Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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E C C L E S I A S T I C A L R E P O R T S , I N 1 8 0 7, [ Cork. r— Number of Benefices. 12. * 3- ii.. 16. 10. 20. * I I. Names of BENEFICES ami DENOMINATIONS Number of PARISHES in each Benefice; Their Diftances from each other; and, Eftimated Content of fuch as lire contiguous. 2. INCUMBENTS, Whether having Cure of Souls; Where Refident; if non- Refident, for what Caufe; and by whom are the Duties difcharged. BENEFICES, When United, at; d by what Authority. I. I. z. 3- 4- The Prebend of Killanully. The Revd Henry St. Eloy, Pre bendary ; has cure of souls; not resident. The extent of this parish is but small. No
Union. I r\ The Prebend of Innifkenny. The Revd Edward Kenney, Pre- Moviddy ------ Redtory & Vicarage, ber. dary ; has cure of souls; is re- Kilbonane Vicarage ( Rectory Imp.) sident in the Glebe House of Mo- Aglish - - - Vicarage ( One Rectory Imp.) ( One other Rectory belongs to Kilbrogan.) Templetrine. Each of the three parishes of Moviddy, Kilbonane, and Aglish, contiguous to the other two ; estimated extent four miles long, and from 3 to 4 miles broad ; Inniskenny 8 miles dillant from Moviddy, and 10 from templetrine, which is 5 miles dillant from Moviddy. viddy, assisted by Curates. I. The Prebend of Kilnaglory. St.
Mary's otherwise Athnowen, one Rec- tory and Vicarage; ( one Rectory Im- propriate.) Contiguous: estimated extent from ea! l to weft 6 miles, from north to fouth 2 miles. By authority of the Diocefan in 1768. Thefe pcrifhes have b; en united as far back as the Record:- of the Diocefe extend. Templetrine held by Fa- culty. The Revd James Pratt, Preben- dary ; has cure of souls; resident within a mile of the parishes. By authority of Dio- : efan, 25th April 1785. l. 2. The Prebend of Kilbrittain. Rathclarin Rectory & Vicarage. These parishes are contiguous, and extend from north to south 4 miles, and from eall tc weft 2v miles. The
Prebend of Temple Michael. The Prebend of Desertmore. Kilcully Rectory & Vicarage. These parishes are 7 miles asunder. The Revd Thomas Barry, Pre- bendary; has cure of souls; re- sides in Glebe House. By authority of Dioce- lan, 26th June 1794 Thefe patiihes app ar by the Records of the Dio- cde to have been con- itantly united. The Revd Edward Mitchel Carle- ton, Prebendary; has cure of souls; resides in adjoining parish. No Union. it The Revd John William Bennett; By authority of has cure of souls; resides in the Diocesan, in 1794. Glebe House at Middleton, in the Diocese of Cloyne, which he holds by Faculty. t
The Prebend of Dromdaleague. Caheragh. Ringrone. Dromaleague and Caheragh are contiguous Estimated extent from east to west 5 miles, from north to fouth 7 miles. They art about 20 miles from Ringrone. Temple Michael de Duah - Rectory Entire. Carrigaline - - Rectory Entire. Kinsale - - Vicarage ( Rectory Impropriate.) The Revd Richard Webb, Pre- Dromdaleague and bendary ; has cure of souls; resides Caheragh by authority in Kinsale, within a mile of the of Diocesan, 2d Decr parish of Ringrone, which he holds' 1788. by a Faculty, and discharges the duties, assisted by Curate. Revd Thos Brown; has cure of souls;
resides in Kinsale. The Revd Horatio Townsend; has cure of souls ; resides at Court- masherry, near the Prebend of the Island, which he holds by Faculty; duties performed by two Curates. No Union. No Union. The Revd Samuel Beamish; has cure of souls ; is not resident. No Union.
? / Cork.] FOR P R O V I N C E OF M O N S T E R. 283 r 4. Number of CHURCHES. Whether in Repair, and in what P: iri1< they ftand. 5- GLEBE HOUSES j In what Parifh what Glebe Lands ;— Whether contiguous j or How far removed from cach other, and from the Church, or Site of the old Church. CURATES Salaries in cafe of permitted Non- Refidcnce of the Incumbents ; whether Refident or not. No Churoh. No Glebe Houfe. A. Glebe - -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 D° A Curate; Rev. Wm Lewis Beaufort, resident in Cork, 3 i 1 miles from the parish; Salary £• « o. A Church at Moviddy. No Glebe Houfe or Land in Inniskenny. A Glebe
Houfe at Moviddy. Glebe Land at Mo- ddy A. 80 O O Kilbcnane ; no Glebe Houfe ; Glebe Land g o o Adjoining church in ruins, dillant 5 miles from Moviddy. Glebe Land in Templetrine — — 19 o o Adjoining the ruins of a church. No Glebe Houfe in Aglifli. Glebe Land - - — — ..-- 5 o o Adjoining fite of old church, dillant from the church of Moviddy 5 miles. A Church. I No Glebe Houfe ; Glebe Land, A. R. P. Cilnaglory - — ... — - 5 3 20 Ditto, Athnowen — ------ 14. 3 37 Not 100 yards from the church. The Glebe of tCilnaglory about the fame diflance from the fite of oid church. The Glebes about i£ miles afunder. A Church. No
Church. No Church. A Church in Dromda ague, in good repair No Church. A Curate resident of Mo- viddy and contiguous parishe of Union ; Salary £. <; o. In iskenny Curate, not resident Salary £. 10. Templetrine Curate, resides 4 miles from the parish ; Salary £. 5.; but one Protectant family in the parish. A Glebe Houfe. Glebe Land - - - Ditto Duties by Incumbent. LIVINGS of a Value too fimll to afford Comfoit to the Incumbent, Each of thefe pa- rifhes feparately. No Glebe Houfe, or Land. No Glebe Houfe. Glebe Land - 60 Each of thefe pa- rifhes feparatcly. Duties performed by In- cumbent. 1 A Curate, refident in the| F. ach of
thefe pa- adjoining parilh, performs ihe riflies ferarauly. occafional duties of Def, rt- more ; £. thofe of Kilcully performed by Curate refideni in Cork ; £. 10. No Gleb- fljul'c. No Glebe Lund. A Curate atDrcmdaleague; Salary £. 50. No Glebe Houfe. No Glebe Land. A Curate for occalional du- ties, the parifii bcirg l'mall; £ 10. A Church and a Chapel f Eafe ; both IU good re- pair. 1 A Church, in gocd rc- J A. R. P. No Glebe Iloufe. Gicte Land - - o 3 9 A Curate ; Salary £. 50. 1 A Curate or Chaplain ; Sa- lary £. 75. A Glebe Houfe in a ruincuj Hate. Glebe A Curate refident; Salary Land. k- 7S