edward Herbert Ken- ny; has cure of souls. Is resident in the Glebe House. No Union. IMPROPRIATiONS. IMPROPRIATORS. i 2 3- 4- 5 6. 7- 8. 9- 10. 11. Abbey Mahon. Abbey Strowry - Templequinlan 1 Lisslee Kilkerranemore "] Kilgarruff ( Ardfield Castrumventry Aghadowne Kilcoe Killaghconenagh ' - - Vicarage endowed — Vicarages endowed - - - Vicarages endowed • - - Vicarages endowed Earl of Shannon Townsend, esq. Earl of Shannon. Representatives of Francis Town send, esq. Representatives of Lord Castle- haven. flofs.] F O R P R O V I N C E OF M U N S T E R. m 291 4- Number nf CHURCHES; Whether in Repair, and In what P> ri( V- tl » ftand. s- GLF. BE liOUSrS? In what raii. 1i,— what Gl<- bc Lands;— Whether contiguous; or How far removed from e. ich other. and from : he Church, or Site of the ( dd Church. 6. CURATES Salaries in cafe of p< rmitted Non- Refidence of the Incumbe-' ts ; whether Reft. lent or nut. LIVINGS of a Value too fm. ill lo a/ ford Comfort to the Inroirbent. r . i A Church in Lisslee, in good repair. No Glebe Houfe. Glebe Land in Lisslee. A. k. p. Ancient Glebe ----------- p 3 22 1'.' w Gle^ e, granred at a rent by } ht Right honourable the Earl of Shannon, adjoining - -- -- -- - ) 4.2 0 0 Curate lefides. Salary Each cf thefe pa- rifhts feparately. ; No Cnurcn. A Glebe Houfe, building on a Glebe. A. R. P. Glebe 111 Kilcaicern - -- -- -- 5 21- No Curate. Each of tliufe fc- parately. A C . urch. A. P. R. No Glebe Houfe. Glebe Land. 10 1 3 A Curate refident. Salary 60. No Church. A Glebe House, newly built. A. R. P. Glebe Land - - — 16 0 0 A Curate, refident in the adjoining parifh of Tullrgh; with which Crcagh was lately united. NoChurch. ( A church tbout to be built). No Glebe House. Glebe Land. No Curate. A Church, in good re- pair. No Glebe House. • A Church, in bad re- - ftair. No Glebe Houfe. No Glebe Land. No Curate. A Churc. it in good r; r » air. A Glebe Houfe. A. R. P. Glebe Land near the Church - - - 20 1 1 No Church. A. R. P. No Glebe Houfe. Glebe Land. 1 3 17 1 A Church, in good re pair, in Aghadown. A Glebe House. A. R. P Glebe Land, in Aghadown - - - - 45 2 6 Glebe Land, in Cape Clear Island. A Curate refident. 1 \ Church. A. K. P A Gltbe Houfe. G'ebe Land - - 26 3 5 No Curate. JOHN G. Cork % Kofi.
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