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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland


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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland

Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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No Pages: 2
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aBo ECC L- E 31 A ST 1 C A t, R E P t> R T S, IK 1 - 8 O 7, [ Corl '; ' y • Ik It- s, f w1 Number of Benefices. 39- 40. 41. 42. 43- 44. c . u Q I- I. .2. 1. 2. 1. 2. I. J. 2. 3- 4- 5- 6. 7- 8. 9- 10. 11. 12. » 3' > 4- > 5- 16. » 7- 18. 19. 20. Names of BENEFICES and DENOMINATIONS; Numher of PARISHES in eacli Benefice ; Their Diftances from each other ; and, Eftimated Content of fuch as are contiguous. 2. INCUMBENTS, Whether having Cure of Sou's; Where Rcfident; if non- R « fident, for what Caufe ; and b> w hom are the Duties difcliargcd. 3- BENEFICES, When United, and by tvh. it Authority. Brinny. Knockavilly. Contiguous: estimated extent 4 miles. fcv The Revd Doctor Robert Austin; has cure of souls; duties performed jby a Curate ; Incumbent resident in the Prebend of Brigown, in the Diocese of Cloyne, which he holds by Faculty. Skull Rectory & Vicarage. 1. Fanlobbus - - - Drinagh - - - - o m The Rectories Kilmoe - Rectory & Vicarage, Vicarage. . . — . . . _ Vicarage, belong to Vicars Choral. Contiguous : estimated extent from east to west to miles, from north to south 4 miles. Revd Anthony Trail; has cure of souls; is resident in the Diocese of Connor, of which he is Arch- deacon Curate. duties discharged by Revd Fitzgerald Tisdall; has cure of souls; is resident in the Glebe house. The Revd Broderick Turkey has cure of souls ; is resident; du ties discharged by Incumbent, as- sisted by a Curate. Kilmichael Rectory & Vicarage, Macloneigh - - - One Rectory & Vicarage. Contiguous: estimated extent from east tt weft 10 miles, from north to south 4 miles Leighmoney ----- Rectory & Vicarage. IMPROPRIATIONS. Ballinaboy — - - - - • Tracton - — - -- — Kilpatrick, near Tradon Polyplicke ------- Kilmurry ------- Clontead - - Kinnure Rectory entire. Rectory entire — - Rectory. RecTory - - - Rectory - - - Rectory. — - Rectory Vicarage endowed Vicarage endowed Athnowen - Aglish Barnahely - -- -- -- -- - — Ballymodan — - - — Vicarage endowed Durrus - -- -- -- - Vicarage endowed. Inchegeelagh - Vicarage endowed. Kilbonane — Vicarage endowed. Kilchrohane — - - - - Vicarage endowed. Kilmocomogue ----- Vicarage endowed. Kinsale Vicarage endowed. Kilmurry. Kilmichael - — Vicarage endowed. Temple Bready - - - - Vicarage endowed. The Revd Robert Warren ; has cure of souls; is resident; assisted oy a Curate. The ReV Joseph Wright; has cure of souls; is resident in Agha- down ( of which he is Vicar) in the Diocese of Ross ; duties performed by a Curate. IMPROPRIATORS. The Right Honourable the Earl of Shannon, Impropriator j the du- ties performed by Curate. The King. Epenetus Cross. Joshua Cooper. The Duke of Devonshire. Richard T. Rye, Esq. James Kearney, Esq. By authority of Diocesan, in 1806. No Union. No Union. By authority of Dio- cesan, in 1794. By like authority, in 1797' lilt No Union. in Cork.] F- OR Province OF MDKSTER. // CS 287 / 4- Number of CHURCHES, Whether in Repair, and in what Parifh they ( land. 5- GLEEE HOUSES; In what Parifh ;— what Glebe Lands;— Whether contiguous; or How far removed from each other, ami from the Church, or Site of the old Church. A Church in Brinny, in igocd repair. \ Church, in good repair, A Church, in good repair. \ Church, in good repair. A Church. No Church. A Church at Ballinaboy. A Church at Trailon. No Glebe Houfe. A. R. P. Gl? be Land at Brinny - 9 o o About a furlong from the church. Glebe Land at Kncckaviily - - 30 o o within 5 mile from the ruins of the church, and 1 z acres about £ mile therefrom, and a mile from Brinny church. A Glebe Houfe. Glebe Land - A. R. P. 63 3 6 A Glebe Houfe. Glebe Land - A. R. P. 704 No Glebe Houfe. Glebe Land - A . p.. p. 23 o 3 A Glebe Houfe. Glebe Land - A. • 7 48 R. P. 1 18 1 37 CURATES Salaries in cafe of permitted Non- Rcfulence of ths Incumbents; whether Refident or not. A Cu- ate, refident in the center of the Union ; Salary at prefent £. 75.; to be incfeafec to £. 95. A Curate refident; Salary £• s3- No Curate. A Curate refident; Salary £ 7 5- A Curate refident; Salary £• 50. No Glebe Houfe or Glebe Land, A Curate refident in the adjoining parifh; Salary £. No Glebe Houfe or Land. A Curate performs Divine Service every Sunday alter- nately atTracton and Ballina- boy. 6. LIVINGS of a Value too fmall to afford Comfort to the Incumbent.
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