Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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No Pages: 2
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No. 4. continued.— D I O INCUMBENTS, Whether having Cure of Souls; where Refident; if non- Refident, for what Caufe; and by whom are the Duties difchat ged. Names of BENEFICES and DENOMINATIONS Number of PARISHES in each Benefice} Their Diftances from each other; and, Eftimated Content of fuch as are contiguous. Number when United, and by what Authority. Benefices. The Cathedral and Parochial Church of St. Faughnan Ross, Desert - - - ...... Rectory The Revd Wensley Bond : Dean and Chapter have cure of souls ; the duties performed by the Dignitaries, Prebendaries, and the Revd George
Armstrong, Curate, who is resident. The Revd Wensley Bond, Dean has no cure of souls. No Parifh HNAN. The DEANERY of St. FAUGHNAN Ross. The Revd Arthur Hyde; has no cure of fouls. The Chantorship of Ross The Revd George Armstrong has n0 cure of souls. The Chancellorship, The Revd John Griffiths; has no No Parish, cure of fouls. The Treasurership. The ARCHDEACONRY consists of the Rectories of - - Kilmacbea Kilfaughnabeg Kilcoe Aghadowa Kilcascan The Revd William Bissett; has no cure of souls. At a period prior to any known record ; probaBly at the firil inftitution of the Archdeaconry, ar. d by
whatever authority was then competent. Vicarages endowed. No Union, The Revd Mountifort Longfield ; has cure of souls; resides at Desert- serges, in the Diocese of Cork, which he holds by Faculty; duties performed by a Curate. The Prebend and Vicarage of Tiinoleague. By authority of the Diocesan, in 1786. The Revd Horatio Townsend ; has cure of souls ; resides within a mile of the Church of the Union ; discharges the duties, assisted by a Curate. The Prebend and Vicarage of the Island. KilgarrufF Vicarage ( Rectory impropriate), Desert Vic. ( Rectory to Dean and Chapter) Kilkerran Vicarage ( Rectory impropriate)
Ardfield - Vicarage, Caslrumventry Vic. ( Rectory impropriate), These Parishes are contiguous: their eft;- mated extent from North to South 7 miles, from East to West 6 miles. The Revd David Freeman ; has cure of souls; is resident, assisted by a Curate. The Prebend of Curragranemore. Glanharaghane, otherwise Castle Townsend Rectory and Vicarage. The Prebend of Templebryan. Templequinlan Vic. ( Rectory impropriate). Temple Omalus - - - Rectory & Vicarage. Kilnagross - -- .- -- .- Rectory entire. The Parishes of this Union are contiguous: their eftimate extent, from North to South 6 miles, from Eaft to Weft 3 miles. By
the authority of the Diocesan, in 1761. The Revd Thomas Brown, re sides in Kinsale. The duties dis charged by a Curate, the Incum bent being very infirm. The Prebend of Donoughmore. The Revd Alexander Kennedy ; has cure of souls. Resides in thi city of Cork, in the parish of th Holy Tiinity, of which he is Cu rate. Duties ( the parish being exceedingly small discharged by the. Curate of the adjoining parish. No Union, Drior to
Ross.] ron Province OF ! » I U N S T R. R. C E S E o F ROSS. 4- Number of CHURCHES; Whether in Repair, and in what Parifh they ftand. 5- G I. E JJ E HOUSES; la whit Parilh;— what G'. eho Lands;— Whether contiguous; or Haw far removed froin each other, and from the Church, or Site of the old Church. A Cathedral and Paro- chial Church in Rofs, in very good repair, at the expence of tfe Chapter No Church in Defert. No Church. No Giebe Houfe. No Glebe Land. 6. CURATES Salaries in cafe of permitted Non- Refulence of the Incumbents; whether Refident or not. Curate, refident; Salary C7S- No Glebe Houfe. No
Glebe I. and, but Land accu Homed to be letten, 147A, OR. OP. and the Prefentaiion of tiic \ icar Choral. LIVING S of a V. tlne too fma'. l to afford Comfort to the Incumbent. No Church. No Glebe Houfe. No Glebe; but Land ac- cuftomed to be letten, 237A. 1 R. 23P. No Church. No Glebe Houfe. No Glebe; but Land ac- cuftomed to be letten. No Church. No G'ebe Houfe. No Glebe; but Land ac- cuftomed to be letten, 128A. IR. 9 P. No Church; belong- ing to the Archdeacon or Reftor. See Vicar- ages. A Church. A Church, at Kilgar- ruff, in good repair. No Glebe Houfc. No Glebe Land. A Church, in Glan- baraghanc, in good re
pair. A Church, in good re pair. No Church. No Glebe Houfe. A. R. P. Glebe Land - 5 2 3 No Glebe Houfe. A. R. r. Glebe Land, KilgarrufF - -- -- - 3 o o Kdkerran - - — - " 3 0 0 Ardfield ------- y 2 to Curate refides; Salary Curate rclidcs; Salary No Glebe Houfe or Glebe Land, in Curragh- granemore. No Glebe Houfe, in Glanbaraghane. A. R. p. Glebe Land, in Glanbaraghane — 12 1 23 No Glebe Houfe in the Union. Glebe Land. Curate rcfides; Salary Curate refides; Salar) No Glebe Houfc. No Glebe Land. Curate refides in adjoining pariih ; acccpts ot no lalary. 7*. / n